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Ahhh como eu amo correr... como me faz fez... e me faz sentir o quão grande podemos ser! É vc saber que não será fácil, que o início é tenso, que as subidas assustam, que seu corpo dirá que não pode mais..., que as lágrimas virão junto com o medo e a dor, porém trarão junto o sorriso e o brilho nos olhos de quando se enxerga a chegada!!! .
Posso correr inúmeras provas e em todas elas meu coração irá vibrar, fico trêmula, agradeço a Deus.... Ahhh como eu agradeço, fico dizendo dentro de mim “obrigada meu Deus, obrigada meu Deus... obrigada...” . .
Não importa a distância, nem o tempo, em o lugar, o que realmente vale é saber que hoje se fez o melhor que poderia ser feito e vencemos . Seja nos 5k, 10k, 21k ou 42k não importa! O fundamental é que hoje nós vencemos !
Obrigada meu Deus por tudo o que vivi hj, por mais essa prova linda e por eu me sentir tão forte e feliz❤️ Parabéns corredores! Estamos juntos e não se esqueçam “o mundo é nosso”.
#run #running #runner #runningmotivation #runningmotivacional #nike #nikerunning #nikerunclub #pegasusturbo #corredoresdecuritiba #correndoporai #euescolhicorrer #amocorrer #corridaderua #corrida #sóquerotreinar #esporte #vidasaudadel #corridapequenoprincipe #eucorroporumacausa #hospitalpequenoprincipe
Moinsen! Na, wart ihr heute auch schon fleißig? Mein Bett war super bequem und da gleich noch Besuch kommt, gab es heute wieder einen kurzen Lauf.♀️ Passt aber sowieso ganz gut in meinen Trainingsplan, denn im Juni mache ich beim @bonnernachtlauf einem 10km Lauf mit. Auf welchen Lauf trainiert ihr gerade? #fitfamgermany #fitfam #running #laufenverbindet #joggen #sundayrunday #longrun #happyme #nikerunclub #fitstagram #fitness #fitnessblogger #bonnstagram #laufliebe #follow #nikerunning #abnehmen #abnehmen2019 #weightlossjourney #postworkout #laufenmachtglücklich #goodvibesonly #bodylove #bodypositivity #instadaily #blogger #instablogger #strongnotskinny #weightloss #laufenmachtsüchtig
Last Sunday marked day 700 of running consecutively (98% of those runs 5 miles/8k or more). It’s almost been two years since I embarked on this journey and it hasn’t been an easy ride. I find it so incredible how adaptive the body and mind are with consistent practice. We only have so much daily will power reserves in the tank - I’ve made it this far by focusing on building my self discipline muscle, scheduling my days around my workouts, and developing an unbreakable habit. I now can’t even imagine my life without running every day. That doesn’t mean it’s easy. 9/10 days I don’t feel like going for a run and literally have to force myself out the door (after some heavy procrastination). I try, however, to not over think the amount of energy I’m about to invest, and focus on thoughts of how good I’ll feel when I’m in mid-workout; focusing on my breathing and thoughts, and the incredible high afterwards that lasts the entirety of the day. My last 3 runs this week have been rough; my quads heavy, hips tight, and calves stiff. I’ve learned to not push my body too hard on these days. I’ll slow down my pace substantially, stop to stretch or run a slightly shorter distance. By doing this, I’ve managed to avoid sustaining any injuries thus far. Excited to see how the next 100 days go. Thanks to everyone who have been following my journey over the past few years. Your support means the world to me ♀️❤️
#nikerunning #nikerunclub #nikeplusrunclub #nikeplusrunning #summerrunning #running #runtoronto #torontorunning #run #NRC #runninglife #worldrunners #runeveryday #stravarunning #morningrun #garmin #garminrunning #fenix3 #underarmourrunning #uarunning #UARUSH #RUN30
#ParisMarathon ♂️
Quelle fierté d’arborer ce t-shirt et cette médaille ( malgré le mauvais goût).
Beaucoup d’effort fournis, de moments de doutes traversés, de souffrance physique mais mon mental était plus fort.
Tout se passait bien jusqu’au 28e KM, où j’ai pris le fameux mur des 30 en pleine face. Des douleurs articulaires (hanche et genou) allant crescendo... Heureusement les copains @thibaut_jcqmn et @tracer_ocr étaient là pour me soutenir à ce moment !
Une grande fierté et un grand honneur de pouvoir enfin dire que je suis marathonien ♂️!
Merci à tous pour tous vos encouragements et vos messages qui me sont allés droit au cœur ❤️!
Croyez en vous, cherchez à vous dépasser car vous le pouvez, c’est en vous! Peu importe le domaine, CROYEZ EN VOUS!
À bientôt les amis
#run #runner #runners #running #runningman #runaddict #nike #nikeman #nikerun #nikerunning #nrc #nikeshoes #nikerunclub #nikerunningclub #instarun #instarunning #instarunfrance #instarunners #frenchrunner #prepamarathon #marathontraining #marathon #42km #igrunners #igrunner #courseapied #courir #unstoppable