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Let me just tell you the adrenaline you get during a code blue is out of this world.
Just recently during my shift we had a code blue. It all started when the central heart monitor started alarming, showing a patient’s heart rate drop to 40. my preceptor and I hurried into the room and there was the patient. I asked if she was okay. The pt never responded. She went into asystole we immediately called for help. I tried to find a pulse ANYWHERE, Nothing!! her skin was cold to touch and her cap refill was greater than 4 seconds, and her fingertips and toes were blue.
We immediately started compressions and within 10 seconds about 10 people showed up. The Doctor, resident, respiratory therapist, nurses. Everyone was doing something to bring back the patient. My adrenaline was pumping. After 15min of compressions, administrating medications (epinephrine, dopamine), intubation. We finally got a heart beat and oh boy oh boy that feeling is indescribable. Everyone’s effort paid off in the best of way. The patient was then transferred to the ICU.
Have you had a code blue on your unit ? What was your experience like?
#codeblueteam #registerednurse #nursingstudent #nursingblog #respiratorytherapist #doctors #nursingstudent #nursinglife
Clinics this week have been held in New Delhi at this amazing school. These kids are not from ideal living situations but the goal is to change their futures to break cycles. The best part is that you can’t tell from these precious fulfilling. If you couldn’t tell, I love kids lol. ⚕️
#newdelhi #india #missiontrip #nursingblog #blog #merceronmissions #bsn #nursingstudent
Deep Thought: This is what my Kuvings dreams about...
Talk juicer to me! ♀️ I love my new @kuvingsusa juicer! If you are in the market for a juicer and need some help deciding what kind is right for you...check out my newest blog post! Link is in bio! ☝It will help point you in the right direction.