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Jumping for joy because I’m feeling really grateful and happy with skating and my work ethic overall! Instead of letting mistakes and failures to define me I’m putting one skate () in front of the other and trying to just make things work. Anyways, I hope you all are appreciating yourselves because you are a m a z i n g and l o v e d ❤️ Have a great Saturday!!! :)))) & @frstyl_prncss •
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Here’s a really rough video of my step sequence we changed it to a circular pattern for my short program so I’m still getting use to it... once I finally get use to all of the turns themselves I can start adding actual emotion to it and focus on not looking like a starfish!! I’ve been really enjoying practice more recently and I feel like I’m returning to normal on the ice❤️ I’m excited for this season!! Hope you’re all having a great Sunday :))) vc: @figureskaterclaire
When you're happy the weekend starts! ️
#xeolifestyle #icefreestyle #freestyleiceskating #icefreestyler #iceskates #iceskate #patins #iceskating #patinage #patinajesobrehielo #icerink #patinoire #lodowisko #eishalle #freestyle #freestyleonice #figureskating #icehockey #hockeyskates #figureskates #katok #pattinaggio #streetdance #breakdance #teplai #spin
Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience!
➡️ @victoria.irs
#xeolifestyle #icefreestyle #freestyleiceskating #icefreestyler #iceskates #iceskate #patins #iceskating #patinage #patinajesobrehielo #icerink #patinoire #lodowisko #eishalle #freestyle #freestyleonice #figureskating #icehockey #hockeyskates #figureskates #katok #pattinaggio #wernau #teplai
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