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i have sooooo many thoughts today it’s like where do i even begin!
sometimes i just want to give you all a big hug and tell you everything is alright. all your worries about looking a certain way, or your worries and stress whether you should or ShOuLd’Nt eat tHiS to help you “look summer ready” — it’s all going to be okay.
i feel like we get so stressed out, worried and even depressed when we make a “mistake” when in reality the mistake we are worried about is eating too many cookies or skipping a gym session. a health and fitness journey isn’t a sprint. it’s a lifestyle. and it’s about changing yourself for the better mentally and physically. and getting away from that “mistake mentality.”
getting to where i am today took TIME. and a lot of it. it took a lot of me telling myself it’s okay. it took teaching myself that eating pizza, cookies, and ice cream is OKAY. it took forming new habits with food and exercise. it took challenging myself in the gym more. it took a lot of patience and progress pictures.
so to all my fellow women out there who may be struggling with themselves, here is a reminder.
this takes time. you are doing GREAT. everything is okay. each day is a fresh start. and there is a 5’2 blonde and a little baby cheering YOU on EVERY step of the way.
all my love to you
Today was one of these days when I realised (once again) I’m my worst enemy. The human mind is such an incredible thing and I’m super excited to learn and work on my shit. Yet it’s so frustrating when you’re flowing and start to think you’re not good enough, your coordination sucks and arms are flying all over the place. The good thing is I’m very aware of that and where it is coming from so instead of sinking into that muddy puddle of selfhaye I give it a middle finger and keep dancing
Using it as a #stopdropandspin for the lovely @hoopeclipse and passing the love to @hooperofhyrule @sunny_daze__ and @hooplalaa ❤️
#keepondancing #flowartsmovement #flowartists #hoopersofinsta #movementmeditation #movementculturespain #peptalks #nofucksgivin #ulaula #hoopersofspain #hoopla
Our favorite day of the week, #NewMusicFriday! Tell us all of your favorite new tracks and follow along with new releases at our AP Discover Spotify playlist
#altpress #ap #alternativepress #iamap #newfoundglory #nfg #fromthescreentoyourstereo #fromthescreentoyourstereo3 #badreligion #ageofunreason #L7 #scattertherats #judahandthelion #peptalks #newmusic #discovernewmusic