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Reformer Posturale. Good morning 1 May. #pilatesreformer #pilates #fitness #allenamento #posturalexercises #ginnasticaposturale #riabilitazione #palestra #mente #stress #stressmanagement #danzaclassica #danzacontemporanea #sportswear #sport #yogagirl #yogateacher #yogainspiration #fisioterapia #pilatesmilano #milanosport #pilatesschool #coach #pilatesteacher #vegano #vegetariano
Buona pratica a tutti with ❤
Da notare la transizione finale e il ciuffo
#yesiam #yesican #wellness #fitnessmotivation #man #fif #quellidellafif #backexstension #addominali #abdominal #abs #flowtonic #trainingday #training #mantraining #instalike #pilateslovers #pilatesmatwork #pilatesschool #pilates #pilatesteacher #swandive #pilateslifestyle
Reposted from @pilatesmethodalliance
CONGRATULATIONS to another PSAP approved school!
Find more approved schools here: www.pilatesschoolapprovalprogram.com
Seam Academy @seamacademy təşkil etdiyi və sayın Hocamız @bariscunguroglu rəhbərliyi ilə İstanbulda keçirilən sammitdə iştirak etməkdən məmnunluq duyuruq. İki ilə əldə etdiyimiz nailiyyətləri daha da möhkəmlətmək və özümüzü bu sahədə ən ön sıralarda görməkdən qurur duyuruq.
#pilateslife #pilateslifebaku #pilatesacademy #lifewithpilateslife #pilatesschool #pilatesschoolbaku #seamacademy #pilateslovers #pilates
Are you thinking about training as a Pilates Teacher? We regularly get contacted by those who would love to train as a Pilates teacher, often as a change of career or when their children are older, but are concerned that they are too old! or don't come from a fitness background Our Pilates teachers and students come from all walks of life and range from being in their 20's to their 80's It's worth keeping in mind too that our lovely Director and Founder Lynne Robinson started Pilates in her late 30's (she was a mother and History teacher with a bad back!) and then went on to co found Body Control Pilates in 1996 when she was in her 40's. So if you're wanting to teach Pilates give us a call on 0207 636 8900 for a chat (ask as many questions as you want!) or email sarahb@bodycontrol.co.uk for more details and an info pack (why not do it today!) #newstart #ageisjustanumber #changeofdirection #changeofcareer #pilatesteacher #pilatesinstructor #pilatesstudent #pilateseducation #pilatesschool #fitnesstrainer #bitethebullet #noregrets #pilates