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It’s always a party in the studio when the girls of @whatwesaidpodcast come to record!
Last week, they invited the infamous blogger + influencer @indyblue_ in the studio for a real conversation about how she created such a deep connection with her audience and what she does to maintain that, how she feels about Instagram ads, how she travels on a budget, how she makes money, how she responds to pressure + haters, and MORE.
Listen now to learn about your new soon-to-be favorite influencer with link in bio or with Apple Podcasts!
Episode 144: “Everyone is Lying, Including You, and What You Can Do About it to Help Your Success with Lauren Zander”.
Check it out in the link in the bio ️
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Make sure to follow @misfitentrepreneur for more motivational post! #misfitentrepreneur
Cuties. Do you remember when this was a go to pose any time you saw a camera? Yup I do.
❔ Who is your favorite lady in this shot?
❕ Juliet! My soul sister. There aren't a lot of characters on TV like her and, relating to her so much, I'm grateful we got her perspective in LOST.
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Our work comsumes a large part of our life. We either spend it loving what we do or we despise every hour we have doing it.
I don’t plan on wasting my life in negativity, that’s why I decided to pursue my own dream. Building a company involving not just fitness but also the lifestyle it brings. More podcasts releasing this month on the app. Stay tuned. #powerwaveapp
No new episode today, but make sure you visit theLOSTpodcast.com to vote in our season 3 polls! We'll be discussing the results and our own answers in our next episode!
❔ What's your favorite thing about Charlie?
❕ His humor! He can be so frustrating sometimes and then I can't stay mad at him because he's so funny. The scene where he struggles with reading Claire's diary is always one of my favorites!
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WHO OR WHAT, Part 1. Did you get a chance to listen to this episode last week featuring @immollybloom, @elenacardone and @edmylett? It’s !!
Travis discusses with each of these leaders which they find to be most important.
Look it up by searching BUILD YOUR NETWORK wherever you listen to podcasts. Episode 247.
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