pots chronicillness plants pottery spoonie ceramics ehlersdanlossyndrome invisibleillness macetas anxiety depression design fibromyalgia chronicpain clay dysautonomia flowers garden handmade posturalorthostatictachycardiasyndrome succulents cactus ceramicart chronicallyill chronicfatigue thinkpink
Mark Griffiths (b1956) of Culmington near Ludlow, studio potter & forester, this is a large moon vase with wax resist and I think chun glaze, looking rather beautiful in his garden in the early evening Shropshire sun on Monday. I am selling some his pots on eBay if you care to look :) ! .
#madaboutpots shamelessplug #markgriffiths #1956greatyear #britishstudiopottery #pottery #ceramics #collecting #shropshire #culmington #vase #moonvase #waxresist #potsinthegarden #garden #potsoutside #garden #hosta #earthenware #stoneware #pots
it’s all in your head.
it’s just anxiety.
just because you are hypermobile doesn’t mean you have eds.
don’t worry you don’t have pots, you don’t want to have pots.
there’s literally no way you have a csf leak.
it’s probably just allergies.
it’s just stress.
but you don’t look sick.
and my personal favorite: stop spending so much time online researching these conditions.
all things said to me by healthcare providers. i knew something was wrong, and i turned out to be right every time.
i wish i could say the validation of a diagnosis erased all my self doubt, but it didn’t.
somehow those doctors really got into my head, and i still find myself crippled by self doubt, even in the face of overwhelming evidence confirming what i know to be true.
they told me it wasn’t real and i actually started to believe them. i told myself it was normal to feel this way.
somewhere along the way i stopped trusting my body and i’m still learning how to rebuild that trust.
i won’t lie, this disease has taken so much from me - but it has given me some truly wonderful humans that i now can’t imagine my life without.
it’s also given me a sense of unrelenting purpose. it’s what keeps me moving forward on the days i don’t think i can get out of bed. i think there’s something healing about telling your story and actually feeling heard - and all i want is to someday hear the stories of my own patients. i want them to feel heard, i want them to know i believe them, and that they aren’t alone. i want them to feel seen as who they really are. i want them to know they are some of the smartest, most resilient people i’ve ever met and that they inspire me every god damn day.
happy eds awareness month.
Okay. Det lyder måske lidt makabert. Men, det er min sidste dag i dag, før ferien slutter og arbejdet kalder igen i morgen eftermiddag
Det har været en fantastisk ferie, både med afslapning og hårdt arbejde i haven
Har I andre haft en god weekend? .
#weekend #plant #monstera #obliqua #shelfie #royalcopenhagen #time #shelf #green #diy #ikea #ikeahack #kaktus #light #interior #homedecor #nordisk #nordiskhjem #nordiske #denmark #whiteinterior #mynordicroom #hour #hourglass #beton #pots
May 1st starts #LymeDisease Awareness Month. Both photos are within 2 weeks of each other. I live both lives.
A patient whose life has been shaped by an illness that was caused by a tick bite that I never saw, a rash that never came, and by a doctor(s) who never diagnosed me properly.
SEVEN. The number of years it took me to get an accurate diagnosis.
Every day is a battle. The still ever present fatigue, joint and never pain, and the brain fog that creeps in when I am just trying desperately to be like any other 25 year old.
Being diagnosed with chronic neurological Lyme disease, coinfections, and now #CIDP, #POTS, and #Hashimotos, has been a blessing in disguise.
I will forever fight to give a voice to the millions of patients worldwide who struggle with the #stigma of living with medical devices and #chronicillness illness.
This is me. This is #LymeDiseaseAwareness Month. This is chronic illness. This is a woman who is isn’t going to let a disease dictate her life.
My story sound familiar? Check out the @globallymealliance and @mightywell_’s blog for ACCURATE information about Lyme and tick borne illness
Llego la GRAN BARATA de otoño para que dejes tu casa súper plantistica:3,4 y 5 de mayo.
30% off en todos los productos.
Válido en nuestros dos locales. Stocks limitados. Descuento solo válido en efvo. #suculentas #succulents #succulove #macetas #planter #pots #ceramica #diseñoargentino #potitstore #potitlab
Meanwhile at @thepotteryparade: lots of pots were made this week and I'm hoping to share new previews soon! These are two of my favorites from an older collection (and both have now found themselves a home). I'm getting into Blue & white quite a lot lately! #ceramics #potswithcharacter #pottery #handmade #homedecor #planters #pots