progressnotperfection motivation workout weightloss fattofit fitness baratricsupport beforeandafter beforeandafterweightloss diet dietbet dinner eatclean effyourbeautystandards fatgirlfedupsdietbet fatloss fitnessaddict fitspo gettingfit girlswholift happiness healthy intuition losingpounds losingweight mealprep mindfulness northcarolina squats superboy
Tallow: Butter substitute / High Smoke Point so can use for frying / Can be used to make candles / Packed full of Vitamins A, D, E & K / plenty of other uses.
#theketogenicbarbie #theketogenicbabe
#ketogirl #fatgirl #progressnotperfection #eatmorefat #wellnessmocha #fatfueled #paleo #ketoaf #ketoadapted #ketoeats #lchf #beeftallow .
. (Fitness) (Fitness) WellnessMocha.Com Twitter.Com/SuthernMocha (GAMING) Facebook.Com/FreakShowFit
BJs Brewhouse is where I go when I want a nicely cooked rack of ribs without all the sauce. (I didn’t eat the rice or the asparagus... I’m good on that) #theketogenicbarbie #theketogenicbabe .
You wanna make me happy... lay a slab of meat in front of me and let me get to work.
#greedyaf #liftbig #eatbig #progressnotperfection #healthylifestyle #ketodiet #wellness #wellnessmocha #ketogenic #ketoaf #meathead #sorrynotsorry #feedme #bjsbrewhouse #fatfueled #eat #ThisIsMyStory #mevsme #ketoaf #fitfoodie
. (Fitness) (Fitness) WellnessMocha.Com Twitter.Com/SuthernMocha (GAMING) Facebook.Com/FreakShowFit
Liver & Bacon.. Liver for the nutrients..bacon for the taste. I know a lot of people hate the taste of liver but it’s not that bad especially when cooked with bacon. For all you badasses that eat liver raw... y’all can have that
What’s your favorite way to eat liver? .
#theketogenicbarbie #theketogenicbabe .
#ketogirl #grainfree #healthiswealth #progressnotperfection #wellnessjourney #eattogrow #wellnessmocha #eatwell #livewell #paleo #dairyfree #ketoeats #ketogenic #ketodiet #ketotransformation #fitfoodie .
. (Fitness) (Fitness) WellnessMocha.Com Twitter.Com/SuthernMocha (GAMING) Facebook.Com/FreakShowFit
Actual footage of me laying low every weekend so nobody tries to make plans with me:
Okay but on a real note I was talking to @aquilaskates about hydroblading and it reminded me that I haven’t tried this in forever! One of my favorite “tricks” - I need to find a way to incorporate this into a program someday #hydroblade #hydroblading #skatingtricks journeytoaxel #adultskater #adultskaters #adultskating #adultsskatetoo #adultfigureskater #adultfigureskaters #adultfigureskating #edeaboots #edeafamily #edeaskates #edeaicefly #icefly #johnwilson #johnwilsonblades #goldseal #teamwilson #iceskating #figureskating #progressnotperfection #fitnessjourney #dedicationworks
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#personaltrainer#knockout#getstrong#progressnotperfection #pain #frontsquats #studying #strength, #yogaposes#workout#crushiteveryday #relationships #shoulderworkout #homegym #fitnesstrainer #fitnessfun #fitnessfreaks #backworkout #shoulderworkout #socialsteeze #moroccotravel #homegym #fitnessfun #fitnessfreaks
I have been in restock mode with all of these oil and soap dispensers the past week. I sold 8 of these at my show this past Saturday and hope to sell a lot more tomorrow at the Duveneck Art Show from 12-5p. I have been unloading finished ones and throwing new ones. Have a good weekend everyone!!
#pottersofinstagram #wheelthrown #wheelthrownceramics #wheelthrownpottery #handmadeceramics #handmadepottery #supporthandmade #handmadeisbetter #process #trusttheprocess #progress #progressoverperfection #progressnotperfection #ceramics #ceramic #ceramica #ceramique #keramik #clay #pottery #potterystudio #cone6oxidation #cone6 #lovethecov #covingtonky #cincinnatioh #rdceramics
Opportunities don’t happen on their own. You create them. Everytime you work on magnifying your skill sets, you are opening the door to new possibilities. Put yourself in positions that demand you to learn and grow; you never know if the one skill you lack is the defining factor between hitting your goal, or not. Bringing the energy powered by @celsiusofficial. We are going to reach the skies.
#ma60day #childofGod
Las oportunidades no ocurren por sí solas. Tú los creas. Cada vez que trabajas para aumentar tus habilidades, estás abriendo la puerta a nuevas posibilidades. Ponte en posiciones que te exijan aprender y crecer; nunca se sabe si la habilidad que te falta es el factor definitorio entre alcanzar tu objetivo o no. Así que no esperes más para mejorar tus habilidades no sólo físicas pero emocionales. Dale!
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