pushpress crossfit fitness weightlifting training workout girlswholift powerlifting strong motivation pushups strength strengthtraining anexiondelpartidodenicoya cleanandjerk crossfitgirls crossfitter kettlebell lifting press squats amrap bodybuilding crossfitfam deadlift deadlifts fitfam ilovecrossfit
Had an absolute blast at the @officialultimatestrongman UK truck Pull.
Push, Pull and Arm over Arm.
Thanks to @mlawson1974 for putting on a great show.
Forgot how much I love this as an event.
Dont know the weights or the times. 2 Lorries and Bus is as technical as I get
Well Done to everyone who competed.
Thanks to @philwontnersmith for 2 of the videos and being the rope boy!
And @anthwag86 for following me around everywhere doing the stuff I want to do
Powered by @geneticsupps
Supported by @sbdapparel @sbd.usa
Training at @spartan_performance_ @bodyextremegym
Programmed by @trapsliketodd
Nutrition @chaosfromchris
@a7.uk grip shirt doing its thing!
#teamgenetic #geneticsupplements #sbd #TeamSBDUK #SBDApparel #geneticsupps #deadlift #deadlifting #squat #strongwoman #strongman #womenwhostrongman #WSW #x2 #worldsstrongestwoman #pickupheavyshitandrun #pressallthethings #grownasswomanstrength #strength #strengthtraining #overheadpress #pushpress #elite #strengthathlete #trainedbytodd #toddlers
The PUSH PRESS is often mistaken for a push JERK, but the truth is, one includes a deeper ‘catch’ position which can enable a lifter to lift much more weight overhead.
In both cases, the bar travels in a straight line overhead, and is assisted by the legs on the way up.
Know the diff’rence like James Dewitt Yancey.
#strengthtraining #bodybuilding #olympicweightlifting #olympiclifting #hypertrophy #strengthandconditioning #overheadpress #pushpress #powertraining #powerlifting #explosivetraining
2 #explosive #exercises for #sports with Dynamx @xceler8_athletics
#shoulderpress #pushpress #deadlift #powerclean #legday ##shoulderworkout #strength #skills #athletetraining #weigthlifting #sportspecific #sportsperformance #explosivepower #athletics #athlete #functionaltraining #outdoortraining #movefaster #getfaster #gomuscles #sport #movements #projectbarnim #crossthelinegetfit
OH MY QUAD this program is kickin’ my butt. I am slowly deteriorating. One more workout until a deload. Just got to hang in there a little bit longer. Hang power snatch was ugly and all over the place. I misread my workout and was trying to do clean + push press at 80% of my clean and jerk. Lol not possible. I fixed and then all was good. :) Thanks for the motivation today @ethos_31. I needed it! #noexcuses