rawalmondmylk asibooster susualmond sususehat susualmondpekalongan pejuangasi jualsusualmond almondmylk minumansehat almondmilk rawalmondmilk boosterasi chasewmilk fresh healty minumanpekalongan nondairy organic pekalongan rawchasewmilk rawwalnutmilk susualmondmentah susubumil susubusui susuhazelnut susuhomemade susukacangmete susupekalongan susuwalnut walnutmilk minumansehat
So we have heard from our customers that this flavour has helped them converting their choices from dairy mylk to Plant Based mylk because of its rich flavour and they couldn’t make out the difference if it was normal milk or Almond mylk.
And this is where we have won the game !
Available exclusively at @nutandbowls, it look us months to curate all of these flavours and bring it out in the market and the response is phenomenal.
We swear by our company’s policy-
Locally Made,
Ethically Produced!
Call/Whatsapp at 9910556033 to pre order!
#almondmilk #rawalmondmylk #naturalprotein #plantbasedprotein #veganfacts plantbased #plantbasedfood #superfood #wholefoods #superfoods #rawfood #rawfooddiet #vegan #vegandiet #veganism #delhivegans #vegansindelhi #veganindelhi #cleaneating #veganoutreach #naturefoods #delhifoodblog #lbbdelhi #preservativesfree #nosugaradded #veganfirst #consciousliving #consciouseating #nutandbowls
Sunny Sunday booster :
Drinking my fresh almond mylk from @mymimsfood
Buat yg lg nyari penjual Susu Almond, ini salah satu rekomendasiku dari @mymimsfood
100% terbuat dari Kacang Almond asli (rasanya enak dan kental, bukan yg encer kebanyakan air yaaa ✔), TANPA pengawet, TANPA pewarna ataupun perasa buatan
Semua produk mereka serba alami dan natural yahh! Dibuatnya jg fresh made by order only :)
Aman utk dikonsumsi segala usia;
mulai dr anak2 (Logan sukaaa ), Ibu hamil, Ibu menyusui, Orang Tua, sampai orang2 yg lg diet jg bgs bgttt krn susu almond terkenal dgn Kadar Kalorinya yg Rendah
Disini kamu bisa cobain 6 variant rasa yg berbeda (masing2 rasanya juga bold dan pny ciri khas masing2, jd ga bikin kamu cepet bosen nikmatinnya ):
Plain, Dates, Chocolate, Coffee, Matcha, Thai Tea ☕ yummmms!
Uda cobain semuanya dan sukaaa bangetttt
Never get bored with this healthy Raw Almond Mylk from @mymimsfood that brings only GOODNESS to your body
Jakarta (also available at TOKOPEDIA)
#cnfoodgallery #mymimsfood #jktfoodbang #jktfooddestination #almondmylk #rawalmondmylk #susualmond #susu #vegan #veganfood #veganfriendly #eatclean #cleaneating #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #health #healthyliving #rawfood #rawmilk #vegandrink #veganrecipes #dietplan #asibooster #boosterasi #pelancarasi #natural #organic #plantbased #endorsementjakarta #shareyourhealthymind
Ask @gwenwinarno
She has been making fresh raw almond mylk since 2012. Sepulangnya dari raw food course di US, Gwen mulai membuat almond mylk untuk dia dan anak-anaknya yang memang lactose intolerant.
Sejak 2012 sampai hari ini, sudah banyak sekali yang dipelajari oleh Gwen. Bukan hanya dari manfaatnya almond mylk saja, tapi proses pembuatannya pun, dari pemilihan kacangnya, sampai proses bottling yang hanya menggunakan botol kaca, juga cara penyimpanannya, semua menjadi building blocks supaya kami bisa memberikan kwalitas almond mylk yang terbaik.
So if you got any questions regarding almond mylk, drop it in the comment section of this post, she’ll be more than happy to answer your questions.
Kalau ada pertanyaan seputaran almond mylk, silahkan tanya di bagian comment post ini. Gwen akan menjawabnya dengan senang hati.
#tanyagwen #askgwen #fresh #raw #rawalmondmylk #questions #almond #mylk #activated #nondairy #alternative #plantbased #healthyfat #nuts #treenut #purefoodsmarket #natural #organic #cafe #grocer #jakarta
Just want to take a moment to share how grateful I am for this. Our @purefoodscompany have made it on the shelves of @kemchicks_pacificplace and there's only one bottle left after stocking them only a few days ago! I'm getting all teary eyed just to see this. It has been a long journey (sometimes hard, but definitely rewarding) for me of almond mylk making.
Saya mulai bikin raw almond mylk sendiri di rumah dari tahun 2012. Dari yang cuma sekedar bikin untuk keluarga, akhirnya teman dan kerabat mulai meminta. Akhirnya karena memang sama sekali belum available di Jakarta, sy mulai menerima order dengan jumlah yang makin besar. So I gave it a brand called Gwen's Kitchen.
Sampai saat ini saya masih memproduksi fresh raw almond mylk, dan hanya dengan nama @purefoodscompany . Formulanya sudah saya sempurnakan sejak pertama saya buat. But I do stick with the basics, meaning saya sengaja tidak campur2 flavorings, we don't use any artificial flavorings, and we only sweetened it with dates cuz dates are awesomely healthy for our body. It's a brain food, did you know that? And good for your heart. Secara packaging sy memilih pakai botol gelas kaca for so many reasons dari freshness and quality to environmental awareness.
And no, I don't claim my almonds are organic, because organic almonds don't exist at this end of the world. And if they do, my gosh, we wouldn't be able to afford a bottle of almond mylk, cuz it would be crazy expensive. Jadi tidak ada organic almonds di Indonesia. Kalaupun ada, harga jual almond mylk per botol 250ml saja pasti sudah diangka 100rb'an. Agak ga make sense kan ya?! So thank you all for being on this journey with me. I'm grateful to those that keep choosing our almond mylk.
#almondmylk #rawalmondmylk #purefoodscompany #fresh #natural #jakarta
Introducing our new healthy product in store
Raw Almond milk
Based on my personal experienced sebagai green smoothie lover sejak late of 2013. Half vegan and consumed raw food.
Sangat Susah mencari Almond milk disini, untuk campuran green smoothie saya. So terpaksa saya ganti Raw Almond milk dengan regular low fat milk (that's why I call it half vegan) . Bahkan di groceries store yg menjual product2 import pun saya tidak pernah dapat. 2014-2015 pengusaha lokal Sudah mulai Ada yg memproduksi dengan Harga yang lumayan tinggi, as we know Almond memang tergolong dalam kacang2an yang harganya cukup costy.
Namun untuk pure vegan biasanya tidak mau mengganti almond milk yang mengandung lemak Nabati dengan regular milk (dengan kandungan lemak hewani). Today we launch this product to make it easier for all vegan to get this super healthy creamy hand made Almond Milk
As well as easier for all of you who have diet agenda without losing nutrition Consumed almond milk daily for beautiful skin and natural anti aging
With Flavors : -. Classic
-. My Dates
-. Chocolate Bliss
-. Bella Vanilla
Contact us:
Line: Magic Bee
IG: Magicbee_kitchen
WA: 0812 8500 8293
E-mail: healthybabessecret@gmail.com #almondmilk #rawalmondmilk #almondmylk #almondmilkjkt #almondmilkjakarta #rawalmondmylk
Alhamdulilah...terimakasih untuk orderan hari ini semoga suka dan membawa manfaat baik bagi kesehatan anda yg mau pesan bisa wasap ke 082133767616 , area kota pemalang saja yg bisa diantar. Promo Rp 15ribu/botol, Rp 17ribu untuk rasa kurma, Rp 20rb untuk rasa madu. Beli 4 free ongkir #happymylk #happyrawalmondmylk #rawalmondmylk #abaikanlabelyangluntur #minumansehat #seratuspersennatural #natural #lowfat #jualsusualmond #susualmond #pemalang follow @happymylk
Mylkinc stall wich located @lippomallkemang has moving around the hypermart coridoor
More easy to find and easy to get
Happy healthy and stay slim with mylkinc #mylkinc #rawnutmilk #rawalmondmilk #susualmondjakarta #rawchasewmylk #rawfood #rawnutmilk #rawmacadamiamilk #rawalmondmylk #healthydiet #healthybody #healthyfood #loveyourbody #stall #lippomallkemang