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My paper presentation from Wednesday’s workshop on Decolonising Feminist Knowledge: Reflections on Research and Curriculum.
My paper was titled ‘Western Eyes, Decolonial Glasses? Researching Malawi, Interrogating Western Feminist Knowledge Production on the Global South’, a play on the title of Chandra Talpade Mohanty’s famous 1986 essay. I spoke about feminist approaches to decolonising Development Studies and to disrupting and avoiding the reproduction of misrepresentations and homogenisations often manifested in Western gender and development scholarship.
#decolonisingfeminism #dfk2019 #decolonise #decolonisingtheacademy #feminism #decolonising #intersectionality #feministpedagogy #feminist #developmentstudies #genderanddevelopment #womenindevelopment #feministresearch #feministresearchmethods #researchmethods #feministpedagogy #phd #phdlife #gradschool #academiclife #feministknowledge #edinburghuni #intersectionalfeminism #internationaldevelopment
Good or bad teacher? .
After teaching for 4 semesters, I realized that it is actually very hard to figure out what students really want and need. And also, it is difficult to find a balance and challenge students who want to know a lot but at the same time not intimidate those who are still struggling in college.
I have just read my course evaluations for this semester and while one student called my research methods class interesting and helpful, another student called me boring and that I demand too much How do you find that balance? .
What did you value most in your professors/teachers? .
#teaching #collegeteaching #collegeprofessor #professor #courseevaluations #researchmethods
Cześć 3/3: "Epilog". Wszyscy, niemalże bez wyjątku, jesteśmy obiektem badań klinicznych. Niemal każdy z nas w nich uczestniczy, chociaż większość nie zdaje sobie z tego sprawy.
Spytacie: ale jak to? Jak jest to w ogóle możliwe? Tak bez zgody?
Odpowiem: ano, tak to. Tak, tak moi mili, wszyscy jesteśmy w pewnym sensie "króliczkami doświadczalnymi" . Czy nam się to podoba czy nie.
Otóż badania kliniczne leków prowadzone są zazwyczaj w czterech fazach. Faza I polega na testowaniu leku na niewielkiej grupie zdrowych ochotników i służy upewnieniu się, że nowy lek nie budzi istotnych wątpliwości dot. bezpieczeństwa.
Jeżeli faza I zakończy się sukcesem, w badaniach fazy II zazwyczaj uczestniczą pacjenci, którzy cierpią na badaną jednostkę chorobową, na którą ma wpływać potencjalny lek. Celem tej fazy jest ocena skuteczności leczenia danej choroby.
Jeżeli wyniki II fazy badań są obiecujące, faza III jest organizowana na znacznie szerszą skalę, przy udziale tysięcy ochotników pochodzących z różnych krajów. Sukces tej fazy warunkuje rejestrację nowego leku.
Co dalej? Istnieje jeszcze faza IV, która dotyczy leków w sprzedaży, gdzie grupą badaną są całe populacje. Ten etap ma na celu określenie, czy lek jest bezpieczny we wszystkich wskazaniach zalecanych przez producenta i czy pojawiają się nieopisane wcześniej efekty niepożądane.
Co sądzicie o byciu uczestnikiem takich badań, nawet nieświadomie?
Osoby zaangażowane:
Projekt: @magdasmooth
Fotograf: Wacław Serwin
Ogarnięcie czupryny i brodziszcza: @smoothbbs
Facepainting: @kowalskart
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Yesterday I presented a part of my current research project at UConn’s mHealth & social media conference!
My research involves using an online tablet survey & tailored messages to help low income parents and children begin making health behavior changes based on their food preferences!
We’ve found that it’s much easier & more accurate to ask a child their preferences than a dietary recall to learn about their behaviors! Right now we enroll participants in a pediatric emergency department, but are planning to start using the tool in pediatric dental or primary care offices!
I love nutrition counseling on campus, but this is the other half of my assistantship which I spend a LOT of time working on! I love sharing more and more about my life as an RD and grad student
✨Madonna University Symposium for Research, Scholarship, and Creativity 2019✨ #gradschooledition .
I showcased my research from last semester at the research symposium and it was so awesome to see all my hard work on display! It was such a great opportunity, I’m so grateful, and after seeing all the other insanely amazing research studies on display, I have to say, I’m truly inspired!
This past Sunday I accomplished one of my biggest achievements thus far in life: I graduated from undergrad! I earned my Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Field Biology, Magna Cum Laude, while being a student in the honors program. While this accomplishment is my own, I don't know where I would be today without the amazing mentors and friends I was lucky enough to call my professors along the way. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1) Dr. Verb - my amazing academic advisor; the man who taught me the wonders of the Ginkgo and all there is to know about plants • (2) Dr. Riley - my wonderful capstone advisor; my fellow insect fanatic and someone who opened my eyes even more to the amazing invertebrate world • (3) Dr. Krynak - who taught me not only immeasurable information about the Herps of the world but showed me what true passion in our line of work looks like • (4) Dr. Mager - the man who taught me about ecology and lit my fire for conversation biology and research • (5) Dr. Oswald - our local fish expert who taught me the importance of understanding the connectedness of biology across all of our disciplines and beyond • (6) and finally The BioBros - while not professors these guys taught me too many lessons to count. How to make friends, the importance of a smile at the field site, the necessity of snacks, the need for love and understanding in our field; but most importantly they taught me to be confident in myself and to always build others up
The lessons I learned at Ohio Northern reach far beyond the classroom, far even beyond the field. They have changed who I am as a person, as a friend, and as a scientist; and because of that I am thankful. It was an amazing four years but I am ready for my next adventure! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#graduate #classof2019 #bachelorsdegree #bachelorofscience #environmentalscience #enviornmentalandfieldbiology #botany #invertebratezoology #ichthyology #herpetology #ornithology #researchmethods #thankful #professors #friends #foreverapolarbear
Balay-Anihan: A marginal farmers' institute and agritourist center
This project proposal is dedicated to the heroes of our land, the Filipino Farmers. The stories and experiences you shared will embark in my heart forever. Mabuhay po kayo! .
Special thanks to our mentor and adviser, Ar. Oxley Enriquez. You kept me motivated throughout the design process, sir. You are a great inspiration to me.
Research Methods in Architecture, and Architectural Design VIII final plate ☑️ #architecture #designlife #archilife #archi_students #archilovers #architecture_hunter #arcfly #arquitetura #architecturedaily #designlife #researchmethods #architecturaldesign #digitalart #digitalillustration #vray #architecturelovers
Ready! Let’s start! Two days of considering the value of practice #textiledesign #futurescan4 #researchmethods #materialinnovation #processes #fastandslow #practiceresearch @becky_earley @kategoldsworthy @cathrynanneka @laetitiaforst @politowiczkay @unioftheartslondon @chelseaual @mistrafuturefashion