rule62 onedayatatime alcoholicsanonymous alcoholism soberlife gratitude soberaf letgoandletgod recovery liveandletlive progressnotperfection recoveryispossible recoveryisworthit recoveryworks sobrietyrocks trusttheprocess wedorecover notaglumlot sarcasm sarcastic 12steps sober arttherapy billw drbob sixtydayssober spiritualawakening alcoholicsanonymousmeetings bigbook заметно
1.4.2015 4 years ago today was the first day of my new life, my second chance. This year has been one of the toughest for me to get through but today I can honestly say that I live a life beyond anything I could have ever imagined and for that I am truly grateful I could never do this alone, it takes an army (you know who you are) thank you for the love and support that keeps me going everyday. #giftsofsobriety #sobriety #soberlife #rule62