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I’ve been saying a lot of “¡Hola! Com estàs? Que parla anglès o francès?” and nodding yes if I don’t understand. I think my nodding + sí caused @julesjylee and me to have an accidental 2.5hr “fine dining” experience instead of al our dishes coming out at once LOL.
To the start of an amazing month studying in Sant Cugat/Barcelona and practicing Catalan. The waitress tonight said I have good pronunciation so I have that going for me so far. & I’ve mastered “una taula per dos, si us plau,” “gracias,” and “perdon.” All the necessities.
What’s the first thing you do to prep for a new country/travel Mine is to learn the language and find food
L’altre dia vam fer un “test” a la nostre terrassa d’estiu @sunsetbarcelona aquest estiu els dinars i sopars tindran millors vistes! #elmiradordecancases #sunsetbarcelona #gastrobarna #foodiessantcugat #foodie #santcugatfood #foodiesbcn #bcnfoodie #bcnfoodies #gastronomia #gastrobcn #menjatbcn #bcnfoodieguide #enjoy #summer #views #collserola #barcelona #santcugat