sensoryoverload autism sensoryprocessingdisorder sensory sensoryplay adhd autismspectrumdisorder inclusion anxiety autistic occupationaltherapy actuallyautistic autismawareness bornready mentalhealth sensorybin sensoryintegration aspergers differentnotless disabilities ptsd sensoryactivity sensoryseeker animallover autismdad autismmoms aspiegirl
Hi everyone this is a post in collaboration with the wonderful @agonyautie. Sara suggested working together on a post together all about stimming and what it looks like visually. Here are some wise words from @agonyautie :
‘Stop shaming stimming. Stimulate yourself through your senses. Have fun, Stim freely, be respectful of others and Stim Shame Free. Make sure to stim safely and stim boldly!’
I’ve tried to visually represent in my two illustrations ✏️ the wide variety of things that can be referred to as stims (which is short for self-regulatory behaviour). Stimming helps a person to self calm and process overwhelming environments. Some stims can be quite subtle such as hair twirling or chewing whereas others are more noticeable and can be destructive such as skin picking (dermatillomania) or hair pulling (Trichotillomania) which can cause damage. It’s important to recognise that stimming safely (whether you are a child or adult) is okay and not something to ever be ashamed of. It should not be looked down on or discouraged. Go forth and stim freely!
A little over a week ago, I got back from a study abroad trip in Ireland. While I was there, many pictures were taken of me in various locations. The point of this post is to show you the unvaried "pose" I tended to do, which was usually just to stand or sit there and look at the camera. The last picture is the only picture I actually "posed" for, by crossing my arms and leaning against the wall of an ancient castle. I suspect it's probably an autism thing, that I seldom posed for the camera. I'm not sure why: maybe I was unaware of how I looked from the outside, or maybe I just didn't care? I think my goal when the pictures were taken was simply to get a photograph of me in a given environment- the environment was what mattered the most to me, so I felt no need to pose, because that would draw attention towards me and away from the environment. That sounds silly in retrospect because they're photos "of me", as in, the point is that /I'm/ in the environment and therefore I /should/ draw attention to myself, but it never feels natural to do that. Maybe this goes back to the ego dissolution thing I posted about a few days ago. I feel like part of the environment, so it's strange to make myself distinct from it by posing. Of course I'm still visible when I don't pose, and I'm obviously a human, not a tree or something. But posing is like using the environment as a prop, which feels wrong somehow. I know logically that there's nothing wrong with posing, but it feels unnatural, because I never pose in my everyday existence and I don't live my life like it's a performance. I also don't live as if I'm distinct or more important than the environment, so it feels best to make myself as plain as possible in photographs. Those are my random thoughts for today . ~Eden
#autism #autistic #autismspectrum #autismacceptance #autismawareness #actuallyautistic #redinstead #neurodiversity #neuroqueer #aspergers #aspie #autisticselfadvocacy #autisticpride #autismpride #sensoryprocessing #sensoryprocessingdisorder #sensorysensitivity #stimming #justkeepstimming #stimfreely #adhd #sensoryoverload #specialinterest #actuallyautisticmemes #development #developmentaldisabilities
It seems I've gotten into the habit of writing short essays on aspects of autistic cognition. Oh well? This one is about decentralized processing/thinking, which I found super interesting when I first read about it. I hope y'all find it interesting too. ~Eden
#autism #autistic #autismspectrum #autismacceptance #autismawareness #actuallyautistic #redinstead #neurodiversity #neuroqueer #aspergers #aspie #autisticselfadvocacy #autisticpride #autismpride #sensoryprocessing #sensoryprocessingdisorder #sensorysensitivity #stimming #justkeepstimming #stimfreely #adhd #sensoryoverload #specialinterest #actuallyautisticmemes #development #developmentaldisabilities #climatecrisis #decentralized #decentralizedthinking #bottomupprocessing
As I get older I'm having to deal with this sort of thing more often. It's really scary when you have no idea what's going on and people think you're being deliberately uncooperative or that you're trying to break the rules, when you really never knew what the rules were to begin with, or what you were doing wrong. I think NT society needs to get a lot better at being calm & communicating effectively, instead of immediately getting mad at people and assuming they have malicious intent. This is one of the main reasons that autistic people are more likely to be assaulted and killed by police officers- the officers assume that the autistic person is acting suspiciously when they're actually confused or distressed. Clear, direct communication is something many NTs don't seem well-versed in, but everyone should be able to calmly and effectively explain their needs. A lot of misunderstanding could be avoided if NTs would just be more direct and upfront about what they want/need from us, or what they think we're doing & want cleared up. We have no way of knowing what you think we're doing if you don't tell us, so just tell us and we won't be confused anymore. ~Eden
#autism #autistic #autismspectrum #autismacceptance #autismawareness #actuallyautistic #redinstead #neurodiversity #neuroqueer #aspergers #aspie #autisticselfadvocacy #autisticpride #autismpride #sensoryprocessing #sensoryprocessingdisorder #sensorysensitivity #stimming #justkeepstimming #stimfreely #adhd #sensoryoverload #specialinterest #actuallyautisticmemes #development #developmentaldisabilities
A fascinating study, which contains many parallels to the narrative essay I just posted. I feel the need to point out, however, that autistic people's lack of bias/ value distinction between self and others is framed as a defect by the author(s) of this article, who write, "Individuals with autism are also impaired in thinking about themselves." But the research doesn't say that we're impaired when thinking about ourselves, it just says that we think about ourselves the same way we think about other people. And how is that an impairment, exactly? Why is it framed as a bad thing? I contend that our lack of egocentrism probably makes autistic people more open-minded, fair, and accepting of diversity. I also have many issues with the wider narrative that autistic people are selfish and uncaring, because we're literally the opposite. Every single piece of research I know of that's been done to measure our altruism and selflessness, has shown us to be, on average, more altruistic and selfless than neurotypicals. Of course the authors always find ways to make those qualities some form of "impairment", but we should look at the studies themselves and draw our own conclusions from the results. Autistic people, we are not broken or defective. Our brains simply work in an incredibly egalitarian way, which our selfish, competitive, egotistical, capitalist society finds threatening. ~Eden
Addendum: I'm pleased that many of you are pointing out the glaring flaw in this study- no females were included. This is typical of autism research as a whole, especially 10 years ago when this study was done. So take the results with a grain of salt, because while they are probably applicable to females to at least some degree, we don't know for certain.
#autism #autistic #autismspectrum #autismacceptance #autismawareness #actuallyautistic #redinstead #neurodiversity #neuroqueer #aspergers #aspie #autisticselfadvocacy #autisticpride #autismpride #sensoryprocessing #sensoryprocessingdisorder #sensorysensitivity #stimming #justkeepstimming #stimfreely #adhd #sensoryoverload #specialinterest #actuallyautisticmemes #development #developmentaldisabilities #psychology #ego #egoboundaries
Anybody else find it really hard and quite overwhelming to follow a conversation in a loud environment? I find it particularly difficult if people are talking across each other and having different conversations, or having conversations nearby.
This is available in my store in two sizes, in standard white paper or recycled paper. The version photographed is the 58mm made with standard white paper.
[Image description: a round 58mm pin button on a background of grey faux fur with pink sequins. The badge has a blue background and a pink name tag design that reads "hello I am not good at following a conversation in loud environments".]
#loudenvironment #highlysensitiveperson #hsp #sensoryoverload #easilyoverwhelmed #sensoryprocessing #functionalbadges #awareness #selfexpression #pinbadge #pinbuttons #communicative #smallbusiness #shopsmall #supportsmallbusiness #supportindiebrands #chronicillness #indiebusiness #pinsofinstagram #pinstagram #pinsofig #helloiam #spoonie #spooniebusiness #hardofhearing #hearingimpaired #hiddendisability
I've been thinking a lot recently about self-awareness and the concept of "ego" as it pertains to being autistic, and this short narrative essay is about that. ~Eden
#autism #autistic #autismspectrum #autismacceptance #autismawareness #actuallyautistic #redinstead #neurodiversity #neuroqueer #autismspeaksdoesntspeakforme #aspergers #aspie #autisticselfadvocacy #autisticpride #autismpride #sensoryprocessing #sensoryprocessingdisorder #sensorysensitivity #stimming #justkeepstimming #stimfreely #adhd #sensoryoverload #specialinterest #actuallyautisticmemes #development #developmentaldisabilities #psychology #ego #egoboundaries
No one Everrrrrrr in a million years chooses this stuff!
No one!! And tomorrow night in my (free) Brains = Behaviours webinar we’ll dive DEEP into meltdowns and how they fit into our children’s cycles of coping/not coping.
As well as your role in that cycle!
Registrations for the 10 week Brains = Behaviours eCourse open in 24 hours! And if you’re on the waitlist, or registered for the webinar you have the opportunity to grab a while bundle of extras - including ‘The Meltdown Series’ my three part video series.
Links in bio for the waitlist AND the webinar. 24 hours peeps!!!!! Eeeek!!