september11th2017 ameliawarner jamiedornan milliewarner mrsd tiff2017 toronto september11th louistomlinson neverforget september summer2017 2017 93daysofsummer applewatch biking brucegreysimcoe canada collingwood cycling day254 georgianbay greatlakes havenolimits lakehuron lifehappensoutdoors liveitoutside monday myoutdoors niagaraescarpment thenightfestival
我驚嚇到差點要call 911了,本來還在想說我男友怎麼會突然需要ㄧ大早去上班,壓根沒想到原來他趁我長班不在時已經計畫好這ㄧ切了(我發誓我猜想過上百種他求婚的方式,但絕沒想到是他會現身在外站,OK fine, you got me)
好啦!姐年紀也到了,有人又這麼愛我,那我只好將他occupied 了。
I was so surprised and almost to call 911, and was wondering why my boyfriend suddenly needed to go to work in the early morning. I didn't know he had already planed all of this (I swear I expected hundreds of proposals he will do for me. But never thought he would show up at the hotel when I was on duty. OK fine, you got me)
Okay I have to confess I'm aged ,and someone loves me so much...then I had to put him occupied.
Adapt.Adapt.Adapt always accepting and growing and changing and fighting. This new skyline is a daily reminder of how far we've come as a city, state, country. Powers on our side or against us. This country is made up of raw flesh and blood of humanity. Stay strong. Never forget. RESPECT. #september11th2017 #911 #twintowers #nyc #nycnative #RIPFrank
The other night I walked the stage with a group of women who all share something in common. In fact there are many of you reading this who share the same thing which is being connected to someone who is incarcerated. Unfortunately, in our community this is the norm and that's not okay. These women and I were nominated to be a part of this organization which stands in the fight for the the rights of our black and brown brothers and sisters who are incarcerated as well as healing those affected by it. My first day there I was ready to leave, but the energy from these women was so powerful I kept going back. 9 weeks later this happened. I stand with Essie Justice Group #FckTheSystem #GraduationNight #September11th2017 #OaklandCA #ThankyouDeed