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Sei stanco pilota?
No coach, non sono stanco, sono distrutto...
Ma continuiamo ancora, ancora e ancora e dopo fammi ricominciare!
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#interestingfacts Did you know that Paulie's Robot in ROCKY IV is named "Sico" IRL and was a real robot developed as helper for autistic children. Stallone met it through his son, who is autistic, and wrote it into the film for him (and to promote the technology.) Also first nonhuman in the Screen Actors Guild.
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Warning! Warning! Rocky 4 Robot Action Figures coming in hot!!! Happy Birthday Paulie! Action figures available in a few months for purchase!
#rocky4 #rocky #rockybalboa #rockyrobot #rocky4robot #sico #sicotherobot #robotsico #robotmillennia #happybirthday #happybirthdaypaulie #stallone @sylvesterstallone1946 @officialslystallone @sistinestallone #robots #robotics @international_robotics
♀️ @academiaeliteicara .
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