spiritualstrength spiritualgrowth faith love christianity hope christ christianorthodox christianquotes humility liveorthodoxy loveorthodoxy orthodox orthodoxchristianity orthodoxchurch orthodoxquotes spiritualinspiration godslove peace throughthegraceofgod godsgrace orthodoxy pray prayer graceofgod spirituality christian bible innerpeace throughthegraceofgod
“If God seems slow in responding, it is because He is preparing a better gift. He will not deny us. God withholds what you are not yet ready for. He wants you to have a lively desire for His greatest gifts. All of which is to say, pray always and do not lose heart.” — St. Augustine ❤️❤️❤️ #orthodoxy #orthodox #orthodoxchurch #orthodoxchristianity #orthodoxquotes #christianorthodox #christianquotes #christianity #liveorthodoxy #loveorthodoxy #staugustine #staugustineofhippo #prayalways #peace #hopeingod #prayer #pray #humble #humility #God #Christ #Godslove #spiritualgrowth #spiritualinspiration #spiritualstrength #faith #love #peace #hope #graceofgod #throughthegraceofgod
Many of us who have found ourselves to be useful in Christian service have found ourselves unable, if we're honest, to connect with God in any other way, We do for him, instead of being with him. We become soldiers, instead of brothers and sisters and daughters and sons. This is dangerous, damaging territory, and I've spent to much time there.
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Thanks a lot:@jesus_loves_all___
#faithfulmessias #faithfulchosen #faithfulgovernor
#jesusteama #christiancreative #goddesses #christianquotes #praisebetothelord #thebibleapp #teamjesuschrist #biblestudymoments #bibleversefortheday #verseimage #godisable #thankyoulordalways
Heartbreak When girlfriends at relationship crossroads ask, I share this thread of my experience, beautiful goddess. It is what I know, regarding relationships, Part 2*. This may or may not be appropriate for you, but in case it helps:
Next time: Listen to your intuition. If it says wait, Wait. (If your ready; if your not ready, it’s okay.)
We are humans.
Allow meaning in the relationship to grow;
The love, the friendship, the kindnesses, the sweetness, the mutual support.
Give time for faithfulness to grow.
Let the shared fun, adventures, emotions, communication, interests, values, mental, intellectual and spiritual dimensions evolve.
Go deep with sharing (being) your spirituality.
Your spiritual foundations carry you over the bumps in the road.
True love is beautiful.
Nurture and build it together.
Imagine a relationship where you upward spiral together, dance and play,
In the art of loving.
Be the power of the divine feminine.
Hold yourself sacred.
Explore Bramacharya.**
Cultivate restraint in your practice,
Calming mind.
See beyond the immediate, beyond the veil.
Tell him (or her) you are falling in love with him, and ask him to honor your spiritual path with you.
Show him your practice,
To hold yourself in high esteem.
Tell him you would like to date. (In the in between times, relish the time to strengthen your practice!) Honor the sacred bond of marriage.
It is beautiful!
It’s never too late.
Be purity and innocence, now,
In the now.
It’s powerfully attractive.
You can do it.
I believe in you.
You are a sanctuary!
This is my experience.
It has brought untold blessings. We started with only our love.
Trust me?
Wherever you are in life, trust that it is exactly where you are meant to be.
I love you,
Shanti *For Part 1, see last Monday’s post. **Bramacharya is part of the first limb of yoga. See Oct 8, 2018 post. Eight limbs:
1. Restraints
2. Observances
3. Postures
4. Breathing Techniques
5. Withdrawal of the senses
6. Concentration
7. Meditation
8. Blissful Sustained Meditation
#truelove #divinefeminine #faithful #sacredself #selfcareissacred #selfcare #purity #innocence #calmmind #meditation #natarajasana #dancerspose
This for someone today: He won’t let you fall, fail, sink, or be put to shame. I kept seeing a blanket of defeat or cloth being removed from people that were crumbled in a heap, exhausted, and grief stricken under its weight and as the Holy Spirit ministered to them they began to stand to their feet and the Lord began to say; “AWAKE YOUR STRENGTH, AWAKE YOUR STRENGTH, PUT ON YOUR GARMENT OF SPLENDOR!” (Isaiah 54:1)
If you have been waking up feeling the instant weight of defeat trying to preach at you and tiring you out, begin to speak and decree and AWAKE your strength! Come out from under its influence and step back into victory! I prophesy your STRENGTH is returning today! #prophecy #nomoredefeat #spiritualstrength #spiritualawakening #prophetic
We have all caused someone pain- on accident. ⠀
When someone causes you pain realize its probably truly- on accident. Let it go. Wish them better. The world has enough hate already⠀
#lipsfiller #LifeBalance
A friend came to me not long ago and confided in me that she was full of fear...and I told her this: Give it all to God! Don’t waste another ounce of energy owning that fear...hand it utterly over to Him. Place the situation in God’s hands. Put yourself in God’s care. He already has it. He is ready and waiting....He already has the outcome planned to perfection. Your worry will do nothing to affect the outcome. It is misplaced energy. Your fear has one purpose only: to create your neediness of God, to make you realize you cannot do this on your own. You are not meant to. Each time you feel a twinge of fear stop, pray and lay it at His feet. Allow this need to draw you closer to a Him. LEAN IN He has this. He has you, and He has designed this situation with exact purpose. .
See this fear in a whole new light. See it as the gift it is...it is God’s calling card....He is calling you to Him! He pursues your heart because He loves you more than you will ever comprehend
What fears are stopping you from fulfilling your purpose? Hand them over to God. Allow your faith to be bigger than your fear. The results will be beyond your imagination. Be prepared for miracles! .
Who do you know who needs to hear this? Share it with them With love and gratitude, Julie #thedesigntwins #thedesigntwinslove .
#jesussaves #inspirationforyou #jesusitrustinyou #seekhimfirst #christianmom #christlives #godisgoodallthetime #godsplan #fear #fearless #benotafraid #spiritualawakening #spiritualstrength #godsmercy #spiritualmessage #godslove #godsloveneverfails #godiswithyou #godiswithus #diningroomdecor #diningroom #diningtable #diningtabledecor #tablescape #tablesetting #farmhousedecor #farmhousetable #farmhousestyle
Rest peacefully tonight...⠀
#inspiration ⠀
#guidance ⠀
#spirituality ⠀
#strength ⠀
#innerpeace ⠀
What a great #mentor to me true words of wisdom and Sense which we all need from time to time. @iammarcusweston using @RepostRegramApp - Humility isn’t a weakness.
Humility doesn’t mean constantly playing second fiddle.
Humility isn’t becoming a doormat, subjugating yourself to others’ egos!
What is humility #Humility
“Don’t be soo down, come on young homie...You’ll be okay you’ll find real love, in all of the stories the heroes get lonely, now is the time to show what you’re made of” — Kid Cudi....Saving people from the darkness for years Change can be scary, sad, nerve racking, but when you trust your higher self, when you trust in God, the universe & the process, you wont be as scared when shit goes down.... I’ve recently been going through a lot emotionally in my personal life outside of business and Im not telling y’all this so I can have pity But to show you guys, even if you’re going through it, even if you’re in pain, even if you feel empty inside, you gotta keep fighting, keep going, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, there is a lighthouse somewhere at sea even if you’re lost..... Elevation requires separation, Im at the point in my life where Im fucking ready for 7 figures like never before, no one and nothing will stop me, no matter how much it hurts to separate myself temporarily....