Список из самых популярных хештегов по теме #STEPSCHARITYWORLDWIDE

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#stepscharityworldwide #createyourownstory #cyclelife #cycling #cyclingadventures #cyclingbosniaherzegovina #cyclingbulgaria #cyclingcroatia #cyclingengland #cyclingforacause #cyclingfrance #cyclingitaly #cyclingphotography #cyclingportugal #cyclingromania #cyclingscotland #cyclingserbia #cyclingshots #cyclingslovenia #cyclingspain #danielpedaleaza #exploringtheglobe #makeawish #ontheroad #roadcycling #thecyclingcultute #travel #travelonbike #clubfoot #clubfootawareness


It’s World Clubfoot Day! The Birthday of Dr Ignacio Ponseti - the man behind the successful treatment for Talipes/clubfoot. We are so so grateful for all the work from the team at Edinburgh Sick Children’s Hospital to correct Harry’s little genie feet. Although I happily admit that I fell in love with his feet the way they were, I can’t wait to see what he’s going to be like once he starts crawling and then walking! I have a feeling there will be no holding this boy back and it’s all down to him receiving the treatment he has. 6 week BnB check up this week and we’re hoping that it’s only another 6 weeks after that and he’ll be in part time wear This little dude is all I’ve ever dreamed about. Me, his Daddy and Rosie love him more than anything! #clubfootawareness #clubfootawarenessday #ponseti #ponsetimethod #stepscharityworldwide #talipes #talipesequinovarus #bootsandbar #sickkidshospital


Here’s a progress picture.. this was me on Thursday getting fitted in my new shoes. The nurse said I’m doing really well and I’ve gone up a size which is good #babyshoes #babyshoe #talipesbaby #talipesjourney #talipesawareness #talipeswarrior #talipesbabyboy #clubfootawareness #clubfoot #clubfootbaby #clubfootmommas #clubfootjourney #clubfootcutie #clubfootstrong #clubfootwarrior #talipesbarcovers #talipesbootsandbarcovers #onein1000book #worldclubfootday #stepscharityworldwide #stepscharity #ponseti #ponsetimethod #clubfootcover #physiotherapy @babies_world99 @yes.babies @babies.daily @baby_around @angels.love.baby @baby.showcase @just.cute.babies @laraviannaoficial @officialemmasdiary #justbabies #justbaby #kidz #childsplay


My feet are looking healed and my boots are off for a bit! #talipes #talipesbaby #talipesjourney #talipesawareness #talipeswarrior #talipesbabyboy #clubfootawareness #clubfoot #clubfootbaby #clubfootmommas #clubfootjourney #clubfootcutie #clubfootstrong #clubfootwarrior #talipesbarcovers #talipesbootsandbarcovers #onein1000book #worldclubfootday #stepscharityworldwide #stepscharity #stepscharityworldwide #baby #babyfever #babyboy #babys #instakids


At 20 weeks gestation we found out Megan was going to be born ‘with a difference’, something we weren’t expecting. Through the rest of the pregnancy we had monthly scans, an mri and orthopaedic appointments. We researched the hell out of her diagnosis, PFFD (proximal femoral focal deficiency) or unilateral femoral hypoplasia. Through this process STEPS helped so much and led us to some amazing people who had and are going through what we are going through . Many of you will have seen Stu’s post about the charity he has chosen to raise money for, STEPS. To donate money please click the link in my bio. All money goes to the great charity now close to our hearts. #pffd #strong #charity #support #stepscharityworldwide


It’s the big day tomorrow!!! Out of casts and into boots and bar Our baby is growing so fast, Mama and Dada’s hearts can’t take it....❤️ #talipesjourney #clubfootbaby #talipesawareness #lastdaysofcasts #bootsandbar #nextphase #ourjourney #stepscharityworldwide #stepscharity


#1000footchallenge #clubfootawareness After the success of last year the 1000 foot challenge is back! Get involved with Clubfoot Awareness Week 3rd to 9th June. Organise a walk with your friends or family and walk 1000 feet for Steps Charity. This year we are also doing an organised walk up Snowdonia on Saturday 8th June (More details to follow on this). ✅ Plan your climb ✅ Set up your JustGiving page... https://www.justgiving.com/campaigns/charity/steps/the1000footchallenge ✅ Spread awareness For more details about the 1000 foot challenge visit... https://www.steps-charity.org.uk/1000-foot-challenge/


#danielpedaleaza #cycling #cyclelife #cyclingforacause #makeawish #stepscharityworldwide #cyclingscotland #cyclingengland #cyclingfrance #cyclingspain #cyclingportugal #cyclingitaly #cyclingslovenia #cyclingcroatia #cyclingbosniaherzegovina #cyclingserbia #cyclingbulgaria #cyclingromania #cyclingphotography #cyclingshots #travel #travelonbike #thecyclingcultute #exploringtheglobe #roadcycling #ontheroad #cyclingadventures #createyourownstory


2019’s gonna be a big year ✨♿️‍♀️ Thank you to everyone whose helped me fundraise for Steps! If you’d like to donate please follow the link in my bio xx #youcanbreakmybonesbutnotmyspirit #hipdysplasia #paowarrior #hippiewarrior #stepscharityworldwide #recovery #greatnorthrun


King of the castle and apple of Mummy & Daddy’s eye! Just had Harry’s pre admission call before his op on Monday....I know it’s all going to be for the best but every time I look at him, my heart sinks a little. He’s so small and I’m terrified that he’s going to be scared and upset afterwards, all we can do is just be there and it makes me feel so helpless it’s not about me and how I feel though, this is all about him and we’ll be there with plenty cuddles and calpol after. “This is all for the best” is my new mantra... #talipes #talipesbaby #ourboy #ourlife #littlebear #clubfoot #stepscharityworldwide

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