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Please share xx
Sometimes you have to look backwards to move forwards. Don’t forget how far you’ve come and be proud of the new healthy habits you’re building.
COMMENT BELOW FOR MEMBERSHIP OFFERS ************ Join my Slimming World groups at Brynmawr Rugby Club
Tuesdays 3:30, 5:30, 7:30pm
Wednesdays 3:30, 5:30pm ************ #slimmingworldconsultant #slimmingworldfriends #slimmingworld #slimmingworlduk #slimlikeaman #slim #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #swfoodie #swfood #swfooddiary #swmen #swinsta #swmafia #slimming #brynmawr #ebbwvale #blaenaugwent #blaina #nantyglo #beaufort #tredegar #abertillery #gwentnorth #weightlossgoals
First week back @slimmingworld and come in with a 9lb loss which I'm over the moon about.
It's been a tough week off the scales where I havent felt in control of much but getting back on plan has at least let me focus on something, long may it continue
#sw #weightloss #weightlossjourney #slimmingworlduk #swmen #slimmingworldmen #healthyeating #slimmingworldsupport #weightlossstory #weightlossmotivation #determination #losingweight #slimmingworldcommunity #slimmingworldfollowers #slimmingworldfamily #swlife #swfollowers #swfamily #slimmingworldinspiration #slimmingworldinsta #swinsta #exercise #swfriends #swjourney
I did it! A 4lbs loss this morning took me over 8 stones lost. I can’t believe it. Only 5.5lbs to target... #8stoneaward #8stoneslost #slimmingworld #slimmingworlduk #slimmingworldmen #slimmingworldjourney #slimmingworldmafia #slimmingworldinsta #slimmingworldfriends #slimmingworldfamily #slimmingworldsupport #slimmingworldmotivation #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlossmotivation #weightlosstransformation #sw #swuk #swmen #swfood #swmafia #swjourney #swsupport #swfriends #food #foodie #foods #foodoptimising #slimlikeaman #fitat40
“I feel like I’ve got a second chance.” Before losing an incredible 20st 7lbs, Jon Vidler – who has today been named our Greatest Loser 2019 – had struggled with his weight his entire life, and turned to food for comfort after being bullied at school. Now, he says that life is so much better than he imagined it could be… though he’s also had some explaining to do — thanks to his staggering transformation, even his uncle had trouble recognising him at a family wedding! Read his story via the link on our profile page. #SWGreatestLoser #SWMen #SlimLikeAMan #weightloss #loseweight #weightlossjourney #weightlossinspiration #motivation #inspiration #wow #SlimmingWorld #SWUK #AmazeYourselfMay
Not only did I get #swgreatestloser2019 yesterday at Slimming World HQ, I also walked away with the slimmer of the week basket #slimmingworld #swuk #slimmingworldfamily #slimmingworldfriends #swfriends #slimmingworldjourney #swjourney #slimmingworldmafia #slimmingworld #swmen #slimlikeaman #swmafia #swblogger #swinspiration #sw #swinstagram #swinsta #foodoptimising #extraeasy #weightloss #swblogger #weightlossjourney #thinspiration #weightlossjourney #halfthemaniusedtobe #extremeweightloss #healtheating #healthyliving #healthylifestyle
The first cake Ive had made for me since I’ve been a cake maker myself When the other half knows you ❤️ white chocolate surprises you on your birthday with an epic from @anna.sw_foodie and she’s a fellow slimmingworlder! I’m guessing this is completely syn free there was no need to be nervous ... I absolutely love it! I am however blaming you for my weight gain next week! ❤️❤️ thanks so much xxxx #slimmingworld #cake #loveit #swcake #birthday #birthdayboy #whitechocolate #whitechocolatecake #friday #swmafia #swsyns #scared #milkybar #lindtchocolate #eastercake #gay #syns #ohdear #excited #grateful #thankyou @simon_cotton_sw #swmen #slimmer #treats #slimmingworldsuccess #cake #yum
Saturday Brunch
The perfect breakfast for a Saturday lie in and to celebrate our anniversary
Bacon, scrambled eggs, basil roasted vine cherry tomatoes, mushrooms and beans
A perfect start to a day of shopping!
#slimmingworld #slimmingworldjourney #slimmingworlduk #slimmingworldfood #slimmingworlddiary #slimmingworldmen #slimmingworldmember #swfood #swmeals #swinspiration #swmen #swdiary #swfooddiary #swmember #swmafia #slimmingworldfooddiary #slimlikeaman #instafood #food #foodblog #weightloss #fitness