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חיוך של סופ״ש הגיע! ;) שבת שלום ❤️
#hiitworkout #hiitcardio #hiittraining #fit #fitspo #fitgirlsguide #fitgirl #fitnessmotivations #fitgirlvideos #tabataworkout #girlsworkout #getfitstayfit #תלאביב #israel #israeligirls #fitnessgirl #gymsharkwomen #fitgirlsguide #rope #doyoulift #trainharder #ישראל #כושר
Do you want to burn calories, sweat and get a killer 15 - 20 min workout in. This is one of the toughes. You can do it at home, in the gym , hotel room or by the pool ha.
Tabata style workout ️Working 20 seconds per exercises
️Rest 10sec
️Move onto the next exercises
️Complete all 7 exercises
️Rest 45 - 60sec
️Repeat 3 - 5 rounds
1. Slow squat to half burpee
2. Mountain climber to Commando
3. Side to side squat
4. Half burpee w/ tuck jump
5. Crawl out
6. Half burpee star jump
7. Crab toe touch
If you want to make the workout longer and more difficult, repeat each exercise twice in each round.
So each round will take 7min instead of 3.30sec
#bodyweightworkout #hiitworkout #tabataworkout #irishfitness #dubaifitfam #mydubai #dubaifitnesschallenge #dubaifitness #dubaipersonaltrainer #core #abs #outdoorworkout #abworkout #fitnessindxb
ANYWHERE - Burn your FAT workout!
20 seconds work 10seconds recovery completing each exercise four times with maximum effort for maximum results (TABATA)
Don’t fancy putting 100% into the workout? Don’t bother THE WORKOUT ↙️
1. Chest to floor stand ups x4
2. Spider climbers x4
3. Runners reverse lunges x4
4. Jumping lunges x4
5. Squat hops x4
6. Explosive squat jumps x4
7. Frog climber burpee x4
8. Cross climbers x4
9. Push ups x4
Complete 2 rounds to burn double the amount of calories
Gym - @fswimbledon
#tabata #tabataworkout #fitness #fatburn #weightloss #cardio #cardioworkout #fitnessmotivation #gymmotivation #workout #personaltrainer
I’ve got endless amounts of body weight exercises which you’ll soon find on my very own ‘GET IT DONE’ app
Here’s a workout for you to get done ↙️
Working 20 secs max effort with only 10 second rest period completing each exercise x4 before moving to the next. Once you’ve finished each exercise x4 complete another set. 3-5sets to be done
Gym - @fswimbledon #tabata #tabataworkout #fitness #cardio #fatburner #weightloss #core #coreworkout #absworkout #abs #personaltrainer
TABATA SHRED- Complete This Workout 2 Times Through.
20 Seconds ON 10 Seconds OFF alternating between two exercises x8 rounds (4 minutes)
What You Need:
⚡️Lower Set Of Weights
⚡️One Heavy Weight
⚡️Mat ⚡️Timer
No Quit Attitude! ⠀⠀
A. 90 Degree Lateral Raise Jacks (Low Weight)
B. Inchworm Walkout Into One Plank Jack + One Push-up
A. Broad Jump Forward - sumo squat steps back staying low. (Option Two: Remove the broad jump)
B. Heavy Goblet Squats
A. Breakdancers
B. One Star Jump + One Burpee with Push-up. (Option Two: Remove the push-up)
A. Weighted Crunches (Low Weight)
B. Plank Hip Dips
Rest 2 Minutes - Hydrate - Repeat One More Time Through! You Got This! ⚡️⚡️
#tabatashred #tabataworkout #doitanywhere #fitnessanywhere #Whstrong #fitmonday #fatburningworkout #leanmusclebuilding #victoriaposner #findyourpower #mindfulmonday #memorialdayworkout #20secondsatatime #staypowerful
Dia de arrastar o maridão do sofá pra treinar
Casal que treina junto, permanece juntos
Então boraaaaa
Esse é um dos treinos que compõe o desafio #Nutralis30
Sequência de treino TABATA
Pra personalizar e melhorar a contagem dos rounds pegue a play list de *TABATA SONGS* no Spotify, Deezer ou YouTube
São 4 minutinhos de treino que farão diferença no seu dia todo!!!
@nutralisbrasil @nutralisoficial @videosdetreino @treinosrapidos
#fitemcasa #treinododia #workout #tabataworkout #casalquetreinajunto #dietaetreino #fitness #emagrecimento #treinoemcasa #videosdetreino #treinosrapidos
Another class I taught at fuel weekend focusing on increasing heart whilst performing core exercises
Working two exercises 20secs each for 40 seconds with a 20 second rest period x5
A great 25minute workout for you to do at home or outdoors
1a. Table top toe touches
1b. Straight legged ins/outs
2a. Push ups
2b. Squat and push kick
3a. Sit up/side touches
3b. Cross climbers
4a. Half Burpee/burpee
4b. One leg jack knifes
5a. Knee kicks
5b. Jack knifes
#coreworkout #core #absworkout #abs #hiit #hiitworkout #tabataworkout #cardio #fatburner #fitness #personaltrainer #workoutoftheday #homeworkout #outdoorworkout #beachworkout #fitnessgirl
✔️Лежит в твоём зале BOSU и ты не знаешь, как его использовать?
Вариаций полно, главное, не забыть про баланс
1. Забегаем на BOSU. Представим, будто сверху потолок, а наша задача немного под ним согнуться, сохранив нейтраль позвоночника. Держим сильный пресс;
2. Запрыгиваем и спрыгиваем с BOSU. Важно, чтобы ушки полусферы не были привет сторонам, это небезопасно, можно оступиться. В этом варианте тоже сверху «потолок»;
3. Пробежка через BOSU. Помогать руками обязательно. Необходимо, чтобы грудной отдел совершал естественную ротацию;
4. Берпи с BOSU. Сохраняем планку, отжимаемся с подстройкой лопаток под жим. При переходе из планки в приседание прыжок с широкой постановкой стоп, чтобы сохранить нейтраль позвоночника . Не тянуть полусферу с круглой спиной вверх, отпружинь ногами и выжми вверх.
Сколько по времени?⁉️
Вариации Табаты: 20-10; 30-10; 6-8 раундов.