tfw4life trainingforwarriors fitness hallussa familia buildmuscle losefat tfwstrong training grit healthy badass beerse coach feelgreat intotheroar liftheavyandsprinton savinglives smallgrouptraining sportbeerse sportersbelevenmeer sportvlaanderen tfwbeerse mindset coachinggreatness motivation strength transformation tfwmadison арендазаламинск
Finnish Takeover
Before the over 500 TFW warriors from all over Finland boarded the cruise ship for Estonia, we decided to hit a quick warmup in the parking lot to get the energy flowing.
As you can see from the video, the Finns are always SHARP. #trainingforwarriors #tfw4life #coachinggreatness #suomi @tfwhelsinki @tfwkonala @tfwrauma @tfwpori @tfwjoensuu @tfwvantaa @tfwoulu @tfwturku @tfwkerava @tfw_lappeenranta @tfwimatra @tfwkouvola
A woooh!! Is an exhausted ROAR!! .
@trainingforwarriors #intotheroar #tfw @inertiawave
We love candid trials!!!
@fiboofficial ▶️Out of the gate the CrossFire method .
INERTIA WAVE ™️ workouts are totally different than battle rope workouts, The INERTIA WAVE ™️ is not DEAD ENERGY its alive, you are pulsing energy into the tubes, and the INERTIA WAVE ™️ is pulsing energy back at you. The second you start the 7- methods of use with the INERTIA WAVE, ™️ your body automatically engages the posterior chain. The INERTIA WAVE ™️ is fundamentally different !! After playing with one for a few days, you will agree. Battle Ropes essentially have “no stored energy”, and that’s a very small energy potential. Another words, the attractiveness of the INERTIA WAVE ™️over battle Ropes is the amount of stored energy in the tubes —you move the tubes the tubes move you!!! Benefits-
▶️cognitive byproduct
▶️reactive & timing, speed training
▶️ hand and Eye
▶️Anti-Rotation engagement - core & oblique system. (Crossfire - super typhoon ) ▶️Better on wrist structures
▶️works all 3-energy systems ( vs one like battle ropes) ▶️Posterior chain - better posture
(Battle ropes are all anterior) ▶️portable weighs 2.6 lbs
MIT results -on Blog
#AthleticTraining @trainingforwarriors
#Quoteoftheday @davincibodyboard
Finnish Victory
To end the most epic TFW weekend celebrating 5 years of TFW in Finland, we were treated to the Finns winning the World Championship in Ice Hockey.
Not only were we given some amazing hockey jerseys to watch the game, but we got to enjoy seeing the unique way how the Finns celebrate when they win the big one.
Amazing end to an amazing trip. #trainingforwarriors #tfw4life #hallussa #suomi #tfwhelsinki
Dynamic Duo
One of the most epic nights ever that included a cruise ship, Amazing Race, an awards gala, over 50 TFW tattoos and then a rock concert featuring @elastinen @mighty44official and the first performance of Bomfunk MC’s @bomfunkmcsofficial in a decade.
Although is was unreal to share the trip to Estonia with over 500 warriors from the 14 TFWs of Finland, the best part was my wife getting to see what she has helped create. #tfw4life #suomi #coachinggreatness #trainingforwarriors
Huhtikuun piti alkaa timanttisesti, mutta omalta osaltani se alkoikin vuodelevolla. Sairastuminen muistuttaa meitä kuinka tärkeää terveys on. Yhdessä hetkessä kaikki on nousukiitoa ja seuraavassa makaat sängyssä voimattomana. Terveys ei ole itsestäänselvyys vaan asia mistä pitää jokaisen itse pitää huolta. Oikea annos fiksua treeniä, lepoa sekä hyvää ruokaa auttavat tässä kokonaisuudessa. Itsellä kaksi viimeistä sakkasi viime viikolla ja vaikuttivat varmasti siihen, että universumi pysäytti miehen hetkeksi lepäämään. Onneksi ei ollut mitään sen vakavampaa ja kohta taas mennään vahvempana ja viisaampana. ☀️Aurinko paistaa, päivät pitenevät ja huhtikuusta tulee huikee! Muistetaan nauttia matkasta, pitää huolta omasta hyvinvoinnista ja olla kiitollisia, että ollaan terveitä. #hallussa #kiitollinen #terveys #huhtikuu #peakperformance #collabo #tfwhelsinki #itsuptoyou @saratickle
Amazing Transformation @theincredibleshrinkingwoman915 from @tfwestrella •
"YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU SET YOUR MIND TO!!!!! I finally came to a place where I knew it was time to shit or get off the pot. Without TFW, my coaches, my friends and family and especially my will to be the best version of myself, I NEVER would have gotten here. I have learned so much in these past 2 years; how to eat healthy, getting my workouts in, pushing myself when things are comfortable, how important sleep and hydration are, but most importantly how to LOVE MYSELF!!!! I smile all the time, I’m confidant, I dont let anything get in my way, I hold myself accountable and I persevere. HALLUSSA!!!!! ❤️"
#theincredibleshrinkingwoman #theincredibleinspiringwoman #TISW #catchmeifyoucan #cantstopwontstop #tfw #tfwestrella #tfw4life #savinglives #theclimb #onepercentbetter #bettereveryday #bettertogether #marathon #girlswholift #burningfat #buildingmuscle #lastsetbestset #TFW #TrainingForWarriors #TFWBrooklyn #mobility #fitness #training #gym #Brooklyn #TFWTransformation #NewYear #MarinePark #Brooklyn #Flatbush #pushups