love whitemoment thankfullist artsoul blessinglist magicmoment soul souldream soulful_moments soullist soulmate white_momenti wishmore blessing energypsychology openheart openmind truth whitegod whitegoddess energymedicine couch couching intuitiveandsuccesscoaching soulgifts gratitude thankful yoga fasting simsekta
Antti Holma tuntuu inhoavan motivaatiopuhujia ja elämäntaitovalmentajia yhtä paljon kuin minä. Joten jos hänen mielestään on hyvä idea välillä listata asioita, joista on kiitollinen, on se varmasti oikeasti hyvä idea.
1. Ulkoa kuuluu lokkien kirkumista.
2. Sain ensimmäisen ryijykurssini helposti täyteen ilman yksiäkään ohareita.
3. Minulla on valtavan ihania vintagehameita, joita pääsen viimein käyttämään ilman sukkahousuja.
4. Ensi viikolla tämä järkyttävä kiire helpottaa ja pääsen viikonlopuksi Tampereelle.
5. En päässyt baariin sisään ilman henkkareita pelaamaan lautapelejä, eli ehkä en olekään ihan niin vanhan näköinen kuin miksi oloni tunnen.
// This is the #typicalme
Strange fact, when old European stained glass comes to the end of its life, it goes to Arkansas. #strangebuttrue Botkingburg Arkansas is stained glass heaven.
My #thankfullist today includes
Arkansas Stained Glass
My porch (glass addition coming soon)
Exploring and friends to explore with
#arkansas #wonderfularkansas
#onlyinarkansas #thenaturalstate #explorearkansas #explore #explorewhereyoulive #lifeinarkansas #antiques #stainedglasswindow #stainedglass #stained_glass #beautifuloldthings #glass #windows #antique #antiquing #old #window #colorlove #stainedglasswindows #loveantiques #lovearkansas #lovestainedglass
Being Grateful is FREE & I love Free. I try to do a list everyday of things I am grateful for ( See below ) . In a world where every time you turn around you are sprayed with negativity it can be hard to remember all that you ( we, I ) actually have. I don't think social media helps either. Everywhere you turn someone is bragging about something & it's natural to start feeling inadequate. My Thankful List keeps me happy & reminds me of all the wonderful i am surrounded by. I try & keep the list to 3 to 5 things daily so it doesnt feel overwhelming. ---- My List:
#1. My kids laughter.
#2. My Cats sunggles ever morning.
#3. My followers. Without you 'The Freebie Lady' is nothing.
#4. Warm coffee 1st thing in the morning.
#5. My YMCA.
What's on your list today? ............. #thankful #thankfullist #manifest #money #daveramsey #daveramseybabysteps #financialfreedom #freebies #freebiesquad #graditude #gratitudejournal #roadtodebtfreedom #debtfreecommunity #debtfreejourney #debtfreegoals #debtfreelife #moneymotivation #goaldigger #budgeting #budget #budgetlife #livingonabudget #money #moneygoals #moneymanagement #moneymatters
@herwellspentlife : Love it! Thank you.
#thedailylistofjoyandthanks ◾◾◾
1. I kayaked with my boy on the river.
2. We found driftwood.
3. He ate their local honey with me.
4. We saw a giant dragonfly. He shouted. #itsaskyrimthing
5. We sat on the porch with our mesh cage of butterflies.
#rarethingsforcitypeople #gratitudelist #bujo #thankfullist #wildflower #homeschoollife #choosejoy
so easy to forget how good we have it. you’re blessed if you woke up this morning.
blessed if you have air in your lungs.
blessed to feel the breeze blow your hair around your face.
blessed to taste flavors & smell perfume and flowers & even experience the ups and downs this world presents...
because these ups and downs produce endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope.
it’s a mindset.
comment 4 things below that you’re thankful for before you go to sleep tonight.
happy Tuesday my friend.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
I have a lot to be thankful for:
Thankful for my health.
Thankful for my family.
Thankful for my friends, old and new, near and far.
Thankful for the lessons I’ve learned this year and in the past.
Thankful for the opportunities I’ve had to see so much of the world.
Thankful that I can continue to explore with someone who gets it and gets me, @thesuperchill
Thankful for beautiful beaches like this one, the memory of which warms me up on frigid New England nights (like tonight). What are you thankful for this year?
I am so happy to say that this guy is officially the biggest supporter of my Arbonne business. The funny thing is, 6 months ago or so, I wouldn’t have been able to say that. Sean was even more skeptical than I was (which was REALLY skeptical)
Now we map out my teams goals together, plan Arbonne events together & drink protein shakes (and lots of fizz) together.
So grateful to be doing life/business with my best friend, I don’t know what I did to deserve this life — but I am so thankful for it
#hubbygoals #bestie #husbandsofarbonne #thankfullist #biggestsupporter #alwayshasmyback
You guys, I am not going to lie, a sprained ankle is reeeeeeeally throwing a kink into my life. It’s such a silly little injury (see my last video post). But it’s hard to do the normal day to day. How often I take for granted the fact that I, have a healthy and functioning body?!! When it’s nap time and I have to ask my toddler over and over to bring his water bottle so I can fill it, grab his blanket and follow me to his crib........well, 20 minutes later you are finally done with the task. Something that would normally take me less than 3 minutes to do. .
I have never realized how someone on crutches can’t use their hands! I don’t know WHY that never dawned on me until now....?! It’s hard filling a bottle of milk or carrying a crying baby, because my hands are full. I got out of bed this morning and had to wait for one of my kids to get Lois up and to me, because I couldn’t lift her out of her crib (while balancing on crutches) and then carry her to a chair to feed her. .
All because of a silly sprained ankle. What a lame injury.♀️
Anyway, it has made me think how thankful I am for the health I normally have. I am going to list three things I am thankful for and would love if you did the same in the comments. Let’s start a positive and happy thankful list! We can all use a little more happy. .
1. Jackson: I am particularly thankful for him. He has bathed the two little boys and carried Lois wherever I need her. .
2. Stella: She was so excited to learn how to make a bottle and now constantly asks if Lois needs one, because she wants to make one for her.
3. Prepackaged food: I don’t know what my boys would have eaten for lunch today, if it hadn’t been for the granola bars and fruit leather they could reach and bring to me to open. .
Sometimes it’s the little things that make all the difference.
Roze volim te roze ❤️
Mladenački sto može vrlo lepo da se oplemeni drugačijom suknjicom za sto ;) Zašto ne Ombre
#souldream #soulmate #soul #soulful_moments #wishmore #whitemoment #blessinglist #soullist #artsoul #thankfullist #white_momenti #love #magicmoment #whitegoddess #whitegod #whitemoment #truth #love #blessing #openheart #openmind #energymedicine #energypsychology