thelustymonthofmay camelot itsmay julieandrews musicaltheatre aprilshowersbringmayflowers broadway lernerandloewe sierraboggess spring theatre itsgonnabemay mayday vanessaredgrave broadmaymemes goddess musical musicaltheater richardburton alfresco bbcproms beltane broadmay broadwayblog butmakeitbroadway bway cheerstotheweekend damejulieandrews divinefeminine sarahmiles
"Tra la! It's May!
The lusty month of May!
That lovely month when ev'ryone goes
Blissfully astray.
Tra la! It's here!
That shocking time of year
When tons of wicked little thoughts
Merrily appear!
It's May! It's May!"
#julieandrews #julieandrewsonline #jao #jaodaily #camelot #musical #richardrodgers #oscarhammerstein #rodgersandhammerstein #theonceandfutureking #thelustymonthofmay #may #1stofmay #queenguinevere #kingarthur #lancelot
"It's May! It's May! The lusty month of May!" My mom and I love the movie Camelot and we always sing this song on the first day of May so this year I decided to doodle it! This is Vanessa Redgrave as the beautiful Guenevere frolicking on May Day! ❤ #may #itsmay #thelustymonthofmay #camelot #kingarthur #vanessaredgrave #illustration #doodle #markerdrawing #drawing #sketch #broadway #musicals #moviemusicals #mayday