thuraya thurayanews satcom satellitecommunications broadband communications thurayaxtpro dubai marinecomms maritime satellitephone thurayatelecom repost riyadh vsat narrowband thurayamall satellite satellitebroadband mobilesatellite satelliteinternet kenya masaimara satellitephones technology thurayaipplus wildlifephotography thurayatelecom
#Repost @thuraya_ksa_farhan
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#thurayatelecom #thuraya #ksa #riyadh #الرياض #السعودية #الرياض_الآن #السعودية #thurayanews #thurayamall #thurayaxtpro #dubai
#Thuraya #MarineComms
#satellitephone #maritime
#VSAT #broadband #narrowband #sea #thurayaxt #thurayasatsleeve #thurayaxtlite #thurayaxtprodual #thurayax5
#Repost @thurayatelecom (@get_repost)
Here's a lovely note we received today from @al_mayedy and team, using #Thuraya on expedition in the wild:
After a long busy day photographing the rich wildlife of #MasaiMara in #Kenya, it is time to look at all the photos, choosing the best ones then making sure you invite your friends and family to join you in appreciating the beauty of Africa.
#satcom #wildlifephotography #thurayaipplus #communications #satellitecommunications #thurayanews #satellitenetworks