Список из самых популярных хештегов по теме #TRANSMAKEUP

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#transmakeup #transgender #makeup #transgirl #tgirl #transisbeautiful #trans #crossdress #crossdresser #crossdressing #femboy #pride #transwoman #trap #nonbinary #enfemme #feminization #girlyboy #lgbt #lgbtq #makeupgirl #pridemakeup #sissy #tranny #transvestite #xdress #xdresser #girlslikeus

Хештеги которые включают в себя хештег #TRANSMAKEUP
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Хештеги на тему #TRANSMAKEUP

I am not sure if those leggings suit me, please tell me what you think. or not? #crossdresser #crossdressing #trap #xdresser #xdress #femboy #makeupgirl #transgender #m2f #enfemme #tgirl #tranny #girlyboy #transgirl #sissy #transisbeautiful #crossdress #transvestite #transmakeup #feminization #makeup #transmakeup

Хештеги на тему #TRANSMAKEUP

I have so many nice selfies now it took forever to pic one #crossdresser #crossdressing #trap #xdresser #xdress #femboy #makeupgirl #transgender #m2f #enfemme #tgirl #tranny #girlyboy #transgirl #sissy #transisbeautiful #crossdress #transvestite #transmakeup #feminization #makeup #transmakeup

Хештеги на тему #TRANSMAKEUP

⭐️✨happy jazz plays in the background✨⭐️ #yellow #nonbinaryprincess #yellownails #yelloweyeshadow #flowers #nonbinary #nonbinaryfashion #nonbinarypositivity #nonbinaryfemme #beardedfemme #transfemme #trans #transmakeup

Хештеги на тему #TRANSMAKEUP

Try me in my short black dress, please stop asking what kind of panties I’m wearing

Хештеги на тему #TRANSMAKEUP

Riding on the tail end of #transweekofawareness but this is my quick little trans flag look, featuring my tiny dirt stache! Did you know that Monica Helms, who created the flag, meant for the white to represent nonbinary people? There are a couple little interviews with her out there on the interwebs and I recommend checking them out. She’s a really cool lady and she builds rockets in her free time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tags are more boring than your aunt Karen’s fb posts #queer #nonbinary #thisiswhatnonbinarylookslike #goth #gothgoth #trans #gayaf #nb #witch #witchy #transgender #transmakeup #transflag

Хештеги на тему #TRANSMAKEUP

No legs this time something for all the make up freaks now #crossdresser #crossdressing #trap #xdresser #xdress #femboy #makeupgirl #transgender #m2f #enfemme #tgirl #tranny #girlyboy #transgirl #sissy #transisbeautiful #crossdress #transvestite #transmakeup #feminization #makeup #transmakeup

Хештеги на тему #TRANSMAKEUP

I’ve gotten some requests to do an updated makeup routine on my YouTube (it’s been 2 years since my last one.. oops), so I’ve spent the past week experimenting with products to decide which work best for me and that I think will suit the most people and skin types. I especially liked yesterday’s result! Spoiler alert, my contour is the @jeccablac Scult and Soften Palette and it’s the best cream contour product I’ve used in a long while - most require more effort to blend than I like on a daily basis, but this one blends with just a few taps of your beauty sponge while still maintaining great pigmentation. Plus it comes with a handy little guide book for beginners, so I may feature it in the video! Now, would y’all prefer an every day makeup routine (like this photo) or more glam? I’m told my every day look is quite glam as is, but it’s actually relatively simple! Let me know what you prefer in the comments and subscribe to my YouTube channel if you haven’t already (link in bio)

Хештеги на тему #TRANSMAKEUP

Its #transdayofvisibility today. Just want to say you are so fucking strong, you are the real heroes #protecttranskids . . . . . . . . . . . . #queerart #queerpride #transgender #makeupmess #cosmeticslover #nonbinary #nonbinarytrans #greenshadow #transcolor #transmakeup #bodypositive #makeupglitter #makeupeyes #girlboy #pride #queerart #makeupboy #girlboy #genderfluid #genderqueer #oneofthem #boygirl #feminismo #makeupboy #genderbender

Хештеги на тему #TRANSMAKEUP

When I was young I used make up for three things: to make my eyes bigger (ie, whiter; I’m east asian), to hide ‘blemishes’ (is this still what ppl call it?) and to generally look like a ‘pretty girl’ (which for me, at the time, was about presenting CIS HET, tho obviously that’s not what it means). . When I began to heal and uproot my internalized sense of white-body supremacy and homo- and transphobia and misogyny ETC I stopped wearing makeup. It was an expression of my freedom, my self-love, my gender identity and my queerness. . @alokvmenon asks in their book Femme in Public (buy it read it, right now, it will shake you): “What feminine part of yourself did you have to destroy in order to survive in this world?” Read that again. . My honest answer would be long. As a nonbinary person who is usually read as female I’ve destroyed so much for the sake of communication and intelligibility (ooph, a mixed bag). Makeup isn’t necessarily feminine, but it’s one of the many things I deserted in trying to distance myself from womanhood. . I am trying to both LOVE and OWN my body. As a enby/trans person this means celebrating the body I have as well as exercising my right to change it and present it however I want. . Wearing makeup now comes out of my trust in the unshakability of my gender and queerness. It’s a way of saying this body is mine. It’s a way of giving up on intelligibility, of confusing cishet people, of bucking ideas of beauty, of not hiding, of wearing v queer face paint to work. It’s drag, it’s art, it’s fun. . Maybe this venn isn’t to scale, but there are way more nonbinary ppl out there killing it with their makeup than I had realized. I saved a story of the enbys (enbies) who have been inspiring me. Who am I missing? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #queer #genderqueer #theythem #enby #queerart #nonbinary #queerartist #mentalhealth #qtpoc #feministart #comicart #queercomics #mentalhealthart #queerselfcare #spoonie #ptsd #cptsd #queermakeup #queerfashion #queerbeauty #traumarecovery #abstractwatercolor #mua #androgynous #trauma #transmakeup #nbpoc #transfashion #transgender #abstractwatercolor

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