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100 mile trap line, 1,285 fox, and a lot of time spent to catch these. Gentlemen by the name of Phil Brown accomplished this in 2006-2007 in PA. Crazy.
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check out this big boy another coyote down! #trap #trapping #trapline #predator #predatorcontrol #hunting #iamsportsman #getoutside #wsiprostaff #wsisports #hunt #camogirls #womenwhohunt #huntress#itsinmynature #whatgetsyououtdoors #girlshunttoo #huntlife #outdoorswoman#getoutdoors #huntinggear #camo
#huntress #shelivesoutdoors #girlsthatshoot #girlshunttoo #hunting #huntlife #camolife #wildernessculture #builtforoutdoors #outdoorswomen #wonphoto #huntmoreworryless
Well I’m going to give you a break on the Whitetail posts (at least for a while;) and we’re switching into hardcore TRAPPING MODE! We have a very exciting season already on the go and can’t wait for our first guests to arrive. This could be my most favourite part of being in the outdoors. Traveling this ancient country and exploring places that are seriously humbling. Hope you enjoy the video and watch for many more to come! Thanks for watching and following!!
#trappinglife #trapline #northernauroratraplinetours #winterwonderland #trappers #britishcolumbia #northernlights #auroraborealis
#whatgetsyououtdoors #deercamp #hunting #snowmobiling #sitkagear #kryptek #predatortrapping #wolftrapping
Очередная проверка капканов.
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#trapper #trapping #trappinglife #martentrapping #trappingseason #fällfångst #mårdjakt #mårfangst #fellefangst
Great day at the cabin when you can bring back a wolverine! They can definitely be difficult to catch once they get trap smart. This one was causing chaos on my lynx line. Was pretty happy to see that this trick worked. Thanks to @bryandoerksen97 for all the help on the line #trapping #wolverine #northernalberta #trapalberta #wayoflife #realfur #conservation #snaringiscaring #predatorcontrol #trapline #lynx
I (finally) brought my otter from last season to the taxidermist today! He's planning to do a mount that incorporates a brook trout I caught last year as well. I think it'll turn out pretty awesome! Anyone else have some unique taxidermy? .
#wisconsin #upnorth #northwoods #trapline #conibear #taxidermy #trapper #outdoorswoman #sportswomen #womenwhofish #troutstream #troutfishing #otter #riverotter #conservationist #wildlife #itsinmynature #iamsportsman #whatgetsyououtdoors