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Salmon and shrimp salad w/ walnuts, carrots, feta & Colby jack cheese, grape tomatoes and cucumbers
#ThornVittles #TVdinners #TVbreffus #yummy #Delicious #Bangin #NomNom #GetUsome #madeToOrder #foodie #letsEat #letMeFeedYou #SoftFoodPorn
#WillGetToFullBlownFoodPornSOON #mealPrep #cleanEating #WorkLunchRequests #ITakeAllOrders
Time for work.
Healthy Breffus: fruit salad
Eating a specific way when you cannot be as active as you used to be
ThornVittles #TVdinners #TVbreffus #yummy #Delicious #Bangin #NomNom #GetUsome #madeToOrder #foodie #letsEat #letMeFeedYou #SoftFoodPorn
#WillGetToFullBlownFoodPornSOON #mealPrep #cleanEating
It’s not Tuesday but who cares ♀️ Fried flounder with a homemade slaw w/ guacamole salsa and salsa verde inside of a grilled soft shell taco
#ThornVittles #TVdinners #TVbreffus #yummy #Delicious #Bangin #NomNom #GetUsome #madeToOrder #foodie #letsEat #letMeFeedYou #SoftFoodPorn
#WillGetToFullBlownFoodPornSOON #mealPrep #cleanEating #WorkLunchRequests #ITakeAllOrders