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Ooze Drought Silver Dry Herb Vaporizer now at UNS Wholesale!!! Ooze Drought Dry Herb Vaporizer is compact and easy to use. The small and discreet vaporizer allows users to select their desired temperature ranging from 320°F up to 410°F. Shop online at www.unswholesale.com or give me a call at (502-709-8170) to learn more. Make sure to reference sku: 7105 when you call.
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Ooze Cruz Extract Batteries now at UNS Wholesale!!! Shop online at www.unswholesale.com or give me a call at (502-709-8170) to learn more. Make sure to reference sku: 6009-3 when you call.
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Silicone Sale at UNS Wholesale!!! Silicone Water Pipes on sale now! Shop online at www.unswholesale.com or give us a call at (502-709-7954 or 1-877-220-2408) to learn more. Make sure to reference sku: 9033-9034 when you call.⠀
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Raw Black 1.25 Rolling Papers available at UNS Wholesale!!! Shop online at www.unswholesale.com or give us a call at (502-709-7954 or 1-877-220-2408) to learn more. Make sure to reference sku: 5170 when you call.⠀
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Hypnosis 63mm Wheel Metal Grinders available at UNS Wholesale!!! Shop online at www.unswholesale.com or give us a call at (502-709-7954 or 1-877-220-2408) to learn more. Make sure to reference sku: 4185-15 when you call.⠀
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Special Blue Classic Double Flame Rubber Lighters now at UNS Wholesale!!! 20 count Display and Hazmat shipping fees apply. Shop online at www.unswholesale.com or give us a call at (502-709-7954 or 1-877-220-2408) to learn more. Make sure to reference sku: 0228 when you call.⠀
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3" Metal Pipe displays available at UNS Wholesale!!! Each pipe comes with a cap and a pack of screens. Shop online at www.unswholesale.com or give us a call at (502-709-7954 or 1-877-220-2408) to learn more. Make sure to reference sku: 2163 when you call.⠀
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Raw Emperador Cones now available at UNS Wholesale!!! Shop online at www.unswholesale.com or give us a call at (502-709-7954 or 1-877-220-2408) to learn more. Make sure to reference sku: 6010-14 when you call.⠀
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Airistech Airis 8 Dab & Dip Wax Vaporizers available at UNS Wholesale!!! Available in Black, Gold, and Silver Shop online at www.unswholesale.com or give us a call at (502-709-7954 or 1-877-220-2408) to learn more. Make sure to reference skus: 6064-6066 when you call.⠀
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