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Após mais de um mês de internação e cuidados intensivos, reaprendendo aos poucos a comer.
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در مورد كنه:
•حدودا ٥-٦ ساعت طول مي كشد كه كنه به طور كامل به بدن ميزبان متصل شود و طي ١٠ روز با تغذيه از خون ميزبان به طور كامل متورم و مملو از خون مي گردد.
•كنه ها به طور متوسط ٢ سال عمر مي كنند و براي رسيدن از مرحله اي به مرحله ي ديگر در چرخه ي زندگي نياز به سه مرتبه تغذيه از ميزبان دارند.
•كنه ها توانايي جهش يا پريدن ندارند و در ميان بوته ها و علفزار در انتظار ميزبان خود باقي مي مانند و در ابتدا ناحيه سر و اطراف گوش ها را هدف قرار مي دهند.
•كنه ها بيشتر تمايل به اتصال به نقاط تاريك و مرطوب در بدن دارند (زير گوش، كشاله ران، زير دم، پنجه و ...)
•جهت پيشگيري از تركيبات ضد انگل هاي خارجي بر روي پوست يا قلاده هاي مخصوص استفاده كنيد و بعد از هر بار پياده روي در فضاي سبز بدن سگتان را از نظر حضور كنه بررسي كنيد.
#كلينيك_حيوانات_خانگي_ريورسايد #ريورسايد #كلينيك_حيوانات_خانگي #كلينيك_دامپزشكي #كلينيك_حيوانات #سگ #گربه #پت #riversideveterinaryclinic #riverside #veterinaryclinic #petclinic #dog #cat #pet
Via @irinaozerkova -
Sometimes tumors are so cruel..they can eat up all the animal.. . the owner of this old strong pretty rat fought for her till the end.. She had pituitary gland tumor, lungs problem and this mammary gland tumor, but she could eat till her last hour. We didn't want to operate it because we were scare to lose her ..and today was the finish of her life..the tumor started bleeding, we gave her a gas anesthesia and she pass away...
Pls, don't write negative coment here. You're not the owner of her. She was full of love every moment of her life.
Sorry, but I'll delete all I dislike.
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Saw this on another page and laughed so much I had to share •••
#tailsofavetnurse #vetnurse #veterinarynurse #vetnurselife #veterinarymedicine #vettech #veterinarytechnician #vettechlife #veterinaryclinic #vetcliniclife #veterinary #veterinaryhospital #vetsofinstagram
#vncavetnurse #catsofinstagram #domesticcat #catlovers #catlaughs
A melhor profissão do mundo, com o meu melhor assistente.
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It's my birth month and I celebrate all month long.
This year has been about taking risks and stepping outside my comfort zone. I'm nervous, excited, and motivated. It's truly been the beginning of my "adulting" phase.
#lifeasavet #adulting101 #doctorlife #doctorbae
Veterinary Medicine: Because pets are better than people! •
• #veteducation #vetmedicine #veterinarian #veterinarians #veterinariansofinstagram #veterinariansrock #veterinarianstudent #vet #veterinary #veterinaryclinic #vetmedicine #petdoctor #animalmedicine #vetmed #veterinarysurgeon #vetmedworld #medvet #vetsurgeon #dvm #vetscience