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Did you know that from the late 1800s through the 1920s women were at the forefront of the developing film industry? I included pictures and names of several of them because they should be known and remembered. Yet between 2007-2018, just 4% of films were directed by women. (Insert sounds of frustration here) Informative, inspiring evening at the Avalon Theatre benefit with TMC's Alicia Malone and Washington Post film critic Anne Hornaday. Time for #fempower again at the movies!
Termina el segundo taller de pitching de #CimaMentoring y salgo borracha de amistad, sororidad y el gustazo de conocer a unas mujeres llenas de fuerza, con proyectazos increíbles. Me siento feliz y privilegiada. No quiero que esto se acabe nunca.
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The Incredibly True Adventure Of Two Girls In Love (1995) Maria Maggenti'nin yazıp yönettiği filmin başrollerinde Laurel Holloman ve Nicole Ari Parker yer alıyor. Siyahi, zengin bir kız ile beyaz, alt sınıftan, butch görünümlü bir kızın aşk hikayesini anlatan yapım, aşkın karşılaştığı toplumsal ve sınıfsal sorunlara karşı var olma mücadelesini ele alıyor. #womenmovies #women #nefilmdiama #fuckinggoodmovies #dram #drama #romance #romantikfilmler #unutulmazreplikler #unutulmazsahneler #unutulmazfilmler #cultmovies #classicalmovies #epicmovies #amerikanfilmleri #americanmovies #americancinema #amerikansineması #movie #filmreplikleri #cinematography #film #sinema #cinema