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Focke Wulf FW-190A6 on the airfield at Immola in Finland. July 2nd, 1944. . . . . . . . . . . . #ww2daily #ww2dailyhistory #ww2dailyphotography #ww2 #ww2german #ww2history #ww2guns #soldier #war #tank #ww2tanks #ww2germany #ww2pictures #ww2incolor #wwiihistory #wwii #mg34 #mp40 #secondworldwar #worldwar #worldwar2 #worldwartwo #worldwarii #allies #wehrmacht #soviet #sovietunion #military #militaryhistory

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The crew of M4A3 76mm Sherman tank “Blondie” pose with a herd of sheep in Italy, 1945. . . . . . . . . . . . #ww2daily #ww2dailyhistory #ww2dailyphotography #ww2 #ww2german #ww2history #ww2guns #soldier #war #tank #ww2tanks #ww2germany #ww2pictures #ww2incolor #wwiihistory #wwii #mg34 #mp40 #secondworldwar #worldwar #worldwar2 #worldwartwo #worldwarii #allies #wehrmacht #soviet #sovietunion #military #militaryhistory

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A women investigates a abandoned German tank. ————————————————- #tanks#ww2tanks#germany#ww2#ww2history#ww2germany#wwii#wwiihistory#ww11#worldwarhistory#worldwar#worldwartwo#worldwartwohistory#worldwar2#worldwar2history#ww2pictures#war#history#historical#ww2photos#wwiiphotos#ww2daily#ww2pictures

Хештеги на тему #WW2PICTURES

German infantry (Wehrmacht) advance through a Russian corn field, summer of 1942. The Caucasus is visible in the background, and we can se the soldiers are carrying MG-34 and  MP-40 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Infantería alemana (Wehrmacht) avanza a través de un campo de maiz soviético, verano de 1942. Al fondo, se puede apreciar el Cáucaso, y podemos ver que los soldados portan una MG-34 y una MP-40 Follow me: @ww2_documents - - - - - #ww2 #wwii #ww2battles #navy #tanks #ww2guns #ww2tanks #ww2planes #ww2pictures #ww2photos #ww2pics #ww2relics #war #germanww2 #ww2vehicles #ww2weapons #wehrmacht #redarmy #british #ss #waffenss #army #airforce #germany #worldwartwo

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Sherman Firefly of the 22nd Armored Brigade, 7th British Armored Division, comes ashore from LST-406. Gold Beach, Normandy. 7 June 1944. . . . . . . . . . . . #ww2daily #ww2dailyhistory #ww2dailyphotography #ww2 #ww2german #ww2history #ww2guns #soldier #war #tank #ww2tanks #ww2germany #ww2pictures #ww2incolor #wwiihistory #wwii #mg34 #mp40 #secondworldwar #worldwar #worldwar2 #worldwartwo #worldwarii #allies #wehrmacht #soviet #sovietunion #military #militaryhistory

Хештеги на тему #WW2PICTURES

A week before the outbreak of the Uprising, thousands of Varsovians with amazement, but also joy in their hearts, watched the columns of Germans retreating west on the Poniatowski Bridge and on Aleje Jerozolimskie. Also in German uniforms were collaborative units often made up of former soldiers of the Red Army. Those retreating gave the impression of a beaten army. They were walking, hauling the spoils obtained in the villages they passed - cows or peasant carts drawn by skims. From July 22, there was a feverish evacuation of the German administration, part of the police forces and back office services. Streets of refugees from the East passed through the city. However, on 27 July the Germans mastered panic. Police and SS troops returned to the city. Office began to operate. The Germans managed to stop the panic and the disjointed retreat of their soldiers. The armed forces were sent to Warsaw, now located at the back of the front, instead of the shattered units. On 29 and 30 July, Moscow Radio broadcast a call to Warsaw residents: "Fight against Germany." A dramatic decision about which sense the dispute continues to this day. In the last days of July 1944, it seemed that the situation on the front created an opportunity to oust the Germans, take Warsaw and anticipate the upcoming Red Army. The outbreak of the Uprising caused enthusiasm in the first moments. It seemed that victory was at hand. Hitler's first reaction to the news of the outbreak of the uprising was to issue an order to launch carpet raids on the Polish capital. The German Luftwaffe had "through the mass use of all planes of the central front, including communication planes, level Warsaw with the ground and thereby suppress the outbreak of the uprising." However, it soon turned out that the execution of the order is unrealistic. In the city, a number of German offices and military and police units were left, which evacuation was temporarily impossible. ➡️ @history_pl_color

Хештеги на тему #WW2PICTURES

The decision to extend the Storm Aktion was made at a crucial moment. This term gave the Polish soldiers a chance to succeed. From June 6, 1944, on the western front, the Allies fought victorious battles against the Germans. Allied countries gained an increasing advantage over the Third Reich and its allies. In July 1944, Soviet soldiers crossed the Bug and began to approach the Vistula more and more and on July 22, the PKWN was established in Lublin, a puppet pro-Soviet government. For the Home Army, news from the fronts showed a clear picture - the German strength is weakening, the Allied states are increasing their advantage, and the Soviets whose first power and ideological intentions were not consistent with Polish interests will be the first to reach Poland. The analysis of the situation gave hope that Poland would receive help from the Allied states, which should be interested in supporting the Warsaw Uprising. On the other hand, she showed that the chances for free Warsaw - ruled by Poles - are getting smaller, in connection with the wave of communism going on. This motivated the soldiers and citizens of Warsaw in addition to fighting for their city. The Soviets, in turn, for more than two months stopped their troops on the Vistula line, watching how the Germans suppress the Warsaw Uprising and destroy the entire city. The chances of winning Warsaw seemed considerable. The morale of German troops was lower and lower. Poles, counting on help from the West, had the right to count on the success of fighting in the capital. On July 27, 1944, the decision to mobilize soldiers in Warsaw was announced for the first time. However, on July 28, mobilization was canceled. Eventually, the plan to start fights for Warsaw was taken on July 31, 1944. From the command of the Polish Underground State, a decision was made to approve the outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising. The commander of the Home Army issued an order to start fighting on August 1 at 17:00. ➡️ @history_pl_color

Хештеги на тему #WW2PICTURES

German soldiers inspect abandoned Soviet tanks in the summer of 1941. . . . . . . . . . . . #ww2daily #ww2dailyhistory #ww2dailyphotography #ww2 #ww2german #ww2history #ww2guns #soldier #war #tank #ww2tanks #ww2germany #ww2pictures #ww2incolor #wwiihistory #wwii #mg34 #mp40 #secondworldwar #worldwar #worldwar2 #worldwartwo #worldwarii #allies #wehrmacht #soviet #sovietunion #military #militaryhistory

Хештеги на тему #WW2PICTURES

Yesterday, I visited the battery in Longues-sur-mer. This artillery battery was situated between Gold and Omaha beach so it could threaten 2 landing beaches. The battery itself consisted of 4 x 15cm guns built by Skoda. The guns were protected by 15 Tobruk-bunkers. These were used as a machinegun-nest or as an observationpost. The battery was lead by a bunker where you have an amazing view over the coastline. #gold #juno #omaha #sword #utahbeach #tobruk #battalion #battleofnormandy #dday #skoda #longuessurmer #artillery #coastline #iamtraveler #15cm #kriegsmarine #wehrmacht #ww2 #ww2pictures #wwii #tracesofwar #traces #mg34 #machinegun #oldtimes

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