yogastudios yoga yogastudio yogalife yogini yogainspiration yogi yogisofinstagram yogaeverydamnday yogateacher namaste yogamotivation affirmation affirmations goals lowereastside motivation motivational yogaclasses yogaeverywhere yogainstructor yogainstructors yoganyc healthylifestyle yogaposes meditation instayoga mindfulness yogaclass aloaligned
to the left / to the left / everything you need at a desk to the left
We’ve updated our lobby!! Come check it out!
A big thanks to @yaxdanse @yaxyogaconcepts @carlajovb @benevolent_design_co @staybycorisamuel & Greg Mitchell for making it all come together and look beautiful!!! #newlooksamegreatfeel #hothouseyogastudios
#yoga #hotyoga #yaxyogaconcepts #yogateachertraining #yogaposes #yogaretreats #yogaeverydamnday #downdog #yogaforlife #200hrteachertraining #yogamats #yogadads #hamptonroadsyoga #retreats #yogafamily #yogastudios #stillness #yogamovement #yogalife #yogalifestyle
Come and join the Vinyasa class tonight at 19.30! This dynamic yoga finished by nice meditation listening beautiful mantra will help you to realise any tension or stress of the day.
Have you checked Yoga By Ohm schedule? If not yet follow @yogabyohm
Myself and girls doing the best to help you to reconnect with your inner self, strength, awareness ♀️ @mona_mkey
#yogagirls #yogavibes #yogabyohm #yogaalcudia #thatbalishop #thatbalishopmallorca #balivibes #balivibe #yogaeverday #vinyasaflow #yogastudios #mallorcayoga #peacefulplace #simplylife #simplyliving #makeitsimple #portdealcudia #yogaplace #yogastudio #mallorca2019 #mallorcablog #dailypractice #placeformeditation #stillyourmind #simplelittlethings #balishop
Is it weekend? Ooh I believe it is! 32hour workweek come thru! This week was pretty stressful, I had two big work deadlines, 10 yogaclasses to teach, watched the new episode of @gameofthrones (1,5hr of anxiety) and a whole bunch of physio / orthodontist / random chores to do in preps of next week's trip to NEW YORK! That's right^^ I can't wait for a week in the big apple, just looking for workshops I've been getting so inspired! So far I've booked a #contortion #workshop, found 9 #yogastudios I really want to go to, saved 100 restaurants we need to eat at, booked an appointment at my long time jewelry instra crush studio. Please if anyone has more foodtips, must see studio's / little artist shops / movement workshops, LET ME KNOW!! Oh and if anyone knows how to get tickets for @lastweektonight show of May 12th.. I'll pay with pie.. It's sold out, we were too late, but we have pie.. Think of the pie.. #prettyplease
#bigapplebusiness #yogagirl #detox #busyschedule #lastweektonight #thinkofpie #dutchyogis #yogaeveryday #weekendvibes #workhardplayharder #takecareofyourself #moondaycomingup #newmoon #toomanypassions #yogateacher #engineer #ladyboss #Iwish #Ifonlyiwereacat #sayinggoodbye #recharging #cantwaittojustchillwithbae#GOT #girlswithbooties#squadswork #yoginisofinstagram
La luz es tu verdadera naturaleza. Namaste .
#yoga #yogastudios #inspirayoga #hathayoga #wellnesslifestyle #beherenow #centrosaywa #meditación #meditation #medita #selfknowledge #yogastudent #yogafunny #yogaforthesoul #yogaforthemind #yogaforthepeople #yogaforall #yogaforhealth #yogafortheworld #yogafortheearth #yogaforthemindbodyandsoul #yogais #yogamadrid #yogaoutside #seaviews #mindfulness #yogaespaña #natureviews #marmediterraneo #yogateachers
Друзья, у нас появился сайт! Подписывайтесь на рассылку и блог, всегда будете в курсе последних новостей и мероприятий у нас в студии в Павловском Посаде и на GOA... Будем разыгрывать подарки и проводить акции, подписывайтесь, не пропустите :)) А ещё скоро у нас в бутике можно будет купить индийские благовония, масла, атрибутику для практик и ещё много всего интересного #йогаonelove #yogaonline #йогаонлайн #yoga_kamala_ #йогапавловскийпосад #йогинибогини #india @yoga_kamala_ #yoga #yogagoa #goayoga #yoga_kamala_ #yogatour #yogatours #yogatoursindia #йога #практикайоги #практикайога #yogastudio #yogastudios #йогатур #йогатур2019 #йогатургоа #йогатуриндия @street_food_lab #boraboralife @montegobaygoa #boraboragoa #студияйоги #йогастудия #павловскийпосад #записатьсянайогу #йогапрактика #йогадляначинающих
Looking for the perfect Bali getaway? Look no further then @villa_lotus8 Located in Canggu there is plenty to see and do. Great surfing for all levels, Rooftop open air yoga classes, shaded pool, clean well appointed rooms. Can’t recommend them more highly.
I am currently available to shoot travel and promotion videos internationally, contact me today to get your video produced.
“El mundo está lleno de cosas mágicas,
esperando pacientemente a que
nuestros sentidos se afinen.” ~ WB. Yeats.
#yoga #hathayoga #centrosaywa #selfknowledge #autoconocimiento #silence #beherenow #yogaforeveryone #yogaforall #yogaforthemind #yogaforthesoul #yogaforthemindsoulbody #wbyeats #wbyeatsquotes #meditación #meditation #yogais #yogamadrid #yogastudent #yogastudios #yogainspired #yogamind #yogamindset #sunsetview #sunsetvibes #natureviews #naturevibes #viewnature #yogaislifechanging
One of my favorite things about staying at @truebluebayresort is that they offer yoga daily in their beautiful open air tree top studio @sankalpayogagrenada !
Our first group activity was grounding ourselves through sunset yoga led by the incredible @malaikamaitland . ♀️
Basking in the golden hour rays, hearing the ocean waves, and birds chirping took our practice to the next level. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀