zaubertheaterfrankfurt kartenmagie zaubershow dierotek frankfurt frankfurtevents juangia cosasdecartas zauberer frankfurterpresseclub eventsfrankfurt premiere frankfurtammain zaubererfrankfurt zaubershowfrankfurt frankfurtcity frankfurtgermany frankfurtmain showsfrankfurt theater theaterfrankfurt exklusiv frankfurtlife frankfurtlovers ilovefrankfurt welovefrankfurt magicshow premierefrankfurt frankfurt_de артистыказань
Das Schönste, was man einem Mensch geben kann, ist gemeinsame Zeit. .
Sag "Danke" auf besondere Art und Weise.
Verschenke dieses Jahr gemeinsame Zeit und überrasche deine Eltern mit Karten für Die rote Königin.
#Muttertag #Vatertag #Geschenke #DieroteKönigin #ZaubertheaterFrankfurt #MagicShow #Zaubershow #JuanGia #Cosasdecartas #FrankfurtamMain #FrankfurtEvents #ShowFrankfurt #Kartenmagie #FrankfurterPresseClub
Die rote Königin is a little magic theater located in Frankfurt am Main (Germany) specialized and dedicated to the art of the card magic.
We work hard to share with our guests the old art of the card magic.
We sit at the table where every guest enjoys the magic show like from the first line in his own skin.
We tell stories, talk about the life, sciences and personal experiences using only one object, a deck of playing cards. We play together at the table returning to be children around a bonfire.
We work hard to show you the card magic from another view, into another level.
Video 4K and audio counts to our installations and every spectator takes part on the show during the more than 2 hours of our show.
Follow us in our Facebook page:
and visit our website:
If you are near come to visit us and enjoy with us the art of the card magic.
If you like magic and this kind of entertainment shows then it's something you should enjoy.
Check our openly events calendar and find the next date for you.
We have minimum one openly date every month and we are working to incorporate more openly dates for our show in our calendar.
You can also reserve a date for your private event and celebrate with us every kind of event.
Hope to see you soon at Die rote Königin magic theater in Frankfurt.
We wish you a magical day!
#DieroteKönigin #ZaubertheaterFrankfurt #MagicShow #Zaubershow #JuanGia #Cosasdecartas #FrankfurtamMain #FrankfurtEvents #ShowFrankfurt #Kartenmagie #FrankfurterPresseClub
Kauf jetzt deine Tickets und entdecke die Kunst der Kartenmagie.
Besuch uns in Die rote Königin und lass dich verzaubern ✨
Erlebe die Magie wie du sie nie zuvor gesehen hast.
#DieroteKönigin #ZaubertheaterFrankfurt #MagicShow #Zaubershow #JuanGia #Cosasdecartas #FrankfurtamMain #FrankfurtEvents #ShowFrankfurt #Kartenmagie #FrankfurterPresseClub
Nächsten Termine für die Zaubershow Cosas de cartas im Zaubertheater Die rote Königin in Frankfurt am Main.
Komm mit uns und lass dich verzaubern ✨
Um Tickets zu kaufen sowie für mehr Informationen besucht unsere Website:
#frankfurt #dierotekönigin #zaubertheaterfrankfurt #frankfurterpresseclub #juangia #kartenmagie #zaubershow #eventsfrankfurt #märz
23 März um 20:30 Uhr
Nächster Termin für die Zaubershow Cosas de cartas im Zaubertheater Die rote Königin in Frankfurt am Main.
Um Tickets zu kaufen sowie für mehr Informationen besucht unsere Website:
#frankfurt #dierotekönigin #zaubertheaterfrankfurt #frankfurterpresseclub #juangia #kartenmagie #zaubershow #eventsfrankfurt #märz
Was für ein Abend!
Vielen Dank für diese tolle, lustige, emotionale und vor allem magische Premiere.
Ihr wart ein super Publikum!
Die nächsten Termine folgen bald. Folgt uns um diese nicht zu verpassen.
#Frankfurt #Zaubertheater #zaubertheaterfrankfurt #DieroteKönigin #JuanGia #Cosasdecartas #FrankfurterPresseclub #Zaubershow #Kartenmagie #Zauberkünstler #Zauberer #Kartenmagier #Reservix #adticket
Am nächsten Dienstag 23.04. könnt ihr uns auf Antenne Frankfurt hören.
Wir verschenken 2 Karten für unsere Show am 11.05.
Einschalten, anrufen und gewinnen!
#DieroteKönigin #ZaubertheaterFrankfurt #MagicShow #Zaubershow #JuanGia #Cosasdecartas #FrankfurtamMain #FrankfurtEvents #ShowFrankfurt #Kartenmagie #Ostern2019 #FrankfurterPresseClub #OsterGeschenk #AntenneFrankfurt
Die rote Königin is a little magic theater located in Frankfurt am Main (Germany) specialized and dedicated to the art of the card magic.
We work hard to share with our guests the old art of the card magic.
We sit at the table where every guest enjoys the magic show like from the first line in his own skin.
We tell stories, talk about the life, sciences and personal experiences using only one object, a deck of playing cards. We play together at the table returning to be children around a bonfire.
We work hard to show you the card magic from another view, into another level.
Video 4K and audio counts to our installations and every spectator takes part on the show during the more than 2 hours of our show.
Follow us in our Facebook page:
and visit our website:
If you are near come to visit us and enjoy with us the art of the card magic.
If you like magic and this kind of entertainment shows then it's something you should enjoy.
Check our openly events calendar and find the next date for you.
We have minimum one openly date every month and we are working to incorporate more openly dates for our show in our calendar.
You can also reserve a date for your private event and celebrate with us every kind of event.
Hope to see you soon at Die rote Königin magic theater in Frankfurt.
We wish you a magical day!
#DieroteKönigin #ZaubertheaterFrankfurt #MagicShow #Zaubershow #JuanGia #Cosasdecartas #FrankfurtamMain #FrankfurtEvents #ShowFrankfurt #Kartenmagie #FrankfurterPresseClub
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