ездаверхом конныйспорт абакан счастье конныепрогулки понишкола horse верховаяезда лошади лошадь horses досуг конныйклуб пониклуб радость abakan абк веселье дети дружба пони праздникабакан развлечение юникорн юникорнабакан катаниенасанях минилошадь минусинск отдыхсдетьми понинаденьрождения beautifulweekend
It’s been almost two months that my little UneTite Percyaise is on a time out, waiting for her surgery next week. I’m terribly missing her crazy jumping techniques, where I usually end up being a navigator/passenger and just enjoying her crazy moves! This was a course of 1.15m and since she is only 150cm herself, I really love to encourage her, she does like a bit of my accent mad “aller”
#katsfourleggedbaby #unetitepercyaise
Our clear round with Swansea yesterday. It was a “preparatory” competition where you have time to work on yourself and your horse, so there was no need to speed up or cut corners. It was my second ever outing with Swansea so I was a bit comprehensive of her crazy power and my control over straight lines after the turns So, yeh, fences 4 & 5 we looked tad “under the influence” one would think but recuperated after...and the penultimate double fence - I was a bit too forward in my seat, but I have to say - at that point I was just happy to be on Swansea and not under her lol after all, it was also my third competition round that day and this girl required my full power, phew we made it alive & kicking!
Now it’s work work work - speed & direction control
#swanseaboismargot #katsfourleggedbaby
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Give a warm welcome to a new kid on the block, who has just officially joined the Downer’s clan. His name is Kevin and he was my partner for two weeks while in California, but I fell in love and if you know me then you know what happened next?! Kevin is now #katsfourleggedbaby
Here is to all the amazing shows we will be enjoying together
For now he is being well looked after and trained by @yulia_brat, but soon enough he’ll “hit the dance floor” with me P.S. this photo makes him skinny mini, but he is a little happy ball in reality you can see it on #fourleggedkevin