acoa adultchildrenofalcoholics codependent codependency recovery selflove coda cptsdrecovery alanon awareness alanrobarge attachmentstyles attachmenttrauma developmentaltrauma emotionallyignored emotionalneglect emotionalunavailability fantasyrelationship fearofabandonment grievingrelationship healingattachmentwounds healingchildhood healingshame innerchild insecureattachment lonelyrelationship loveaddiction relationshipcoach relationshippsychotherapy relationshiprepair bgio
I’ve had a hard time with anger. My father was a violent, abusive raging man so I always equated anger with turning into someone like him. Instead I stuff it and react with sadness, hurt, anxiety/panic and depression. I WANTED to be angry at the covert narcissist who terrorized me and left me doubting everything I thought I knew about relationships. Journaling helps. Therapy helps. Reading the experiences of others also helps.•
#anger #angry #acoa #npd #shahidaarabi #innerchildhealing #covertnarcissism #covertnarcabuse #selfcarehaven #healingfromnarcissisticabuse #ifmywoundswerevisible #smearcampaign #flyingmonkeys #missmystepkids #adultchildrenofalcoholics #validation #adultchildrenofnarcissists #angerasmotivation #youdeservebetter #journalyourjourney #takingbackmypower #narcissisticabusesurvivor #narcissisticandemotionalabuse #lifeafternarcissisticabuse
Have you heard of the 12 step group ACA or ACOA? It stands for Adult Children of Alcoholics / Dysfunctional Families. The name is a bit misleading as it is essentially a support group and recovery program for those with traumatic upbringings, who are also still trying to navigate stressful family dynamics in the present day. I recommend looking into it if this is something that sounds relevant for you. .
This is today’s daily meditation, I signed up to receive these via email and it’s super helpful. I’ve been attending a group IRL since this past winter and it’s been a game changer for me. I’ve tried many support groups and none have been as meaningful for me as this one. I find that There isn’t a lot of room to discuss this stuff out in the world and it can feel really isolating to be so affected by it but not be able to speak about it and have to pretend like everything’s fine. Having a place to go where people understand is truly healing.
Anyway, I don’t mean to sound like I’m trying to recruit. I just wanted to share in case it could help someone else out there struggling. I was in the dark for so long without the right support and it’s been huge for me to find this free resource. .
#aca #acoa #adultchildrenofalcoholics #childhoodtrauma #dysfunctionalfamily #dysfunctionalfamilies #developmentaltrauma #traumasupport #traumarecovery #cptsd #complextrauma
Heh heh... yeah. ☺️
This week on the blog I geek out on the sympathetic nervous system, fight or flight, living with constant stress and working towards awareness of impulsive reactions. Join me!
Via , regram @tommysiegel
✍️ If you’d like to read more about my recovery journey, swing by the website ( for longer posts, email subscription, and links to my Facebook and Pinterest feeds.
#motivation #motive #motivating #need #urge #impulse #instinct #skill #knowledge #satisfaction #empathy #reason #objective #factor #belief #urgency #excuse #incentive #codependent #codependency #addiction #trusttheprocess #recovery #mentalhealthblogger #progressnotperfection #trauma #emotionalabuse #onedayatatime #acoa #myjesscape
“Enabling” is doing something for someone that they could otherwise do for themselves (for example, if they were sober). The reason this is bad is that it could prolong the behaviour by protecting them from the consequences of their actions and thus their incentive to consider a different path. Although not the intent of enabling, the poor behaviour is somehow justified as being acceptable, or at least not “bad”. Examples of enabling addiction would be: paying a persons bills, defending their actions, or accepting a hangover as being sick.
It’s easy to get this confused with helping or supporting which are things that assist a person to do things they can’t do for themselves or things that facilitate them in gaining control of their life. For example, helping someone research local treatment options.
Some questions to ask yourself if you think you may be enabling:
Do you find yourself making excuses for someone else?
Do you regularly put your own needs second to someone else’s?
Do you have a feeling the behaviour you’re seeing is unacceptable?
Have you (or do you often) lie for someone?
No one wants to see someone they care about fail or suffer. I get it, really. But sometimes it is only through those experiences that we can change. By feeling the consequences of our decisions we understand the need to consider new ones.
✍️ If you’d like to read more about my recovery journey, swing by the website (link in profile). Addiction and related family issues thrive in silence, I hope sharing my story can help end the stigma.
#detachment #letgoandletgod #lettinggo #aware #consequences #letitgo #justbe #helpingothers #selfworth #selflove #addictionrecovery #selfacceptance #notalone #youareenough #thistooshallpass #youarenotalone #codependent #codependency #addiction #trusttheprocess #recovery #mentalhealthblogger #progressnotperfection #trauma #emotionalabuse #onedayatatime #acoa #myjesscape
Spot on.•
#financialabusesurvivor #entitlement #behindcloseddoors #irresponsible #narcissisticandemotionalabuse #noempathy #exploitation #alcoholabuse #childhoodtrauma #substanceabuse #acoa #domesticviolencesurvivor #narcissisticrage #abuseandneglect #narcissisticparents #verbalabuse #falseself #narcandempath #smokeandmirrors #narcissistawareness #dropthemask #itsallalie #covertnarcabuse
As I’m reading this, I realize I’ve feared abandonment in all of my romantic relationships. #nomorenomore •
#repetitioncompulsion #repeatingpatterns #complexptsdrecovery #breakingthecycle #emotionalabuse #acoa #lepapillonnoir #adultchildrenofalcoholics #familyoforigin #healthyrelationships #abusiveparents #adultchildrenofnarcissists #toxicfamily #childhoodtraumasurvivor #unconsciousmind #toxicrelationships #fearofabandonment #narcissisticabuserecovery #narcissisticandemotionalabuse