antivacc vaccines vaccineskill antivaccine antivaxx cancer conscious disease doctor dothemath dotheresearch dothescience knowledge measles measlesoutbreak outbreak provacc provaccine provaxx scientist sick vaccineinjury vaxx vaxxed pharma proinformedconsent safeandeffective vaccinerelatedinfertility repost dothemath
so since Kat Von D has announced that she's against vaccines I thought I, as a future medical professional, would make a lil post about it :-) this is my page. I like to rant abt things I'm passionate about. so here the fuck it goes.
I can't believe that in this day in age we have people out there who believe that vaccinations and other modern medicine practices are harmful or unnecessary. from what I've read online from these idiots since Von D has made the topic popular, the majority of anti-vaxxers believe that vaccinations are unnatural and therefore MUST be bad for your body, right? injecting your child with a small amount of a weakened infectious microbe MUST be harmful for them, right? the diseases that the vaccine is supposedly protecting them from is near extinction, so all of these shots MUST not be needed, right? huh, it's almost as if these people are making uneducated assumptions… oh wait..
it's obvious these people have never taken a microbiology course or even read the fuck up on the ACTUAL science behind vaccinations. it's obvious anti-vaxxers don't know what the FUCK they're talking about. so I'll try to give a small explanation of why vaccines are so important.
I'm sure we've all seen the list of complete and almost eradicated diseases that anti-vaxxers so desperately want to bring back: smallpox, MMR, polio, malaria, etc, all infectious diseases that are often FATAL, especially in young children. listen, medical science has advanced to where we are able to give our children a blueprint of these old diseases so that their bodies are equipped to defend them from contracting it. we are able to PREVENT and ultimately ERADICATE highly contagious and life-threatening diseases on a global scale. the very REASON we give vaccines to our children is not only so they themselves don't get sick, but so that others do not get sick. so that we can kill off these diseases FOR GOOD, globally. G L O B A L L Y. the entire planet is working together to try to get rid of this shit, and ya'll wanna keep it around!!!
keep reading