beautydetox detox германия детоксмарафон детоксменю детокспрограмма живаявода казахстан марафон марафонпохудения марафонстройности похудетьбыстро похудетьзамесяц похудетьлегко ппрецепт правильноепохудение программапитания рецептыпп секретмолодости смузи смузирецепт стройность худеемвкусно худеемправильно detoxbeauty польша beauty nutricode fit6 greenbeauty секретмолодости
Если ты пришла к выводу, что пора конкретно ухаживать за лицом, то встаёт вопрос? С чего начать? Огромный выбор средств в супермаркетах, каждый блогер советует одно, потом второе, потом третье, так и непонятно чем же в итоге он реально пользуется и что даёт настоящий результат?))
Я лично сделала свой выбор в пользу премиального бренда ARTISTRY - это американский бренд компании Amway, который входит в 10 лучших брендов по всему миру, среди которых lancome, este Lauder и тп.
Но по цене доступнее, чем остальные, благодаря тому, что продукцию мы приобретаем напрямую у производителя, минуя многих посредников -ЭКОНОМИЯ ✔️
ARTISTRY нельзя купить в обычном магазине, что так же играет нам на пользу, исключая подделку - ГАРАНТИЯ КАЧЕСТВА ✔️
Компания богатая, поэтому имеет свои собственные производства и научные лаборатории по всему миру - что делает продукт с пометкой ПРЕМИУМ и НОВИЗНА ✔️
На моей странице я буду разбирать средства ухода за лицом, показывая преимущества бренда ARTISTRY, какому типу кожи и рекомендации по использованию средств.
За продукт я отвечаю, точнее отвечает компания в моем лице:
- гарантия качества,
- сертификаты и лицензии
- опыт на рынке более 50 лет
Напомню, Я не косметолог, и не врач, я бренд- эксперт в области домашнего ухода за лицом))
Прошла не одно обучение от компании, а так же имею сертификат Академии, где прошла курс в институте "Красота"
Я решаю индивидуальные задачи женщин, которые хотят выглядит красивее и моложе.
И знаете... я обожаю то, что я делаю всей душой❤️
Ведь каждое "спасибо" моего клиента делает меня ещё счастливее❤️ #passionista #artistrystudio #artistrymakeup #moscowcity #beautydetox
Happy June 1st New Month! New Goals! New You! Let’s do this!
If you commit to being 1% more awesome each day, then by the end of the year you will be 365% MORE awesome than you are right now!
These micro-1%-shifts are what steer us in the direction of our dreams!
What micro-shift are you willing to commit to today?
Looking for ideas?
Here are my June micro-shifts (on top of my regular practice):
CLARITY - spend focused time with goals every day! 10+min visualizing them coming to fruition!
ENERGY - Be consistent with supplements and #BeautyDetox routine! Do Yoga while my husband showers!
PRODUCTIVITY - wake up at 5am! First hour is planning the day, clearing all inboxes & gratitude! New Belief: if it can be done in less than 5min, I have to do it right now! Procrastination is not in my vocabulary!
GROWTH - read at least a few pages before bed! Not audible, but an actual book!! ADHD is a real struggle for me, so sitting down to read is truly a challenge! But I can & I will!!
The beginning of each month is a refreshing opportunity to realign with your purpose & intentions! Let’s do this! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
What new routines or habits are you committing to this month?
#thepsychiclifecoach #mediocretomagical #askashley #lightworker #exponentialpotential #discoveryourmagic #lifestylecoach #ownyourpower #vibrantlyou #passionistasplaybook #manifestation101 #attitudeofgratitide #lightworkersofinstagram #chakrasaligned #everythingisenergy #askashley #authenticallyyou #passionista #universalguidance #woowooguru
Workshop "Detox & Beauty - mehr Energie, mehr Schönheit" mit Elena Wespi, Mira Kosmetik und Natalja Mountian.
Mit der richtigen Ernährung, gezielten Körperübungen sowie Körper- und Gesichtspflege zu einem strahlenden Teint, neuer Energie und dem Körper, den du schon immer haben wolltest.
Dieser Workshop eignet sich für alle Frauen, die mehr Energie, Ausstrahlung und Gesundheit in ihr Leben bringen wollen.
Was erwartet dich:
- Detox-Yoga
- Detox-Beauty-Geheimnisse
- Detox-Beauty-Rezepte
- Detox-Beauty-Plan
- Schönheitstipps
- Natürliche Schönheit
Was bringt es dir: - mehr Energie
- mehr Ausstrahlung
- mehr Schönheit
- straffe, schöne, klare Haut
- das Immunsystem von Körper & Geist wird gestärkt
- Gesundheit
- gute Laune
- Leichtigkeit
Datum: 30.03.2019
Zeit: 9.00 - 13.30 Uhr
Ort: GOYA, Hergiswil
Preis: CHF 70.- (inkl. Pause: Detox-Säfte, Snacks)
Weitere Info und Anmeldung:
#createyourflow #goya #yoga #beauty #detox #detoxyoga #yogadetox #beautydetox #beautydetoxfoods #energy #tobewoman
Dr.Bronner soap Can’t live without one Магическият кастилски сапун може да се използва за всичко... наистина всичко ! Понякога пера дрехите си с него,чиниите, банята,понякога косата , а в комбинация с четка за лице прави невероятна мека пяна ,като не изсушава. Любимият ми за лице е този с чаено дърво А вие опитвали ли сте го и като какво?
#greenforbeautyblog #greenblogger #blog #cosmeticreview #ecofriendly #beautycollaborator #органик #greenbeautyblog #organicblogger #organicliving #healthylife #naturalbeautyblogger #greenbeautyblogger #healthybeauty #bulgarianblogger #botanicalbeauty #veganbeauty #naturalcosmetics #ecobeauty #greenbeautybloggers #facewash #cleanbeauty #organicbeauty #beauty #organiccosmetics #holisticbeauty #organicskincare #beautydetox #consciousliving #castilesoap
✨ M O M E N T U M ✨ ⠀
Several weeks back I was at the gym doing bench press, and it really struck me - I’m not strong on my benching! And though I’d had this thought many times before, something just clicked and I decided I really wanted to work on my chest and arm strength. So I decided to start small...10 pushups from my toes each night. ⠀
You guys...I’ve been doing CrossFit for over 5 years and that first night I got 8 (8!) pushups from my toes before having to take a break so I could complete the last 2 ♀️ ⠀
That was about 5 weeks ago. Five weeks of consistent pushups (I’m doing 20 per day now) and I’m now at 16-18 consecutive before taking a break. ⠀
But this story isn’t about the pushups. It’s about how starting small with a simple habit I can stay consistent with snowballs into more progress (hello 3 consecutive strict pull-ups last week!) and more confidence (holy crap my body is stronger than I thought!) ⠀
THIS is how you build momentum. Pick something simple, something that is slightly challenging but still achievable, and commit to staying consistent. When it starts to get easy, push yourself to do just a little more. You will be amazed at how confident and capable you feel when you start to build that momentum ☺️⠀
Happy Friday friends, make it a wonderful day!
Chose promise, chose due !
Pour une délicieuse eux detox à base d’ananas il vous faut:
- un concombre
- un citron
- quelques feuilles de menthe
- un ananas
... et de l’eau bien sûr !
Lavez et coupez les fruits (pas besoin d’enlever la peau si le concombre et le citron sont bios / obligé pour l’ananas, hein ).
Mettre le tout dans un récipient, ajouter de l’eau et la menthe. Laissez infuser une nuit au frigo, puis dégustez le lendemain à volonté !!!
For a delicious and yummy detox water based on pineapple you need:
- a cucumber
- a lemon
- a pineapple
- some leaves of mint
... And water of course!
Wash and cut the fruits (no need to remove the skin for the cucumber and lemon if they are organic, but you need to for the pineapple ).
Put all in a bottle and add water and some leaves of mint. Let infuse all night long in the fridge, and it is ready to taste !
#bernardcassiere #bcparis #beautybynature #beauty #instabeauty #beautydetox #detox #detoxwater #eaudetox #healthy #healthycare #ananas #pineapple #concombre #cucumber #lemon #citron #mint #menthe #yummy #fresh #madeinfrance #cosmetics #recipe #recette
Happy Friday! We wanted to drop some positivity ✨ on your feed!
Did you know that #Etsy is the first major online shopping venue to offset % of carbon emissions contributed from shipping?!?! Mmhmm, they’re putting positive impacts on our planet by supporting solar ☀️ and wind projects (which creates clean energy) and protecting trees from being forested.
Another reason to feel good about shopping on Etsy and supporting small businesses. Together, delivering a world of good. ♻️
#cleanbeauty #brandsthatcare #sustainablebeauty #ecofriendly #naturalbeauty #plantbased #toxinfreebeauty #beautydetox #beautymadebetter #intensionalliving #holisticwellness #shopsmall #younglivingessentialoils #greenbeauty #chemicalfreehome #natural #madebyme #etsyfinds
Look what’s out!!!✨
My journey to a plant based diet all started almost 6 years ago because of a book and having an open mind. The Beauty Detox Solution paved the way for my lifestyle and eventually career path. It’s incredible what can happen to someone’s life when someone else follows their calling and purpose. That is what @_kimberlysnyder has done for me. Not only me but my family. Her information has completely changed my family’s diet. My dad loves her first book and reads it all the time. (If my dad can change his eating habits and give up meat, literally ANYONE can). _
AND I’m now an ambassador her amazing new brand My Solluna and getting to personally connect with her. WHAT?! It’s all come full circle and I’m BEYOND excited
Social media is now flooded with products and promotions to make a buck so I promise this is not what this is. Her work and probiotics were cool to me before this IG thing happened. I have about 20 people I’ve gifted her book to that can attest to that! If I never post about another product forever and only this, I’m completely happy doing so.
ANYWAY! All that to say her new book, Recipes For Your Perfectly Imperfect Life is out and it’s beautiful ☀️
#kimberlysnyder #sollunaambassador19 #holistichealth #beautydetoxsollution #vegan #plantbased #recipesforyourperfectlyimperfectlife #ambassador #nutritionist #healthcoach #beautydetox #feelgood #feelgoodmovement
Dropping a bit of gift inspo
This gift set is perfect for any yogi or exercise enthusiast, filled with some totally zen goodies ♀️♂️ Gift set Includes:
-Yoga Mat Cleanser
-Calm Roller
-Happy Spray
-Mini Succulent -Personalized Cardstock Gift Message
-Product Description & Instructions
Feel good about giving all natural products, cultivated from the Earth