Список из самых популярных хештегов по теме #BLOODCLOTSURVIVOR

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#bloodclotsurvivor #bloodclot #bloodclotawareness #pulmonaryembolism #autoimmunedisease #dvtrehab #keto #ketonesforthewin #oxygenuser #antiphospholipidsyndrome #bloodclots #bloodthinners #pruvit #runnersofinstagram #running #strokerecovery #strokesurvivor #survivor #artstagram #arttherapy #brainhealth #celiacs #ceramicglaze #cvst #dvst #dvtrecovery #dvtsurvivor #endometriosis #epsteinbarr

Хештеги которые включают в себя хештег #BLOODCLOTSURVIVOR
#bloodclotsurvivor #bloodclotsurvivors #bloodclotsurvivor♥️ #bloodclotsurvivory #bloodclotsurvivor❤️ #bloodclotsurvivoragain #bloodclotsurvivortimestwo


My schedule is about to get pretty crazy over the next few months and I couldn’t be more excited and grateful! . So many couples are trusting ME to capture their love & that means the world to me. . Sometimes I have to pinch myself that I’m actually living this amazing life...but then I remember... I have been and continue to manifest this life on a daily basis. It’s no happy accident. I do the work that is putting me in a position to live out my dreams. No one else is doing that for me, & it’s not luck either. It’s all me. . So ask yourself... are you doing the same? Does your life look the way you want it to? If it doesn’t make changes!!!! You have so much power to manifest ANYTHING- so do it! Start now. Create the life of your dreams. The only one holding you back is yourself. . *Disclaimer: nothing about this journey is perfect & I’m not always in alignment (Instagram is easy to show the highlight reel but your girl is a mess quite often ). Learning how to and putting in the work necessary to manifest your dream life is super hard and messy and I’m exhausted half the time but it’s so so worth it. . ✌️ . : @jessiewalkerphoto


Just a few little reminders If you’re afraid {Isaiah 41:10} If you feel alone {Joshua 1:9} If you’re worried {1 Peter 5:7} If you feel lost {Proverbs 3:5-6} If you’re suffering {Romans 8:18} If you don’t feel good enough {Psalms 139:14} If you’re going through a hard time {Isaiah 43:2} I hope these verses bring you comfort in the midst of whatever it is that you’re going through. If you needed these reminders as much as I did this morning, remember He is our refuge & strength no matter what. His love never ever ever fails. Happy Sunday ✨


Just doing what we do best this week...laughing, eating, + adventuring


The picture on the left popped up as a “2 years ago memory “ today, Two years ago I was recovering from a blood clot, my health was in shambles, my weight was just increasing and I was getting depressed. I remember this day in that picture, walking around a car show feeling so horrible.... diagnosed with R/A, Lupus, EDS,Chiari, Meniers Disease, I felt hopeless..fast forward to today ! I found the best functional medical doctor who reversed my auto immune by changing my diet to food I was not allergic to, I have more energy, I am Happy and all I want to do is go go go !! This post is to remind me to never give up !! Keep searching for answers and listen to your body ! #autoimmunedisease #autoimmuneprotocol #ketotransformations #transformationtuesday #transformation #diet #transform #happy #healthy #me #love #loveyourself #ketodiet #bloodclotsurvivor #deepveinthrombosis #autoimmunediet #functionalmedicine #nevergiveup #insta


I’m not going to lie... I am definitely struggling with the news of yesterday. But these 3 women (& my dad) have been my strength. My mom is the most amazing person I’ve ever met in my entire life, not even being biased. She is my full time caretaker & never once complains... I can’t even fathom how much she does for me & how much she cares for me. The ladies on each side of me are also two people I lean on for prayer & encouragement... they drop everything to help my family & I, whenever needed. There are many other people in my life who are AMAZING & I wish I could post every one of you. For now, thank you Mom & Dad, & Lisa & Laura for showing me what unconditional love is, & never leaving my side.


I’m trying to find words in this heavy hearted moment. My appointment with my back surgeon was today & we didn’t get the news we wanted, nor expected. First off, he explained to us that surgery was off the table.. complete no-go. He said that himself & my vascular surgeon talked about it & said that if I were to have the surgery now, or back in November/December/January I would’ve died. Died. Death. That’s a tough word. As I’ve explained to you guys before, I’ve been told that many times... this time was the worst. When he said it, my parents & I filled with tears. Loss of life, loss of limb, loss of kidney... were my surgeon’s exact words. They didn’t say there was a “chance” of death.. they said I would’ve died, 100%. We talked with him about God pushing back my surgery & interfering with it so many times (insurance, unexpected health problems), & the reason being... I’m not meant to leave this earth yet. We’ve been waiting 7.5 months for this surgery... that would’ve killed me. I’m struggling with this, as are my parents... it’s a tough night here & I imagine a tough time ahead, grieving & understanding this all. But we are not going to stop until we find answers & a way to heal my body, or aid in my pain. I’m struggling feeling like this will be my life forever, in bed... in pain, completely debilitated. But I’m leaning on my team, my tribe, my people.. to help me through this & give me the encouragement I need... tonight & as we figure out what to do next. Thanks for letting me share this deeply personal day with you. Encouragement, prayers, messages, anything... is so very appreciated. PLEASE LIFT ME UP IN SPIRIT. I need it now more than ever.


There will always be someone who doesn’t believe in you. Don’t let that person be you. ✨


Find friends that walk through life w you no matter what. Who will lay in bed w you, on the good days & on the bad.


“You do that online business, network marketing thing, right?” Whenever someone asks me that, I always say the same thing - “Of course I am. If it wasn’t network marketing, I wouldn’t want to be a part of it. Why would I want to trade MY time for money” That answer typically surprises people. Let’s face it, this industry gets a bad rap. Many of you may think that network marketing is weird, uncomfortable, spammy, whatever. Some of you may have had a really bad experience with this industry. You may not even really understand what it is. Lots of you probably think I’m absolutely positively crazy for being a part of this industry. But this industry is c h a n g i n g ✨ It’s not the same as it once was. I am so proud to be a part of this industry. Network marketing - there’s nothing else like it. This is a place where you can have success regardless of anything. Literally anyone can do this. You have the opportunity to work from anywhere. You have the ability to experience freedom, whether it be time freedom or financial freedom. You are able to make money by sharing things that you love. You’re on social media anyway, why not turn your scrolls into dollar signs? If you are shopping for a home in this industry and are looking to be part of a company who is paving the way for change in network marketing, you know where to find me.

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