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God's message for you TODAY #god #catholicwomen #holyrosary #praytherosary #jesus #mothermary #blessedvirginmary #blessedisshe #saintjoseph #catholic #catholics #catholicchurch #catholicism #catholicconnect #catholiclife #catholicfaith #romancatholic #instacatholic #popefrancis #praytherosary #prolife #prolifegeneration #adoration #traditionalcatholic #catholicyouth #lifeteen #catholicgirl #catholicfamily #tojesusthroughmary #jesusitrustinyou #padrepio
Don't be afraid to put your hand in Our Lady's hand and walk with her, she will always lead you to Jesus. .
#Jesus #jesuschrist #CatholicChurch #catholiclife #catholicconnect #catholicfaith #romancatholic #catholics #eucharist #christ #pray #prayer #Catholic #praytherosary #virginmary #mothermary #catholics #catholicfaith
Please join me Today in Prayer for the Sick and People and their Caretakers #god #jesus #beasaint #catholicfamily #blessedisshe #catholic #catholicgirl #catholicgirls #catholicwomen #thecatholicwoman #holyrosary #praytherosary #mothermary #bissisterhood #catholic #catholics #catholicchurch #catholicism #catholicconnect #catholiclife #catholicfaith #romancatholic #instacatholic #catholicsaints #prolife #blessedisshe #catholicyouth #prolifegeneration #saintoftheday #catholicworld #catholicsaint #catholicmom
In this life we will never experience love to the the depths that we can in Holy Mass. The more we avail ourselves to the treasure of Christ’s infinite love the more our lives will be transformed. ❤️
Let’s get to Mass, pray the rosary, and spend some time in Adoration today! ⛪️ Receive the love of the Bridegroom poured out for us on the Cross.