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南瓜 - 果囊、核和皮營養高
Pumpkin - Nutritious Sac, nuts and skin
One technique to make healthy pumpkin soup is to also blend the pumpkin sac, nuts and skin. The pumpkin sac, nuts and skin enriches with many nutritions. They do not change the favour of the soup. This is one of the advantages to take whole food. Ingredients: pumpkin, soy beans, onion, raw cashew nuts, hemp seeds sprinkled over.
#南瓜濃湯 #養生能量湯 #精力湯 #全食物 #健康早餐 #自家製有機全食物 #健康飲食 #養生 #健康生活 #PumpkinSoup #HealthySoup #WholeFood #HealthyBreakfast #HomemadeOrganicWholeFood #EatClean #HolisticLife #HealthyLife #DrWinnieLoWingYeeHK
My typical daily lunch. Carbs may not be from the grains. It can be sweat potato.
#健康午餐 #健康晚餐 #飲食日記 #全營養 #全食物 #健康飲食 #自家製有機全食物 #養生 #健康生活 #HealthyLunch #HealthyDinner #FoodDairy #WholeNutrient #WholeFood #EatClean #HomemadeOrganicWholeFood #HolisticLife #HealthyLife #DrWinnieLoWingYeeHK
Salmon Salad, 550 KCal
Ingredients: fried salmon with herbs, avocado, cherry tomatoes, carrot, chickpeas.
#三文魚沙律 #三文魚 #健康午餐 #健康晚餐 #飲食日記 #全食物 #健康飲食 #自家製有機全食物 #養生 #健康生活 #SalmonSalad #Salmon #HealthyLunch #HealthyDinner #FoodDiary #WholeFood #EatClean #HomemadeOrganicWholeFood #HolisticLife #HealthyLife #DrWinnieLoWingYeeHK
A myth about body fat and muscle
Many people have a myth that body fat can be turned into muscle, and muscle can be turned into body fat. In fact, they are two different structures in the body. They cannot be turned into each other. To reduce fat, we must do cardio exercise. To build up muscle, we must do weight training. So, do both kind of exercises for perfect body building
#減脂 #增肌 #帶氧運動 #重量訓練 #健身 #鍛練 #運動 #健身房 #養生 #健康生活 #WeightLoss #MuscleUp #CardioExercise #WeightTraining #Workout #BodyBuilding #Fitness #Gym #HolisticLife #HealthyLife #WorkoutWithWinnieLo #DrWinnieLoWingYeeHK
奇亞籽外皮覆蓋水溶性纖維,吸收水份後體積可以膨脹十陪以上,外形像啫哩,很適合做水果或者果仁奶佈甸,奇亞籽本身沒有什麼味道,但營養高,口感也很好。 材料:下層黑莓、中層椰子奶、上層芒果。
Chia Seed Pudding
The skin of the chia seed is covered with water soluble fiber. Its volume size can be expanded by more than ten times after absorbing water. The expanded chia seed is like jelly. It is suitable for making fruit or nut milk pudding. Chia seed itself does not have any favour. But it is nutritious and its texture is good. Ingredients: blackberry in bottom layer, coconut milk in middle layer, mango in top layer.
#三色奇亞籽佈甸 #奇亞籽佈甸 #奇亞籽 #全食物 #健康早餐 #健康零食 #自家製有機全食物 #健康飲食 #養生 #健康生活 #ChiaSeedPudding #ChiaSeed #WholeFood #HealthyBreakfast #HealthySnack #HomemadeOrganicWholeFood #EatClean #HolisticLife #HealthyLife #DrWinnieLoWingYeeHK
Several tips for healthy chocolate smoothie :
✔️Use food to make the smoothie creamy. e.g. oats.
✔️Use food instead of processed sugar. e.g. banana, madjool dates, honey.
✔️Or use low GI index sugar for sweetener. e.g. coconut sugar.
✔️Use carob power to replace portions of caocao powder. Carob has similar taste as caocao but does not have caffeine. It is especially good for children.
✔️Add a small amount of other ingredients to make it more nutritious. e.g. almonds, flaxseeds.
#朱古力Smoothie #朱古力 #巧克力 #健康早餐 #健康零食 #全食物 #健康飲食 #自家製有機全食物 #養生 #健康生活 #ChocolateSmoothie #Smoothie #Chocolate #RawCaocao #HealthyBreakfast #HealthySnack #EatClean #WholeFood #HomeMadeOrganicWholeFood #HolisticLife #HealthyLife #WinnieLo技巧文 #DrWinnieLoWingYeeHK
3-Ingredient Pancake
A very simple homemade 3-ingredient pancake. It only needs oats, banana and eggs to make it. Add some honey to taste when eating. It is healthy and yum. Better to use a ripe banana with 40-60% black dots on it. It contains many more nutritions.
#熱香餅 #班戟 #健康早餐 #飲食日記 #全食物 #健康飲食 #自家製有機全食物 #養生 #健康生活 #Pancake #HealthyBreakfast #FoodDairy #WholeFood #EatClean #HomeMadeOrganicWholeFood #HolisticLife #HealthyLife #DrWinnieLoWingYeeHK
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