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Not gonna lie... these were tough, but thrilled to try a new move.
Single Arm Side Lateral Raise while holding your other arm in a Static Side Raise.
10 on each side x 3 sets.
A strong Core is a must and the only way I got through these. Really your Core is everything!
GYMNASTIC SHAPING DRILLS Love this core workout I spotted on @shift_movementscience ! Scale to your fitness level by adjusting the distance b/t the boxes as well as the amount of weight. Bring arms overhead during all 4 exercises—on tummy, left/right side, and back (I forgot this step on my left and right sides♀️).
Tap ❤️ if you like this drill. Tag a workout friend who needs to give this a try!
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HANDSTAND PIKE DOWN TO RESISTANCE BAND Improve your handstand stability, alignment and stamina with this gymnastics drill‼️
1️⃣ Span a resistance band in your handstand space about chest height.
2️⃣ A heavy resistance band works best. (Notice how I tied a knot in mine♀️).
3️⃣ Your ideal hand position during this exercise is such that when your legs pike down from the handstand and make a 90 degree angle with your upper body, you should make contact with the band on your lower shin/ankle area.
4️⃣ Once you're set up, bounce your legs off the band a few times to build enough momentum to go into a full handstand.
5️⃣ Keep focusedon engaging your full body to bring yourself into perfect handstand alignment with body in control as to not go over.
↩️ Not quite ready for this drill? ♀️Why not lower the band a little and try it from a headstand⁉️
Tap❤️if you love handstand drills! Tag a handstanding friend you know will want to try this the next time they are in the gym!♀️
#activateyourcore #adultgymnastics #bodyalignment #bodyweightfitness #calisthenicstraining #engageyourcore #gbbuilt #getupsidedown #gst #gymnasticsbodies #gymnasticsconditioning #gymnasticsvideos #handstandaddict #handstandchallenge #handstanding #handstandjourney #handstandshapes #handstandshaping #handstandstability #handstandtraining #handstandvariation #handstaningaround #hiphinge #hollowbody #inversionpractice #resistanceband #resistancebandsworkout #resistanceworkout #resolutionhandstand2019 #stabilitytraining
This has always been my favorite way to train the iron x. Handspring straight into an Ayesha, or a little bit higher than an iron x, slowly come back down to center and back up again. At first you’ll only hold it for a split second, but then you’ll gradually get stronger and hold it for longer. It also helped me with dead lifts. #engageyourcore #cupgriphandspring #cupgripironx #ironx #poledancing #fitmomlife
Stay strong! Hang on! Be patient! Simple words I say to myself to keep my head up and keep moving forward...
What are some of your words of affirmation?
P.s. No my feet aren't touching anything, I just couldn't get them in the shot
#polestrength #corestrength #shoulderflexibility #pdflag #humanflag #humanflagpole #flagpole #pdsplitgrip #splitgrip #poledance #pdhandspring #engageyourcore #coreworkout #gripstrength #forearmstrength