fashionrevolutionweek slowfashion sustainablefashion consciousfashion ethicalfashion fairtradefashion fashionagency fashionaustralia fashionbrands fashionbuyer fashiondesigners fashionindustry fashionlabel fashionlondon fashionshowroom fashionteam fw1920 greenfashion ibizastyle knowyourfactory labels manufacturingservice newyorkfashion newyorkstyle organiccotton organicfabrics productionagency resortwear sustainablestyle ecofashion fashionshowroom
#Fairfashion in Leipzig auf der Spur ... in 8 Stunden mit dem Bike 8 Spots abzuklappern, lautete das heutige Tagesziel!
Neben dieser wundervollen Tauschoase beschnupperten wir: den Weltladen Plagwitz, @deepmello, @derkazimir, @garderobewest_secondhand, @fanoemode, @gruenschnabel_shop, Contigo Fairtrade und
#whomademyclothes - ist eine Frage, die man sich nicht oft genug stellen kann. Warum neu kaufen, wenn alles was das Herz begehrt, längst produziert und in Umlauf ist? #secondhandlove wo werden die Klamotten, die ihr tragt, hergestellt und unter welchen Bedingungen? Was ist es euch wert, diese Zustände zu ändern? Der Konsument entscheidet. #Leipzig bietet dir die Wahl ...
Für alle, die mehr erfahren wollen: vom 22. bis 28. April findet in Leipzig die #fashionrevolutionweek mit Filmen, Diskussionen, Workshops und vielem mehr statt. Infos dazu findet ihr zB auf
#fairtrade #fairfashionleipzig #2ndhand #secondhandleipzig #nowaste #zerowaste #fashionrevolutionweekleipzig #fairfashionbloggerwalkleipzig #leipziglieben #fairfashion
Encantados de leer esta artículo de la pluma de Ana López. #Repost @waliruu
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Lectura obligada para marcas y consumidores
En una semana inicia el #fashionrevolutionweek, más de 90 países se han ido sumando a este movimiento y en Colombia Gracias a @fashrevcolombia hemos ido expandiéndonos con conocimiento, eventos y actividades en el marco de esta semana.
Para los que poco o nadan saben sobre este movimiento y/o quieren saber más, escribí un artículo contándoles un poco como nace #fashionrevolution y cómo podemos sumarnos.
Este año, Bogotá y Medellín ampliamos la agenda para que tomen notan y puedan participar de los eventos programados, a través de las redes sociales con los hashtags y las preguntas a las marcas. Somos muchos haciendo cosas, pero podríamos hacer más si nos unimos
Nota 2: en el transcurso de hoy y mañana les iré compartiendo los afiches que me compartió @fashrevcolombia para que marcas y consumidores los tengamos y más información sobre cada uno de los eventos
El artículo ya está a un clic en la biografía
#FashRevColombia #modasostenible #consumoresponsable #fashionandsustainability #quienhizomiropa #fashionrevolutionweek #waliruu
“I’m sorry, but this just isn’t working. I only wear you one time and you fall apart. I spend too much money on you and get nothing in return. Not to mention you’re a major contributor to global pollution. I can do better! BYE”♀️Our friend @kohlgreyson founder of @knownsupply has a new campaign @whatthefashion_net where you can pledge to Break Up With Fast Fashion. Set your intention to promote a better fashion industry. Make the pledge today and let us know why you’re #breakingupwithfastfashion. #galeriela #fashionwithintegrity
Anche quest’anno avrò l’onore di partecipare al Fashion Revolution di Torino con un progetto di moda sostenibile Cucitura Sashiko su shopper di tela (per i dettagli evento Facebook sulla mia pagina)
Siete invitati a partecipare non solo al mio workshop ma a tutte le interessantissime iniziative che gli organizzatori @ren_collective hanno riunito nello spazio @copernicowork per diffondere un pensiero di sostenibilità nella moda @fash_rev @fash_rev_italia
#fashionrevolution #fashionrevolutionweek #sashiko #workshop #stitching #shopper #denim #sustainablefashion #modacircolare #modasostenibile #economiacircolare #rammendo #rammendocreativo #visiblemending #torino #networking #becurious #maker #repaircafe #torinoèlamiacittà
seems simple enough, right? the clothes we buy were made by someone, somewhere. the fabric was made or grown, processed or woven, dyed, cut, sewn. so many hands go into the production of just one small garment which is really quite special when you think about it but what does that mean for a $5 shirt from H&M?
garment workers, cotton farmers, leather tannery workers and communities surrounding textile or dying factories are some of the most vulnerable players in the fashion industry. these are the lives that are at risk; the majority of people unfortunately don’t care to stop and think about how something was made and would prefer to pay less for something regardless of how it impacts the livelihoods of people several thousands of miles away, so how do we go about fixing this broken industry? @truecostmovie @riverbluethemovie #fastfashion #regram @susistudio #fashrev #sustainablefashion
Em breve vai rolar mais uma edição da Fashion Revolution Week BH e é claro que a gente tá dentro né?
Você quer contribuir com uma moda com propósito? Que tal ser voluntárix no evento?
Entre em contato com a organizadora @liviamonteirom e lute conosco por essa causa!
@fash_rev_brasil #quemfezminhasroupas
Bullshit-free #EthicalFashionFacts number three...
This is a phenomenon that many in the Western world have no idea about. Conventional cotton, much of which is grown for fashion and textiles in agricultural areas of India, leads to serious mental health issues. As brands and retailers continue to squeeze their prices lower and lower, leaving little to nothing left for raw material suppliers, cotton farmers have to take out debilitating loans to keep family farms afloat..
When finances are squeezed tighter and tighter, many Indian cotton farmers are unable to keep up repayments and cannot feed their families. Under increasingly aggressive pressure from biotech and fashion conglomerates, thousands feel they have no choice but to take their own life to avoid the dire consequences. (Over 5000 cottonfarmers in India alone every year)
This is the reality of fast fashion. It’s not just clothes, it’s life, or death.
What can you do to help? Support organic and fairtrade farming by buying #Fairtrade and #GOTS certified clothing- look for the logos on your labels. Demand the brands you buy from to pay their suppliers and manufacturers a living wage- social media can be a tool for good. Take part in the @fash_rev activism movement. Find out more at or
Over 6 billion humans live on Earth. We cause environmental degradation, global warming, mass extinction and biodiversity loss to name a few. Most people, including myself, are brought up believing there’s nothing we can do about that - that it’s normal and expected so we shouldn’t worry despite all signs we should. Movements such as #zerowaste, #fashionrevolutionweek and #veganism are proof that humans are awakening and choosing not to continue living in blissful ignorance. Be part of this #ethicalrevolution ✨ #uncaptive
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