fatigue health anxiety endometriosis london autoimmunedisease beautiful blanket brainfog breakfast chronicfatigue chronicillness coffee cold corduroy dayoff deepsleep dresses early engineeredgarments euston fibromyalgia getup good goodday goodmorning holiday hormones insomnia instore lupusawareness
Deficiencies in the body lead to a variety of health ailments it’s important that we get all of our vitamins and nutrients and minerals through our food that’s why they say “food is your medicine”. I think that’s why were people start taking seamoss they start to feel better immediately because we are so depleted of nutrients . There are many foods that Provide natural vitamins and minerals to our bodies,Eating more fruits and vegetables natural herbs, seaweeds and of course seamoss as one of my favorite ways to get a more of a variety of minerals into your body ... here’s just a few ways you can indicate if you are deficient in these minerals ... but start ingesting more nutrient dense foods packed full of vitamins and minerals and see how you start to feel better immediately ..
my collab with @thisthingtheycallrecovery⠀
One of the things that I think a lot of invisibly disabled people struggle with when it comes to mobility aids is the perception that strangers (and even people in their lives) may treat them as though they’re ‘faking’ because they 'don't look sick' or may only need to use the aid part-time.⠀
I spent years feeling so much shame & embarrassment when going out with my blue badge (I've been followed by a parking attendant to the point a stranger in the street pointed it out to me) because I looked like a healthy early 20-something year old. Using crutches felt easier because they looked more like ‘an injury thing’ (sometimes mobility issues caused by accidents are way more socially acceptable than a body that is just wonky). ⠀
It took a long time for me to come to terms with the fact I needed to become a wheelchair user for the sake of my health. Aside from the grief at losing physical ability, it's really hard to feel as though you 'deserve' to use a chair when you've grown up around a very specific idea of disability - namely that wheelchair users are paralysed. ⠀
Annoyingly, I couldn’t find any data on the number of ambulatory wheelchair users, but a many many wheelchair users are able to walk AND may also use a chair for any number of valid reasons. ⠀
It is genuinely baffling watching people on the tube follow my legs as I cross them or get out of my chair to do something in public because that perception is still so prevalent. ⠀
A big thing for me has been growing the confidence in myself to know that my wheelchair use is legitimate. And seeing other people online in similar situations has truly been amazing and so validating for that. ⠀
No matter how I look, or what other people think, they’re not in my body. They don't know. I'm learning to care less about what strangers think, but it can be hard when these prejudices can have very real world consequences for so many. ⠀
Disability is so diverse and so are the reasons why someone uses a chair. We need to normalise this & end the stigma. Because #ambulatorywheelchairusersexist & that’s SO valid
No somehow I never mentioned it to the doctor I’ve only been going for over 12 years♀️ #sarcasm
Has anyone said this to you
#diabetes #fatigue #pots #dysautonomia #multiplesclerosis #ulcerativecolitis #arthritis #rheumatoidarthritis #chronicpain #sicklecell #lymedisease #ibs #ibd #lupus #autoimmunedisease #fibromyalgia #endometriosis #ptsd #pcos #migraines #ehlersdanlos #crohns #depression #anxiety #chronicillness #idiopathicthrombocytopenicpurpura #spoonie
This is so true.
When the start tapping away, you just know. I've had some doctors be completely honest and I respect that.
#spoonie #occipitalneuralgia #trigeminalneuralgia #flareup #chronic #chronicpain #chronicillness #fibromyalgia #fibrofog #rheumatoidarthritis #migraine #invisableillness #chronicfatigue #autoimmunedisease #mumproblems #chronicpainwarrior #rawarrior #youdontlooksick #ibs #endometriosis #endowarrior #tired #fatigue #chronicillnesswarrior #fibrowarrior #chronicillnesslife #dailymemes #quotes #funny #memes
Here some herbs to help you relax and sleep well.
#herbs #insomnia #fatigue #relax #goodsleep #plants #holistic #holisticapproach #healthylifestyle #healnatural #healthychoices #healthyhabits #naturaltherapies #naturalresources #naturalmedicine #Hypothyroidism #hypothyroid #hashimoto #autoimmunedisease #chronicillness #invisibleillness #thyroiddisorders #moody #organic #tea
Don’t fear hard work. It puts credits in the bank and can even potentiate performance.
I know myself, sometimes I don’t feel like training, or I feel flat and lethargic. But I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve walked into the gym in such a state and ended up hitting a PB or putting together a high quality session. Anecdotes aside, fatigue is highly complex. How you feel is not the whole story. Before writing off a gym session, at least complete some mobility and warm up sets starting with an empty bar. If you’re really not feeling it after that - get out of there. But I promise you’ll often be glad you did because before you know it you’ll have another good session under your belt - and these add up!
#strengthandconditioning #fatigue #athleticdevelopment
Yep I know this conversation.
#spoonie #occipitalneuralgia #trigeminalneuralgia #flareup #chronic #chronicpain #chronicillness #fibromyalgia #fibrofog #rheumatoidarthritis #migraine #invisableillness #chronicfatigue #autoimmunedisease #mumproblems #chronicpainwarrior #rawarrior #youdontlooksick #ibs #endometriosis #endowarrior #tired #fatigue #chronicillnesswarrior #fibrowarrior #chronicillnesslife #dailymemes #quotes #funny #memes
Feels good to be back training and feeling good.
I want to dedicate this post to everyone feeling fatigued,run down,stressed or anxious.
I have been feeling a bit run down myself the past few weeks.Lots of work,prepping and planing my projects and plans for the next 6 months,training.....took it’s toll and I had to step back,rest,take some time for myself and recover.
Feeling rested and so much better now.
It was important to listen to my body and my mind,rest and recover because I was starting to feel really anxious and that’s a big sign for me that it’s time to stop and rest.
It’s very important to take a step back,listen to your body and look out for the signs of fatigue and stress.For me it’s tiredness or fatigue,low energy and mood,no motivation,feeling cranky and the big one for me as well is anxiety.
Everyone is different and everyone has different triggers and signs.
But the most important thing is when you do notice that you are tired or stressed take a step back and do things for yourself and take care of yourself.
Some of my go to’s are:
-getting a massage
-extra sleep
-switching off my phone and social media
-light workout or walk
-healthy food and freshly squeezed juices and smoothies
-10 to 15 minutes in the sauna
Again everyone is different so do what makes you feel good and happy.
I hope this gives some inspiration and help to all of you out there feeling a bit down.
Hope you all have a great weekend.
#training #backtraining #fitness #fitnessmotivation #inspiration #motivation #anxiety #stress #fatigue #tired #feelingbetter #backtonormal #lifestyle #healthylifestyle #healthy #health #workout #takecareofyourself #takingcareofmyself #happy #inspo #fitspo #australia #melbourne #inspirational #motivational #vibes #goodvibes #mood #positivevibes
TAG 3 friends into #HealthyLiving, #fitness and #wellness
( w/@samiwhammy )
When you’re putting in #work, whether it be #school, work, or your favorite hobby, it’s easy to get out of #alignment.
Luckily, that’s where I come in.
Your nervous system can only take so much.
When it hits its limit, you start getting #symptoms like #NeckPain, #BackPain, and #fatigue. That’s your body telling you it’s TIME for an ALIGNMENT! ♂️♀️
#WhosYourChiro #IAm #DrJason #HeathIsWealth #AlignedAndDialed