ivfjourney baby follow food infertility ivfwarrior likeforlikes cats cats_of_day cats_of_instagram catsofinstagram catstagram followforfollowback like4likes likeforfollow little loveislove cute cutecats cuteness cutetattoo life meow ootd infertilitysucks ivfsupport pensilvanya
⭐️Today is #WorldEmbryologistDay! A special thank you to all embryologists, especially our very own team behind the scenes, who dedicate their time and love for science to help our patients achieve their dream of parenthood! You are AMAZING! ⭐️ #EmbryoscopePlus
#IVF #Infertility #Hope #IUI #FET #FertilitySpecialist #SouthFlorida #FertilityDocs #FertilitySuccess #FertilityNews #IVFJourney #TTCCommunity #TTC #Health #Fertility #IVFMD #Miscarriage #MaleInfertility #PCOSWarrior #PCOSJourney #InfertilityJourney #PositivePregnancy #WeMakeBabies #IVFSuccess #MiraclesHappen
2.5 years of trying. 6 miscarriages. A year of IVF. A 2nd trimester loss of identical twins. 2 retrievals. 3 FET's. And finally, you.
#ivf #ivfjourney #infertility #infertilitycommunity #infertilityjourney #pal #pregnancyafterloss #ivfsupport #ivfcommunity #infertilitysucks #infertilityawareness #ttc #ttccommunity #ttcafterloss #ttcaftermiscarriage #ttcsupport #recurrentloss #rainbow #rainbowbaby #reproductiveimmunology #ivfbaby #pregnant #ivfsuccess #fet #howtheyannounced #pregnancyannouncement #werepregnant #finally #love
What does all of this mean?
It is technology advancing.
It is expanding access to parenthood.
It is hard.
This week’s episode of the #asawomanpodcast is all about The Embryo Transfer.
And there is a NEW blog post today all about IVF and FET.
I’m taking Q&A in the comments section for an upcoming episode - everything you want to know.
Because it is hard.
It is confusing.
It is technically challenging to understand.
You will have friends, family members, colleagues go through IVF.
You may need IVF.
You will have patients, clients, go through IVF.
The pressure of IVF is exemplified because it is challenging to understand, takes time, is physically hard on your body, and expensive.
To all the IVF warriors out there - I’m so proud of you.
To all of those breaking down barriers and stigma and sharing their journeys on social media - you are brave and your vulnerability and strength is inspiring more women than you know.
To have a baby, infertility does not discriminate.
Many people will need IVF to conceive.
Doctors will need IVF.
Nurses will need IVF.
Lawyers will need IVF.
Teachers will need IVF.
Pastors will need IVF.
Realtors will need IVF.
Bankers will need IVF.
SAHM will need IVF.
Entrepreneurs will need IVF.
Influencers will need mIVF.
Celebrities will need IVF.
Politicians need IVF.
Lesbians will need IVF.
Women with unexplained infertility will need IVF,
Women with prior children will need IVF.
Women who have never tried to get pregnant will need IVF.
Women will need IVF.
When we talk talk about things, we change things.
Thanks to you all who are changing the game.
Xoxo, N.
Sensitive post ahead... You guys, something incredible happened today. We saw a baby and a heartbeat!
To catch up, we had a frozen embryo transfer on the 5th of June. I got positive tests at home from 7days past transfer.
My beta came back at 95 so they got me to do another one 48 hours later. It should have doubled but it only reached 125. We had a scan at 6weeks 5days pregnant and we were only measuring at 5 weeks.
We had a gestational sac, a yolk sac, but no fetal pole and no heartbeat.
So we had to wait 10 days to scan again.
That leads to today. 8weeks and 3days. I went in so resigned to the worst happening but we have a miracle. Our baby is measuring at 8w1d and we saw a strong little heartbeat
Utter shock doesn’t even begin to explain it. I’m so scared and excited. It’s a great day!
I cant actually believe we've made it to day 13 and the test is still positive and dark, after 3 years of IVF and 5years trying to conceive naturally (8years!!!!!) we actually have a positive......I'm still a little anxious but I am soooooo happy right now its unreal Never once thought I would be ringing the hospital this morning with good news!!!! We've still a long way to go but we're just soooooo happy and excited!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ ##ivfjourney #ivfwarrior #ivfsisters #infertilitysucks #pcos #infertility #ivflife #FET #ivf2019 #ivfhelp #strongwomen #pregnancytest #ivfcommunity #wedidit #ivfsupport #ivfstruggles #photooftheday #ivflife #ttccommunity #bfp #ivfbfp #tww #13dp5dt #ivfdiary #ivfgotthis #acupunctureforfertility #myjourney
Jeremy and I have been very open about our infertility journey over the years, BUT we have been keeping a secret lately from everyone... We appreciate all the love, support and prayers we have received over the last few years. After going through over 8 years of infertility, countless doctors appointments and testings, 2 natural pregnancies that resulted in miscarriages and 1 round of IVF that unfortunately resulted in another miscarriage. We are SO excited to announce that we are expecting...TWINS!
Yes, you read that right there are TWO!! Twice the blessings, twice the fun, TWO miracles instead of one!
We couldn’t be more excited and so grateful that God is blessing us with these miracle rainbow babies!
This secret has been a hard one to keep for months, but now that we are out of the 1st trimester and everything is going well, we feel more comfortable sharing this news.
Of course we still have a ways to go and pregnancy after loss is still scary, but we couldn’t wait to share the great news. Please continue to send us prayers, love and positive vibes through the remainder of this pregnancy.
Our house will remain divided during the football season, but we will be joined by a new fan for each of us to have on our side!
Our Bama BOY and Georgia GIRL are due January 2020! P.S.
If you are struggling with infertility, I hope this message doesn’t upset you, but gives you hope! Please know you are not alone in the struggles of infertility and we are here for you, cheering you on and supporting you.
Pregnancy after infertility is a little weird. It took a long time for me to believe this little boy was real, and that really we were going to be parents. I’ve had more ultrasounds than most. I probably took about 30 pregnancy tests- just to be sure the line was getting darker. I heart the heartbeat at 6, 8, and 10 weeks, and then have heard it once a month or more since then. Even the horrendous morning sickness experience still didn’t make me feel confident we’d be parents at the end of this- and because of that I wasn’t getting attached to our baby boy the way I wanted. Through lots of prayer and time, though, things changed. I feel confident we’re going to be meeting our precious, much loved son as soon as next month.
Most days I can still see my toes though ♀️
I included a couple pictures of things we’ve gotten done over the last few days. Forgot to include a picture of the stroller- but that’s set up as well. It’s getting really real around here.
#Ivficsi #ivftransfer #infertility #ivfsupport #ivfcommunity #ivftransfer #ivfwarrior #ivfsisters #infertilityawareness #infertilityjourney #ttcjourney #ttcsupport #miracleshappen #ivfhavefaith #ttccommunity #ttc #ivf #fet #ivfgotthis #pcos #malefactorinfertility #mybaby #wearepregnant #pregnant #34weeks #babyspatz #blessed #34weekspregnant #nursery #nesting
After our egg retrieval, my mature eggs were met with their perfect match & created embryos in a lab. A few weeks have passed & we’ve completed the biopsy & PGS testing... we are now blessed with 6 little EMBRYOS! Little Laws!! Now we wait until my body is ready for FET- frozen embryo transfer. .
It’s been a long road to get to this point & it’s not over yet, but we are so much closer to starting our family! Thank you for all of the check ins, support, prayers, love these past few weeks- it means more than you even know!