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I just arrived in Frankfurt with @aylin_polat
We'll be at the @gymshark pop-up event here this weekend!! Who's going too?
Even though our bus ride here took eight hours it was littt, cause we had the funniest bus driver ever and a bunch of snacks and movies
Looking forward to exploring Frankfurt's vegan food scene and can't wait for the event tomorrow
About the pic: Delicious plate of random ingredients Vegan shoarma, curry sauerkraut, mashed sweet potatoes, avocado, green beans and brussel sprouts
Mooorgen. Fridaaaay. Zwergi und ich sind schon unterwegs. Laufen. Laufen. Laufen. ♀️ Das Homeworkout haben wir auch schon erledigt. Der Freitag läuft. Nur das Frühstück gab's noch nicht. Daher hier die Frühstücksbowl von gestern.
Wer von euch hat denn eigentlich schon mein LowCarb-Knuspermüsli getestet? Wie findet ihr es? Habt ihr es vielleicht sogar abgewandelt? Erzählt doch mal.
#lowcarb #lowcarbgranola #morningmood #lowcarbbreakfast #fitmom #lowcarbfood #fitnessfood #ohnekohlenhydrate #fitfam #fitfamde #healthyfood #momlife #fitnessfood #startyourdayright #abnehmen2019 #afterbabybody #instafoodie #afterbabynutrition #lowcarbgermany #fitfamfood #foodblogger #foodblog #foodblogger_de #fit2019 #healthy2019 #instamom #weightloss
#buonadomenica❤️ amici
Oggi ho deciso di postare la foto del mio brunch fuori casa, una vera coccola, dato che di solito a casa non preparo questo genere di colazioni!
Un mix di dolce e salato, ma scelto sempre con cognizione, senza cibi confezionati ricchi di zuccheri o conservanti.
Pane integrale #senzaglutine con bacon e tacchino,
Yogurt #senzalattosio con frutta fresca,
Semi di chia, semi di zucca e mandorle,
& un caffè americano!
Alla faccia di chi dice che seguire una "dieta" è noioso!
Salat "Kunterbunt"
Perfekt dazu passt der Salat "Kunterbunt" von ℹ food with love.
Dank dem Nicer Dicer von Genius und dem Thermomix ist er ratz fatz gemacht und immer wieder lecker.
❓Was sind eure kleinen Helferlein neben dem TM ❓
Schönen Sonntag noch!
[unbezahlte Werbung]
➡️ @geniusgmbh
#tm5 #tm6 #cookidoo #thermomix #thermomixrezepte #foodwithlove #salat #grillsaison #grillenmitfreunden #griechischersalat #genius #nicerdicer #kunterbunt #sonntag #sunday #barbecue #leckerschmecker #healthyfood #fitfamfood
Today was my 6 yo, Baylor’s first lacrosse game and saying she was pumped would be a vast understatement!! Her enthusiasm was matched only by her daddy’s, who used his kiddo sports coach mentality to asses her motivation and point her towards specific goals + objectives.
While my 8 yo, Rhett is motivated by things like sportsmanship + general love of sports, Bay is more of an instant gratification what’s in it for me gal and will perform for treats + cold hard cash .
So hubs did what any respectable youth sports dad would do and offered her a bounty for goals + recoveries. After approx 32 seconds of game play, Bay ran over to the sideline and informed the crowd she was gonna be rich!
If someone paid me $1 for every time I’ve nailed this reverse sear, Bay and I could go on a shopping spree today! Not bc I have mad skillz, but bc it’s that easy!!! Check out #CEMLreversesear for tips and how to - it’s very forgiving, you just season your steak, cook it at a low temp (200-225 oven works) until it hits about 110 internal temp (leaner cuts or thinner cuts = less cook time), then pull it out, let it rest 5-10 min or longer and then sear it on a hot cast iron or grill 1-2 min on each side. It’ll come out perfectly pink inside with seared + seasoned outside.
This version is paired with roasted veggies (turn up the oven to 410-425 when the steak comes out + toss cut veggies in @chosenfoods avocado or olive oil and seasoning + spread out on a parchment or foil lined baking sheet + toss in oven for 10-15 min, shake the pan and put back in if needed. I like mine crispy so it’s usually 12 min) + a quick salad of greens + veggies + oil, lemon, salt, pepper and garlic and a spoonful of @farmhouseculture kraut. •
#cleaneatingmessylife #reversesear #whatsonmyplate #paleo #lowcarb #lowcarbdiet #keto #ketodiet #ketorecipes #ketogenic #ketogenicdiet #eatclean #eeeeeats #gloobyfood #foodblogfeed #feedfeed #eatingclean #whole30food #lowcarblife #healthyfat #healthyfats #fitfamfood #crossfitfood #lowcarbrecipes #whatsonmyplate #whatsfordinner #eeeats #nomnom #nomnomnom
Rosenkohleintopf mit Kasseler
▶️ Mealprep für morgen!
Der Rosenkohleintopf mit Kartoffeln und Kasseler ist schnell gemacht und ein gutes Essen zum mitnehmen ins Büro
➡️ Cookidoo
#tm5 #tm6 #cookidoo #thermomix #thermomixrezepte #mittagessen #abendessen #rosenkohl #eintopf #gemüse #kartoffeln #bimby #schnellerezepte #mealprep #wwdeutschland #fitfamfood #healthyfood #cleanfood #büroessen
I ❤ Salad. Deswegen gibt's den heute mal wieder zum Abendessen. Habt ihr das herrliche Wetter genossen? Kommt jetzt der richtige Frühling? ☀️ Ich hoffe sehr.
Wünsche euch einen schönen Abend.
#lowcarb #salad #lowcarbdinner #fitmom #lowcarbfood #saladlover #saladday #fitnessfood #ohnekohlenhydrate #fitfam #fitfamde #healthyfood #momlife #fitnessfood #abnehmen2019 #afterbabybody #instafoodie #afterbabynutrition #lowcarbgermany #fitfamfood #foodgasmde #foodblogger #foodblog #foodblogger_de #fit2019 #healthy2019 #instamom #weightloss
Mac N Cheese Monday .
Thanks @eatmusclemac for helping this Mama make crazy days a bit easier. My littles are loving the shells and cheese from Muscle MAC, and I’m all for anything that has added protein and is quick! Daddy & I are fans too ✨
#ad #motherhoodunplugged #lifeasmom #flashesofdelight #letthembelittle #moreplease #fitfamfood #eatmusclemac #parenthood #momgoals #motherhoodunfiltered #yumyum #themagicofchildhood #momtog #childrenofinstagram #targetdollarspot #raedunn #motherhoodinsquares #lovelysquares #candidlife #childhoodmagic #mommyblogger #holdthemoments #kidfoodideas #tlsmaythesquadbewithyou #momofthree #makeitblissful #clickinmoms #liveunscripted