flexibilityclass flexibility flexibilitytraining flexibilitynation flexibilitypost flexibilityprogress flexibilitygoals flexibilityposts flexibilityposts_ flexible flexibilityplanet flexibilitypractice flexibilitytips flexibilitydrills gymnastics гибкость flexible_repost flexibleclub flexiblediet flexiblegirl flexiblegirls flexiblepost flexiblerepost flexibleseating flexibleworking homoflexible inflexibleyogis stretching гибкостьспины гибкостьтела flexibilitydrills
ты моя подруга
мы с тобой друзья
ты такая дура
прямо как и я
Зато честно. -
Подтверждено мамой @katia_murashko -
Thank you Meghan Trainor for your beautiful song we use “Like I’m gonna lose you” -
We are always looking for the new poses, new angles and new perspectives. -
Hope you like it too ☺️
With my life companion @halina_starevich -
♀️Пазлы жизни ♀️ -
Инь и Янь, черное и белое, печаль и радость, разлука и встреча, горечь утрат и сладость приобретения, ночь и день.... -
Многие вещи неразделимы и дополняют друг друга как пазлы в картинке. И, зачастую, без первого невозможно познать второго. -
Надеюсь, чтобы начать ценить жизнь, никому не придется столкнуться лицом к лицу со смертью. Хватит с нас этих половинок вверх дном
Жизнь хороша, как ни крути! -
With @halina_starevich -
Любите ухоженных женщин?
With @halina_starevich
Forward fold flow
This is a flow I put together for todays flexibility theme: the forward fold. We stretched hips, calves and hamstrings for about 30 minutes and then reinforced our new range of motion with this fun flow. Stretching shouldn’t have to be boring!
If you are in Toronto- come for a flexibility/movement class (link in bio) and if not- save this video and try it out after stretching out your posterior chain. Have fun and let me know what you think!
#stretching #flexibility #forwardfold #hamstringstretch #calfstretch
Congratulations to our March student of the month @sepidehmma ❤️
Sepideh started in March and has improved a immense amount and we are so proud of her hard work and dedication.
If you would like the chance to win student of the month use the hashtag #polefitdubaibabe ✨
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☎ 04-5516911 or what’s app +971563877293
polefitdubai@Gmail.com www.polefitdubai.com
#poledancedubai #polefitdubai #polefitnessdubai #poletraining #fitnessmotivation #fitdxb #fitnessdxb #fitnessdubai #aerialsilk #mydubai #dubaitag #dubaipromotion #dubaisale #dubaifitness #dancedubai #dubaimarina #exercisedubai #uaefitnessmovement #uaehealthmovement #flexibility #dubaicircus #flexindubai #aerialsilks #pole #flexibilityclass
Душа просится на море, а тело собирается на работу ♀️
The soul asks for the sea, but the body is going to work. -
With @katia_murashko -
Not the best one, but this is our memory from the sea!
Thank you for the Song @ivanovalerka
Taught the Stretching Class for Splits today at @wild.pole.studio ! Couldn't resist to train by myself after ! I'll teach again next week on Thursday and Saturday a contortion class Focus will be on needle scale ✨
#flexibility #backbend #backflexibility #wildpolestudio #poleteacher #flexible #needlescale #contortion #contorsion #flexibilityclass #poledancer #assouplissement
Παρότι τις δυσκολίες που περνάμε ανά διαστήματα είμαι ευγνώμων που οι χρονιές μου κλείνουν πάντα ευχάριστα και ξεκινάνε δυναμικά... Φέτος όμως ο Θεός μου έκανε το καλύτερο δώρο... Ανυπομονώ λοιπόν να παρω στην αγκαλιά μου το ζουζούνι αυτό που έχω εδώ και 8 μήνες στην κοιλίτσα μου. Μπορεί να με περιορίζει σε πολλά πάνω στην δουλειά μου αλλά είμαι σίγουρη πως και αυτό γίνεται για κάποιο λόγο.
Υ. Γ Δεν παυω να συντηρουμαι όσο βέβαια μπορώ.
#flexibilitytraining #flexibility #flexibilityclass #frontssplits #splits #8monthspregnant #keeptraining #keepflexing #thebestgift #newlife #babyloading #happierthanever #poleflamedanceacademy #alwayshappy