evolutionofyoga physicaltherapy movement yoga movementculture anatomyandphysiology biomechanics mobility fascia fluidus anatomytrains evolutionofmovement movementpractice physiotherapy yogapractice backbend elasticity fascialtraining spinalhealth tensegrity tensionalbalance flow fluidusevolution fluidusmethod movewell naturalmovement alignment anklemobility bali baliyoga carlostaomovement
The Evolution Of Vinyasa Yoga - Introducing the Inside Flow.
Music is the driving, force behind Inside Flow, framing an entire sequence to create an integrated, melodic experience.
Lead by the universal language of music you gently move from one posture to another. Modern music supports you to synchronize movement and breath to tap into an internal rhythm and enter into a trance-like, meditative flow.
This “3.0 evolution of Vinyasa Yoga” creates wonderfully amusing and warming connection to your heart!
Everything flows with the music - Your Yoga, Your Heart!
P.S. Sorry due to copyright issues, am not allowed to post a full sequence, can only do it in classes. ♀️ Namaste!
#evolutionofyoga #insideflow #vinyasaflow #modernmusic #meditativeflow #flowingwithmusic
7 years ago and now.
The boss still the awesome boss.
Yoga potato still a yoga potato
We are still looking young and great right?
Words can't express my feelings now.
♥️Thank you boss, for everything♥️
#vikasa #vikasayoga #evolutionofyoga #theboss #yogapotato #feelamazing #gratitude #7yearschallenge #wegrewupalittlebit #day28
Bodyweight leg exercise is vital for long term health of the hips and knees.
Squatting and deadlifting will always be the best way to build strength in the main muscle groups of the lower body, but if you only train basic movement patterns, you're still leaving yourself at risk of injury in the long run.
Cossack squats are a phenomenal movement to mobilize the hips and hamstrings, strengthen the quads and adductors , and stabilize the knee joint.
Here are 4 variations of the Cossack squat ranging from easiest to hardest (swipe left). I like to mix Cossack squats in with other movement patterns and body weight leg exercises like pistol squats (last video).
Try it without weights first. If your focus is to build strength and flexibility in the inner thigh, try to keep the foot flat on the floor. If you want to stretch and strengthen the hamstrings (or don't have enough ankle mobility yet) point the toes upward. Only go as deep as is comfortable at first. As you gain mobility you will be able to roll the straight leg flat onto the ground.
Mix some Cossack squats into your next leg day! Tag someone you want to try these with!
And please leave any questions or comments below.
Thanks for the AMA question @lukachupi. Let me know if this helps!
✨ W A V E S ✨
Enjoy the waves, the ripples, the torrents, the storms
enjoy the silence, the sighs,
the changes, the growth
Endure the doubts, the tears,
the lack, the troubles
endure the anger, the trials,
the anguish, the sadness
You are the storm, you are the calm, you are everything, you see.
Spine exploration with tensegrity. Unraveling the spine for awareness and control. Ride the wave, be the wave.
#spinalwaves #movement #makewaves #ripple #spinalawareness #mobility #tensegrity #fascia #tension #yoga #fluidus #evolutionofyoga #biomechanics #poetry
❤️ What is the reason you train?
Our physical fitness is closely tied to our mental drive. Many of us find extrinsic motivations to be fit like cutting for beach season, or proving ourselves in a competition, but these motivations come and go, and with it so does our motivation.
When we find an intrinsic motivation to be well and move, that is when we set ourselves on a lifelong journey of continuous growth and sustained health.
Everyone’s intrinsic motivations will be different. For me, using my body is a spiritual experience. The more I discover about my body, the deeper I can go within my mind, and the more I know my true self. For me, feeling my heart beating in a backbend or holding a handstand for even a few seconds brings me complete focus, power, and peace. The self discovery as a result of my practice is my ultimate motivation to continue training.
You don’t need to do a handstand to find that focus. Often we find it simply in the breath. Some people find it when they run, some when they swing a tennis racket, some when they dance... the point is to find what that movement or activity is for you... and practice... everyday.
While everyone’s practice is different, finding one that creates a sense of intrinsic motivation comes down to two things:
1. Finding an activity you enjoy, that helps you focus the mind, and go deeper within yourself.
2. Practicing that activity everyday and falling in love with the journey, not a destination.
Explore movements you enjoy, that bring you focus, power, and peace. Then practice them everyday. Motivation will come naturally... no amount of extrinsic motivation could compare to the creative power you have within.
My next blog post, publishing this Monday, is about the greatest WHY there is.... why do you get out of bed in the morning? Why are you here? What is it that you were meant to do and how do you find it?
Thanks for the great AMA @eitanbakesbread . Let me know if this helps! .
What is the movement/activity that brings you focus, power, and peace? Comment below!
“In a society that profits from your self-doubt, loving yourself is a rebellious act.”
It helps to cultivate the ability to see the brightness in others, and to have others in your life who can reflect your brightness back to you. .
It helps to prioritize self-care. It helps to follow that up with delighting in caring for others. It helps when @gitanadelmarbeachresort and their staff make you feel like a #queen. #selfesteemselfie #selfiesteem #selfesteemie (credit @yoner for that hashtag) #haha ❤️
❤️ Calisthenics helps us discover how the body works.
I learned first hand how lifting heavy before understanding proper movement patterns engrains bad habits into our mind-body and leads to injury down the road.
Learn how your body moves most effectively before you try to build lots of strength. You wouldn't try to build a house on a foundation of mud.
Do you practice a form of calisthenics? Comment below!
Working on breathing through Scorpion pose
We often forget the most important aspect of yoga practice in backbends: the breath. It can be hard to continue breathing while the stomach is under tension. When we find the point when it becomes tough to breathe this is usually where we should stop going deeper.
Backbends can be very dangerous if not approached with caution and a lot of preparatory asanas/movements. If the muscles of the posterior are not warm and properly contracting, and the anterior is not loosened, we are putting the spine as serious risk of injury. Always ensure to bend from the thoracic spine (upper back) and not the lumbar spine (lower back). Keep the glutes engaged to open the hip flexors and tension out of the lumbar.
Before any deep backbends, work your way up with smaller bends. Slowly open up towards your peak posture and remember to continue breathing through the entire practice.
Listen closely to your breath. It will tell you when you go deeper and when to stop. In any posture, the breath is your greatest teacher.
What is your favourite backbend posture? Comment below!
♂️ Thanks to everyone who made it to today's class!
It was such a pleasure to host the JFWELL.COM launch class today... There was such great energy in the room and I genuinely had fun teaching and practicing with you all.
If you weren't able to make the class or arent living in Samui, not to worry! Free online classes are coming soon, including a modified version of our hip & hamstring openers sequence from today. Stay tuned!
My next class is going to be restorative yoga and meditation! Let me know what other sequences/types of classes you'd like to see in the comments below!
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