grade2 teachersofinstagram grade1 teacher teacherlife teachersfollowteachers punkrock architecture artclass artlatrobeprimary artroom biliran community createtogether creative creativekids happy interiordesign iteachsecond iteachtoo lines love pattern patterndesign poolparty punkrockbowling repeatpattern school seton sanatakademisi
Going back to my roots for my April @Youtube video - this is Rêverie by Marcel Grandjany, which I first performed for my Grade 2 exam when I was 8! We shot this after the Song of Healing last month at @InSoundStudios, and once we'd finished up with that, @pqleyr just said to me, hey, play something else! And it got me thinking back to my earliest days playing with my first teacher's harp group on a Saturday morning, where everyone would play a "party piece," or just, a solo of your choice. I've talked before about my Memory Bank, and it's full of pieces like this - daydreaming, contemplating, meaningful. So here's to the OG daydream - I may have been playing it for 20 years but this piece never ages a day to me. .
This video was paid for by my lovely patrons on @Patreon. Full video link in my bio!
#harp #harpist #amyturk #amyturkharp #music #musicvideo #youtube #classical #marcelgrandjany #study #daydream #reverie #classicalmusic #grades #grade2
I feel I was meant to see this today!!! #secondgrade #iteach #iteach2nd #iteachsecond #iteach2ndgrade #grade2 #artsmagnet #teacherbesties #publicschool #targetdollarspot #targetteachers #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers #teacherlife #igteachers #irunoncoffee #teachersneedcoffee #teacherlife
Ta-da! My pencil solution Flexible seating has made the pencil situation Kids were constantly getting new pencils since they couldn’t store them in their desks and one kid had 35 pencils in his cubby I found this pencil organizer from @organizemore and gave each student two pencils labeled with their name that live in their two slots when they are not being used. It’s the perfect new system for us with #earthday right around the corner- no more wasted pencils!
my little pocket rocket •
Wow how amazing is my little 14.2hh pony absolutely SOARING grade 1 and 2 XC I’m so lucky ❤️
#murraydalelodgerayningamber #6yo #palomino #eventer #eventing #XC #CC #CrossCountry #grade1 #grade2 #scope #bold #confident #schooling #quaterhorse #qh #pony #horse #horseofinstagram #horseofalifetime
My favorite part of the course from the seminar with Veronika Herendy last week
#sheltie #shetlandsheepdog #sheltiesofinstagram #sheltiegram #tricolor #tricolorsheltie #germansheltie #mii #grade2 #biblack #biblacksheltie #czechsheltie #dizzy #grade3 #dogs #agilitydogs #agility #sheltielover #teamluxembourg #nationalteamluxembourg #lovetorun #borntorun #runfastthinkfaster
ラテ、実はパテラ(膝蓋骨脱臼)の手術を受け、無事に終了しました。通称パテラとは小型犬に発症することの多い関節の病気です。命に関わるような病気ではないけれど高齢になった時に悪化し痛みが出る可能性が高いとのことで、ラテには痛みもなさそうで症状といえば時々後ろ足でケンケンするくらいではありましたが両後ろ足の手術を決断しました。今までうちにいたワンコは皆小型犬だったのでパテラのことは知ってはいたものの、まさかうちのラテがなるとは 元々すべりにくいフローリングを使っていた我が家でしたが、ラテのために新たにマットを敷きました 術後も2週間入院が必要とのことで、ラテは今も入院中です 手術から1週間経てば面会も可能だそうですがまだお散歩もできないし顔を見に行くだけで一緒に帰れないのはかえってかわいそうかと思い、やめておくことにしました しばらくラテに会えなくてさびしいな
#パテラ #膝蓋骨脱臼 #しつがいこつだっきゅう #パテラ手術 #グレード2 #マルチーズ #1歳6ヶ月
#patella #patellarluxation #patellardislocation #patellasurgery #grade2 #maltese