handstandlove handstand handstandpractice handstands handstand365 calisthenics yoga handstandnation streetworkout fitness handstandeveryday handbalance handstandeverywhere workout upsidedown handstandchallenge balance handstandpushups inversion training handbalancing love motivation planche yogagirl yogainspiration yogalove beastmode gymnastics handstanding
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@calisthenics_fam_ @road.to.planche @motivatematecalisthenics @calisthenics_lifestyle @handstandnation @annearellano_ @coachbachmann @calisthenics.crew.official @leikarts @calisterss @calisthenicfamily @calisthenics.worldwide @calisthenics_and_streetworkout @workoutslava
#handstandtraining #handstandpractise #handstandlove #calisthenicsworkout #dsworkout #mutantclan #barstarzz #motivation #motivationworkout #teamlaizans #teamortizsw #barworkouts #barbars #воркаут24 #workout #frontlever #yogahandstand #handstandseveryday #workoutphoto #Workout24 #calisthenics_only #calisthenics_best #calisthenics_athletes #calisthenics_only #calisthenics_best #calisthenics_athletes
There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve...the fear of failure!!!
Trying and not achieving should never be considered failure.The only thing that should be considered failure is being so paralyzed by fear that you never take any action!
Working on my lift up from #lsit to #pikepress handstand with the assistance of a #resistanceband ...it’s sooo hard
I don’t know if i will ever be able to lift up but i will surely keep trying, because i am stubborn and because that’s what i am doing all my life...#nevergiveup
@gymnasticbodies @thegymnasticscourse @calisthenicsschool
#AD Who else feels like this when learning a handstand?! .
Flicking through social media it can feel like everyone is up there floating in a handstand when the reality is, it looks more like this...!
You’ll be pleased to know it’s completely normal to be falling regularly and if your handstand practice is looking something like this, you’re actually winning...
It’s not about ‘not failing’ but about carrying on anyway, even when things aren’t quite going to go plan.
Today is your chance to share your own “Naked” moment. The person with the best story will win a MONTHS supply of refreshing @NakedJuiceUK packed full of Vitamin C.
Tag me and share your #PowerfulYou Naked moment below to win. Winner picked at random and notified by Instagram, DM.
Head to my stories today to see me turning some of those daily struggles around.
#PowerfulSmoothie #PowerfulYou
Share the best knock-knock joke you know I'm posting the funniest one in my story!
#gymnastique #dancelife #dancephotography #instagood #gymnast #handstand #backflexibility #lifeisbetterupsidedown #handstandchallenge #handstandeveryday #handstand365 #handstandpractice #handstandlove #handbalance #romania #bucharest
Choose your passion, follow your heart, give your best and success will follow!!!
I thought i would never be able to lift up from #titthibasana to handstand , but while i was checking that transition a couple of days ago it just happened...just like that...like magic!There are no words to describe my surprised and so happy face afterwards
That’s why i strongly believe that you should definitely fall in love with the process, fall in love with the journey and the result will eventually come!!!
And another surprise is that i just saw my dear friend @sirisyoga practicing the exact same transition and she is soooo close to achieve it!she has such an amazing practice❤️!I think we #ashtangis have a very intimate connection and support for each other❤️
@gymnasticbodies @gymnasticsshoutouts @yogafeature @howtopracticeyoga @handstandnation
When ever I am making up exercises and workouts for our @coachbachmann page I always questions myself if the routines will actually bring the results I am expecting. Are the routines safe and healthy? How could I adapt exercises and movement patterns to make them more accessible for everybody and more efficient? .
Last night I was at the gym filming exercises for a Mexican handstand tutorial that we will soon release on YouTube. This time I can be absolutely sure that it is working! Swipe to see my Mexican handstand just a couple weeks ago. Not too shabby but absolutely uncomparable to the one I did after a couple days of trying, programming and filming. .
One could argue that after the filming I was just super warmen ans properly stretched. Even than. It clearly is working!
Stay tuned for the full post coming soon.
What do you guys want to learn next? Comment your tutorial ideas below!! #circuseverydamnday
#handstands #handstandeverywhere #handstandeverydamnday #handstandsaroundtheworld #lifeupsidedown #functionalstrength #handstandnation #handstanding #circusaroundtheworld #calisthenicstraining #handstand365 #handbalancing #inversion #inversionjunkie #handstandlove #handstandpractice #circusaroundtheworld #circusarts #bodyweightexercises #calisthenicsworkout #strengthtraining #crossfit #yoga #yogachallenge #calisthenics
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AHOJ LETNÍ PRÁZDNINY! Mám ráda letní náladu. Je to pro mě druh meditace. Všechno jde pomalu. Lidé mají více času jen tak relaxovat a dělat věci společně. Je to ideální čas pro návštěvu nových míst a poznání nových lidí. Jaké jsou vaše plány na toto léto? -
HELLO SUMMER HOLIDAYS! I love summer mood. It’s kind of meditation for me. Everything is going slowly. People have a more time for chill and do things together. It’s prefect time to see new places and meet new people. What’re your plans for this summer? •
#yogatravel #travelyogi #yogaeverywhere
Missing those Miami night! #takemeback @11miami @11theatrics #circuseverydamnday
#aerialstraps @usaerial #usaerials #handstandeverydamnday #handstandsaroundtheworld #lifeupsidedown #functionalstrength #handstandnation #handstanding #circusaroundtheworld #calisthenicstraining #handstand365 #handbalancing #inversion #inversionjunkie #handstandlove #handstandpractice #circusaroundtheworld #circusarts #bodyweightexercises #calisthenicsworkout #strengthtraining #crossfit #yoga #yogachallenge #calisthenics