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The weekend is getting closer! Do you have a sewing to do list yet? .
#isew #learningtosew #learntosew #sew #sewing #fashionacademy #garmentconstruction #isewmyclothes #handmadeclothing #makeyourownwardrobe #aspiringfashiondesigner #fashionstudy #justkeepsewing #sewinglessons #happysewing #sewing101 #imakemyownclothes #sewingproject #patterndraftingclass #sewingaddict #fashiondesignerlife #sewingnotions #sewersofinstagram
Master slopers are incredibly important in the development of designs. Without these blocks you won’t be able to bring your designs to life especially when it comes to getting creative with sleeves and couture dressmaking. ✂️
The next course I’m currently working on is Draping 101: From Basic Dress to Master Slopers. .
Be sure to get on my VIP list to get notified when the course will be released. Link in bio to get on my list! .
#sewingtips #isew #learningtosew #learntosew #sew #sewing #sewingpatterns #garmentconstruction #isewmyclothes #handmadeclothing #makeyourownwardrobe #aspiringfashiondesigner #fashionstudy #sewinglessons #diydress #sewingproblems #happysewing #imakemyownclothes #fashioneducation #sewingtime #sewingproject #sewersofinstagram #paperpattern #dressmakingschool
#cabinpeaksquilt - step 3️⃣
Still adding new pieces to this addictive . Im just following Fran’s next pattern instructions and I love how it turns ! @cottonandjoy .
#artgalleryfabrics #happysewing #quiltersofinstagram #modernquilt #patterntesting
heute: 13 Grad, Regen und Sonne im ständigen Wechsel. ♀️ vor einer Woche: 28 Grad, strahlender Sonnenschein und Strand das war schon echt schön, im warmen Sand sitzend einen Teil meines Juli- Tutorials für euch zu fotografieren ☀️
und wie perfekt meine Projekttasche in diese Kulisse passt!? damit hat Sandra @hohenbrunnerquilterin bei einem #küstenkind wie mir ja genau ins getroffen |werbung ohne auftrag| diese Tasche hier habe ich geschenkt bekommen die Anleitung findet ihr bei Sandra aufm Blog ach ja und den #12blöckejuli denn bei mir der direkte Link ist im Profil für euch hinterlegt❣️
#nähenverbindet #nähenistliebe #6köpfe12blöcke #quiltersofinstagram #happysewing #allieandmedesign #summertime #summersewing #englishpaperpiecing #lifeisbetteratthebeach im #landzwischendenmeeren #bimituhus #imherzenbarfuss
Taking inventory and double checking the supplies needed for course 2. Every time I think I’m done I end up remembering something! The only thing not shown that’s necessary for the course is a Dress Form. .
You can see all of these supplies and more if you click on the “Recommended Shop Supplies” link in my bio. .
The stack of patterns shown is what you will be creating from the Draping 101 course! ✂️
Get on my email list (link in my bio) if you’d like to be notified when this course launches! .
#sewingtips #isew #learningtosew #learntosew #sew #sewing #garmentconstruction #isewmyclothes #handmadeclothing #makeyourownwardrobe #aspiringfashiondesigner #fashionstudy #justkeepsewing #happysewing #imakemyownclothes #sewingisfun#fashioneducation #sewingtime #sewingproject #sewingaddict #sewingnotions #sewersofinstagram #dressmakingschool #fashionacademy #paperpattern
SELAM ARKADAŞLAR NASILSINIZ? UMARIM HERKESİN KEYFİ YERİNDEDİR? ..... BU MODEL BLUZÜ KIZ KARDEŞİM @bizimkiz72 ÇOK SEVDİĞİ İÇİN DİKTİM. BENCE ÇOK YAKIŞTI. CANIM BENİM GÜLE GÜLE GİY KARDEŞİM KALIP BİLGİSİ: @dilemyayinlari GÜLER ERKAN MODA DERGİSİ #offshouldertop #omzuaçıkbluz #madonnayaka #kendimdiktim #instafashionist #dikisiseviyorumcollection #dikişdikmekmutlueder #happysewing